My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 217: Vatra's hole card is fourth!

"Hah, do you think you can really devour me?"

Was not moved by Vatara ’s almost words of love, Zhenzu ’s red eyes fixed on the opposite vampire, sneered and said, "The difference between Zhenzu and the vampire is heaven and earth, and I ’m not Newbie. "

Indeed, there seems to be only one class gap between the true ancestors and the vampire elders.

But the difference between a vampire elder who has one or two drops of blood or a very small part of the true ancestor and the true ancestor is indeed very large. It is already a great miracle that Vatra can attack the vampire elder with the vampire of the old era.

Against the true ancestor with the vampire of the old era?

If anyone knows this, the first reaction is to laugh at it!

Having said that, Xiao Gu City did not show any care for this, because at this time it had been more than ten seconds before the enchantment of the High God ’s Du was broken, but the defense power of the High God ’s Du did not have any starting power. .

At this time, Xiao Gucheng felt a little bad, so he didn't dare to carelessly!

"Hah, how to say, ancient city!"

Hearing Xiao Gu's words, a very interesting smile also appeared on Vatra's face, "If you are still that rookie ancestor, I really dare not shoot you, Gu Cheng!"

"The so-called vampire is a creature with blood!"

"Their will is incorporated into the blood. As long as the blood does not run out, under normal circumstances, vampires are immortal. The reason why the lower vampires cannot swallow the upper vampires is because when the blood merges, the will will be pressing!"

"So, the question is coming!"

Speaking of which, a dangerous smile appeared on Vatra's face, "If the will contained in the blood of the upper vampire is continuously weakened to a certain extent, can it be swallowed by the lower vampire!"


Hearing Vatra's words, Xiaogu's pupil suddenly shrank, and he seemed to think of something, his face changed greatly!

"It seems that you have thought of the ancient city!"

Step by step, Vatra's face showed some memories:

"I remember the blood of your true ancestor in the ancient city was given to you voluntarily by Aguola. In a sense, the blood contained in the blood was Aguola's will."

"However, when you keep approaching the true true ancestor in the ancient city, your will will vaguely collide with Aguola's will, until one day, your will replace Aguola's will, but that is also after Thing. "

When it comes to this, Vatra has come to less than ten meters in front of Xiao Gu.

"Now the blood of the Fourth True Patriarch, whether it is the will of the ancient city or Aguola, has been weakened to the extreme!"

As soon as the words fell, the huge steel snake behind Vatera directly attacked, and the body of several tens of meters directly rushed over, and the sharp blades all over the snake body shone through the cold bone ---

"not good!"

As a result, Vatra's words and the moment of a loss of Xiaogu city lost the best opportunity to avoid.

But at this time, he was no longer a rookie in combat. He even directly stepped on the body of the steel snake dive. In an instant, Xiao Gucheng's foot was almost scrapped, but with this foot, the first Sizhenzu flew upside down.

"People who inherit the bloodline of" Yueguang Yebo ", Xiaogu, here liberates the shackles of Ru!"

"Come on, No.1 beast, King Kong of the God Sheep!"

After a short distance, Xiaogu City liberated its strongest defensive beast. In an instant, the big horn sheep beast with an indestructible diamond flesh appeared suddenly. The huge defensive circle composed of diamonds all over the air was instantly displayed.

boom! ! !

Vatra's steel snake collided violently with the defensive circle of the **** of the King Kong.

In an instant, the rebound ability from the Shenyang defense circle was launched, and the huge steel snake flew directly back, directly knocking over a large wall of the mansion and set off a lot of dust.

"It is worthy of being an ancient city, and the beasts are unreasonably strong, and my beasts are at least one level higher!"

"But dare to come here, I don't have no cards!"

As soon as the voice fell, Vatra was filled with a lot of miasma turned by magic, and vaguely, two strong beasts with a strong breath slowly appeared behind Vatra, this breath, which was the one that Xiao Gu felt before A strange and familiar breath

After a few moments, the miasma dissipated, revealing the appearance of two beasts.

The beast on the left rear of Vatra thinks of a beautiful and dreamy woman, who sits on the lotus, which is very beautiful dream, and the beast on the right rear of Vatra is a beautiful dress that looks only more than one meter. sword.

"The sixth beast, the dream of the virgin!"

"Tenth beast, the holy sword of Capricorn!"

"They are also the beasts of the fourth true ancestor. At the time of the feast of the flame, their owner, Her Royal Highness Chaos, did not put it into the banquet. Later, I spent a huge price to get it from the queen. What about these two little guys! "

"It turned out to be"

Seeing the appearance of these two beasts, Xiao Gucheng really felt the emergence of the crisis.

If the original Vatra, even if all his beasts are fused, Xiao Gucheng can be sure to beat it down, but if the fourth true ancestor beast, Xiao Gucheng is not particularly sure.

With nine beasts, he really understood how unreasonable the beast of the fourth true ancestor was.

To put it bluntly, he hasn't really played his standard of disaster now.

"Go, virgin!"

At this time, Vatra gave orders to his beast. At the next moment, invisible ripples burst out from the dreamy woman, and the whole mansion suddenly fell into a dreamy world.

"not good!"

In an instant, Xiao Gucheng clearly felt that his spirit and magic power were being deprived, and even everything in his field of vision showed an unreal fragmentation.

ps: I am ready to create my own beast, there is no way, it is too slow ..

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