My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 207: Roaring Thunder Dragon is fourth!

Under the rain of magic bullets, it was fragmented and even collapsed on the glacier battlefield.

When the red-haired teenager took the hand of the girl in white and light gauze, wandering out in the ripples of the space, all the women who were concerned about the battlefield were suddenly in the heart, and the reverberating roar on the battlefield did not seem to shake anymore. Ears.

"Welcome back, Master Fujun! Also"

When Nagato and Saya appeared, Duodao Mengzi froze for a moment, then looked at the hands that Nagato and Saya held each other, and politely said, "Sister Saya, sorry, this time I am miscalculated."

"Yo, are you back?"

Compared to the perfect etiquette of Mengzi, Huang Quan is much more casual, although Huang Quan also paused for a while when he saw the long door holding Shaye ’s hand. Perhaps this is the difference between the two girls with dark traits.

"Well, I'm back!"

Nodded to the two women, the long door let go of Saya's hand, took a step, looked directly at the giant mythical monster, and spoke again, "Mother, you haven't answered my question, why? Do n’t try to put Leviathan in hell. "

"Dark Dao is not big enough!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Miko didn't hesitate to interface.

Although Hell's **** can indeed hold Leviathan, and can even be wiped out with the power of the Lord of Hell, but She knows more clearly that the underworld path he draws is limited, at least Leviathan can't pretend to be Go in.

If you forcefully use this method, it may have a big impact on the future growth of your hell.

"Oh, very good. It seems that you have not been defeated by the god-killers who did not admit defeat, even disregarding all the forces for victory!

Hearing the words of Mozi, Nagato smiled indifferently and said softly:

"It's not that the character of killing the gods is not good, and the **** killers can accomplish the great cause of killing the gods. I have to say that this character was built, but after all, you are different from those who kill the gods, you always have me as a backing."

"Understood, Master Jun!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Yezi's eyes flashed differently and responded with a smile, while Huang Quan and Saye, who stood beside them, also blinked. Obviously, the words of Nagato made these girls feel good many.

"Okay, Leviathan will hand it over to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the long door stepped out, and came not far away in front of Leviathan. Under the shine of the red moon, the blood of the true ancestor began to boil. The strong sense of existence directly made Leviathan perceive his presence.

Roar! ! !

Faced with such a strong presence as Nagato, Leviathan almost didn't think about it, and a large number of biological missiles broke out, turning into a bird and besieging towards the Nagato, trying to kill the Nagato's existence.

Perhaps the supply of the Dragon Vessel is enough. This time the samples of the biological missile are all a highly agile biological missile.


"Dragon Vein is not wasted for you!"

In the face of the incoming biological missile, Nagato did n’t even care, just said so softly, the figure of the red-haired boy at the next moment was like a phantom, directly passed through the encircling circle of the biological missile, and appeared in Leviathan ’s Body.

"I'll cut you off from the Dragon's Sin!"

I do n’t know when the brilliant red brilliant sword appeared in the hands of Nagato. I saw that the red-haired boy suddenly held the sword handle and struck Leviathan with a sword. The wound was not deep on the physical level, but Jianyi flowed deep into Leviathan's body.

Click! ! !

At this moment, the silent crisp sound spread, and Leviathan's connection with the Dragon Vessel was cut off!

At this moment, Nagato felt the gratitude of the earth and was used by Leviathan so unscrupulously to use the power of the dragon veins. If the earth has the will, I believe that this is a very bad experience for the earth.

Roar roar! ! !

After losing the power of the dragon veins, Leviathan's breath suddenly weakened by more than one chip. Although it was still so huge, at least it did not give people a problem that could not be overcome at all.

Therefore, the fierce beasts from the mythological era are completely angry!

In an instant, hundreds of tracking missiles burst out and bombarded towards the Nagato, but the red-haired boy didn't care much. The whole person seemed to lose gravity and directly attached to the airflow on the tracking missile, Ling Yunzhi on--

"It's time to end you, Leviathan!"

"Just let you be the sacrifice for the birth of my fifth dependent beast, in the name of my crimson moon"

In the loud call, the figure of Nagato became higher and higher, almost overlapping with the crimson moon in the sky in the sight of others. He seemed to be the crimson moon that covered the sky!

Unlike other beams of light at this time, the situation this time is that the endless red light gathers in the sky and surrounds the long gate!

When the incoming tracking missile touched the almost fluid moonlight, it actually solidified in the air. As the fluid moonlight passed, the missiles were disintegrated by some mysterious force and merged into the fluid, letting The crimson light surrounding the long gate is even more dazzling!

"Connect with humanity!"

Standing in the endless red awn, the true ancestor inside the long door is boiling, the will of the red-haired boy leaps at this moment, and suddenly he comes to a door in his own spiritual world.

Without any hesitation, the long door gently opened the door, and the endless thunder appeared in front of him

And the tea-haired little girl standing in the thunder!

Almost instantly, the Nagato consciousness returned, and the endless thunder broke out from the red-haired boy. The blue thunder was rendered in the red mansions, turning into a red thunder, flashing the entire sky!

"Birth, my fifth beast, the roaring dragon!"

With the last call of Nagato, the scarlet Thunder completely annihilated it, and soon, a stronger breath burst out of the Thunder!

Roar roar! ! !

At the next moment, a sudden dragon chanting spread across the sky, and I saw that in the red thunder where the long gate was, a divine dragon with crimson metal skin was tumbling and jumping, it seemed to be celebrating his birth! ..

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