My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 209: Abel and obliterate the first!

"Huh, it's terrible!"

"I didn't expect such a terrible existence in this era!"

It is very far away from the area of ​​Xianshen Island. On the sea level where the crimson moon cannot shine, the broken carrier carrying the fourth true ancestor did not know when, but it appeared here across the endless space.

Standing on the bow of the aircraft carrier, Xiaoya City looked at the sky-striking sword of heaven punishment with complex expression and admiration!


Having said that, Xiaoya City looked at the big pit not far from his side. The sleeping young man flashed a complex meaning in his eyes and could not help but sigh softly:

"Even the world's care has been consumed cleanly. The most important thing is that the fundamental mark of the girl of the fourth true ancestor is no longer there. It really makes people wonder what to say."

"Isn't this normal?"

At this moment, the sudden voice echoed suddenly, so that the golden eyes of Xiaoya City shrank!

Afterwards, he saw on the other side of the deck, I do n’t know when a girl in white gauze appeared, walking in light footsteps, the leisurely posture, as if patrolling his back garden, appeared extra dust .

"Xiao Gucheng is indeed a man of heaven and earth, but"

Wandering to the front of Xiaoya City, Shaye said one word at a time, "No matter who it is, as long as it is in front of me, he will be crushed into scum by my strength!"

"This is declaring war?"

After being silent for a while, Xiaoyacheng said.

"No, this is a warning!"

Without any hesitation, Saya said indifferently, "Of course, if you want to understand that it is a declaration of war, after all, you have this arrogant qualification, the ancestor of mankind-Abel!"

Sayah's words seemed to be thundering, causing Xiaoya City's pupils to contract violently, and her body was filled with golden magic. It was so strong that the extreme pressure burst out and pressed against the girl in white gauze.

In this pressure, there is even a hidden pressure from the depths of human blood, but all humans here will be affected.

However, such coercion is almost equivalent to nothing for Saya, and it does not make the girl a little bit moved.


Seeing that his coercion wasn't effective against Saya, Xiaoya City took a deep breath and then exhaled. Then he slowly said, "How do you know, my existence is definitely not recorded in any history."

Xiaoya City, or Abe, the ancestor of human beings in Xiaoya City, looked deeply at Saya, as if to see through each other.

"How to say, Saya, just returned from God Realm!"

Looking at the human ancestors who were extremely alert to him, Saya chuckled and did not cover up such a sentence, suddenly letting this human ancestor blurt out in surprise-

"That place has not completely collapsed!"

"Almost, the breakdown of God Realm has entered the countdown." nodded indifferently, Saya turned and walked towards the end of the deck, when passing through the ancient city of Xiao, there was no trace of stay.

"Abel, I just wanted to tell you this time that the fact that you brought Leviathan made the Nagato brother very uncomfortable. So the next time I meet, the Nagato brother will probably kill you by hand!"

"Before that, you must restore your strength, otherwise, it will be a bit boring."

As soon as the words fell, the girl's figure disappeared abruptly, without even a single sign, making Able, who is absolutely knowledgeable, a little stunned, and then noticed something, Abel showed a little The meaning of bitter smile.

"Are people of this age so powerful?"

"I'm never strong, I can only describe it as tenacious!"

Some barely stood up from the ground. Yaze Kisuki looked at his friend's father with a complex face. The conversation between Abel and Saya was not concealed from him just now. It was precisely because of this that he felt a headache.

Xiaoya City is actually the ancestor of mankind-Abel!

Yaze Kisuki found out, what a friend is the fourth true ancestor and a Cain witch, which is more shocking than the situation in front of him. Forget it, let it be handled by the Lion King.

The radar boy with headphones thought so irresponsibly.

"Stubbornness is also a kind of power, my child!"

Looking at Yaze Kishu, Abel said indifferently, and then said, "You are awake, and I will give it to you. I have not fully awakened. I will continue to sleep for a while. , I will appear. "

As soon as the words fell, Abel, or Xiaoyacheng, collapsed to the ground.

It is also very far away from Xianshen Island, a small uninhabited island where the crimson moonlight cannot shine.

At this time, a large number of orcs gathered on the island. They were watching the sky-striking sword light at the end of the sky, feeling the breath of judgment exuding from there. A few orcs were trembling.

"Damn, why is it so powerful, obviously it is just a humble vampire!"

"Obviously our beast talents are the best individuals in the Devil Race!"

Feeling the power that he could not match, and then looking at the performance of his partners, the orc leader who served as the leader was angry and annoyed, and the fierce breath of the whole person continued to diffuse.

"If this is the case, don't say" the snipe clams fight, the fishermen get the benefit "!"

"Go, it's just to die!"

Some screamed unwillingly, the orc leader rushed directly over, deliberately overturned all the string islands, and all human alliances, but the cruel reality prevented his impulse, however-

Boom! ! !

The sudden roaring sound suddenly passed from above, which surprised the orcs. At this time, the beasts found that a huge aircraft was hovering in the sky, and the aircraft door was opening.

Ji Yuxue and Huang Saka Saiya are standing at the door of the aircraft, and they are actually in a high position——

"I finally found you!"

"The rules of dawn, but whoever shows hostility, wipe out everything!"

"So, the general, orcs!" ..

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