My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 205: The powerful Leviathan is second!

Roar roar! ! !

Just then, Leviathan's roar came again from the sea.

At the next moment, a huge wave was set up across the sea, and the mighty tide was even lined up on the island of Xianshen, causing the island to sway slightly. Obviously, Leviathan did not find the existence to wake himself up Losing his temper.

Thinking of the long door between them, he heard Leviathan's roar, and immediately raised his eyebrows.

A long gate with psychic properties, which can communicate with all things in the world, even if the target is Leviathan without its own unique language. Because of this, the red-haired boy heard from Leviathan ’s voice. The only vocabulary--


After hearing this meaning, Nagato once again focused his eyes on the giant body of four kilometers long on the sea, and looked at the other party's tsunami, which turned up and down, and his face was quite strange:

"Because you can't find an angry target, are you going to destroy everything and destroy everything around you? In other words, this big guy's temper is not too small!"

After understanding Leviathan's thoughts, Nagato was suddenly amused, and a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes!

At this moment, the monster Leviathan moved again!

I saw that he turned his head to the direction of Xianshen Island closest to him.

Called the pectoral fin is really a part of the oversized Leviathan flesh, cut open the sea surface and float up.

The surface of the fin, which is about the size of an oil tanker, has several deep holes like whale fumaroles, surrounded by a group of blue fish scales, which shine like one after another like an electronic circuit.

The dazzling magical glory is accumulating in the depths of the cave, just like it is loaded with huge shells-

"Damn !!!"

After seeing Leviathan's movements, there were overlapping female voices in the demon giant, and he saw the red moonlight lingering on the giant, instantly appearing between the string **** island and Leviathan, waving the 100-meter giant sword in his hand!

boom! ! !

At this moment, Leviathan broke out a huge giant cannon with a thickness of 100 meters, and bombarded on the island of the string god, and the giant sword that defended the giant demon on the island of the string **** violently happened. Of collision.

After a violent collision, the demon giant was blasted upside down, directly mounted on the enchantment on the string **** island!

The giant sword from the beast of the fourth true ancestor also broke the hypnosis given by the long door because of this collision. The form was automatically dispelled by magic, and the consciousness returned to the fourth true ancestor instantly.

Despite this, Leviathan's attack was offset by the demon giant!

Roar! ! !

Seeing that his attack was actually interrupted, Leviathan growled angrily, and then attacked again, this time from a place in Leviathan's giant sinking under the sea, shooting a fry-like object.

The total number is more than one hundred.

The fry dragged out the trajectory of white bubbles and rushed to Xianshen Island at a terrifying speed. The unhesitating march under the sea surface is exactly like a torpedo attacking an enemy ship.


"Huh, in front of me, this will not work!"

At this moment, the figure of the red-haired boy seemed to be transient in the moonlight and appeared on the enchantment above the string **** island. The whole person turned into red light and merged into the enchantment. At the next moment, the entire guardian enchantment seemed to be Come alive.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

In the continuous roar, the crimson moonlight frantically converged on the enchantment of Xianshen Island. In an instant, six mechanical dragon heads completely condensed from the crimson moonlight appeared out of thin air. Six laser guns instantly bombarded the sea and swept Let's go!

Boom! ! !

All the fish burst completely under the sweep of these six lasers, and the resulting explosion seemed to lift the entire sea. A large amount of seawater flew up to the sky, and it turned into a little red under the shine of the red moon. Water droplets fall.

As far as vision is concerned, beautiful!

However, Leviathan does not appreciate such beautiful scenery.

The mythical monster, who was angry and angry, released a new attack for the third time.

Numerous cyan shadows shot out of the huge body of biological weapons into the air.

Those shadows portrayed a beautiful parabola, accelerating towards the surface of the sea, and the scene was reminiscent of the posture of the seabirds on the back of the whale flying together.

But what landed toward the sea was not something like a seabird.

That is a biological missile flying at high speed.

"Humph, hateful!"

The giant demon giant who stood up from the enchantment was preparing to shoot, but found that his body turned into red light in such an impact, and ten witches landed under the protection of the red light.

"Body, body can't move"

Under the protection of the crimson light, Xiandu Mu Aye felt her state at this time, a little unwilling.

For the first time to manipulate such a powerful power of the devil giant, even if ten people shared it, but for the witches, this has also reached the limit, at this time they have completely lost their fighting power.

Roar! ! !

When the demon giant lost its power, the six mechanical dragons stretched out for the first time, and together with the witch, wrapped the entire string of God Island. Obviously, the six mechanical dragons did not intend to attack.

Boom! ! !

In this way, biological missiles bombarded outside the guard circle of the mechanical dragon head, the roar of the distance continued, as if the endless attack poured out frantically, the entire Xianshen Island appeared uninterrupted shaking under such an attack.

The power and variety of Leviathan's firepower are rare in the world!

As the time passed slowly for three minutes, Leviathan's firepower was not weakened, and it was even increasing. It was terrifying. In order to resist the attack of this Warcraft, the enchantment continued to absorb moonlight, which was not broken. .

"Broken Dragon !!!"

At this moment, a dark crack appeared in the sky, and the purple-haired girl came out of the crack, without a word, facing Leviathan was the strongest sword, and in an instant, the scorching tornado from **** was on the sea. The explosion broke out on Leviathan ..

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