My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 231: The fourth defeat of Cain!

boom! ! !

An amazing blasting sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

Attacks with different attributes such as thunder, flames, time-space distortion, etc., also bombarded Cain at the same time, as if some special chemical reaction, causing a big explosion.

Visible to the naked eye, the violent impact caused a lot of cracks in the ice in the sky.

Click! ! !

At this moment, an extremely clear voice suddenly sounded, causing everyone watching the battle to frown.

It seems that something bad is going to happen!

"Ah, it's broken!"

Nagato was the first to understand everything.

Based on the perception of the red-haired boy, it is naturally known that the frozen black fluid is frozen in the outside world, so the entire ice layer will solidify in the sky.

However, under the attack of Aguola, the ice layer was suddenly disconnected from the outside world.


"Lying trough!"


"Oh my god, avoid it!"

In the exclamation of the crowd, the huge ice layer actually landed like a sky collapse.

In such a sudden situation, even Aguola, and Cain who did not know the situation, were also crushed under such a sky collapse, and a huge roar exploded across the earth.

Suddenly, the ice cubes splashed, and the dark breath also flowed out of the ice layer, infecting the whole earth!

"Fuck! The old lady knew this would happen!"

In a few moments, Kata broke a layer of ice with great force, bursting out the magic fluid to disperse the dark fluid.

The girl with long emerald green hair stood up and looked round with dissatisfaction on her face. There was still a breath of one-third of the combatants, and there was very little life breath

"Every time it's like this, it's really wicked!"

In the memory of Kata, every battle of the Fourth True Ancestor is like this, accidentally injured everywhere.

In the long run, Jia Da and others are naturally unwilling to continue fighting alongside the Fourth True Ancestor.

Otherwise, maybe when they are all killed by the fourth true ancestor.

It is precisely because of this that their three great ancestors will sit idly by and watch the matter that the fourth true ancestor is replaced. .

at this time--

boom! ! !

There was a violent explosion in the ice layer not far from Kata!

Roar roar! ! !

At the next moment, the huge scarlet figure broke through the ice layer, slowly revealing the horror gesture of up to thousands of kilometers, seven grisly heads screamed up in the sky, strong coercion, so that Jia Da could not help but retreat A few steps.

"It's so quick to show it"

"The true gesture of the first ancestor of the demon race!"

It was the forgotten King of War who took Jia Da's words. I saw this vicissitudes of life and I don't know when Jia Da appeared beside him.

Looking at the posture of the seven-headed red dragon, especially when he saw the seven giant horns on the other side, the forgotten war king could not help but sigh—

"No matter which era you see this, you can't help but admire, this is the first ancestor of the Demon Race!"


I don't know when, the long door volleying in the void looked at the seven-headed dragon.

With the eyes of Nagato, it is natural to see that this big dragon has actually cut off three heads, and the three great ancestors are probably born with the three heads of the big dragon as the basis, just--

"If you don't cut off those three heads, that is, ten red dragons with seven horns?"

"Isn't this Satan's description?"

While thinking so in the mind of Nagato, Aguola also broke through the ice.

In the next moment, the endless frozen air burst out again, and the frozen air beyond imagination reinforced the ice layer again, and many lives disappeared instantly.

When the big dragon appeared next to him, the three great ancestors who wanted to help were unable to get close because of this frozen air.

Roar roar! ! !

The red dragon roared with a hot **** flame. Seven hot flames wrapped the dragon around its body and stalemate with the terrible frozen air.

"Asshole, does she think she can really win Cain alone?"

The second true ancestor used space magic to isolate the aftermath of the frozen air, and when he saw the scene of Aurora Royal Envoy frozen in the distance surrounding the red dragon, he suddenly said a bit hatefully.


The second true ancestor's words were not big, but he was very unexpectedly heard by Aguola.

The girl who saw the flame lightly glanced at each other indifferently, and there was a little chill in the heart of the second true ancestor. At the next moment, the girl strolled into the void and the twelve wings behind flew out, turning into twelve beasts Distributed around the red dragon.

"Now, it is time to show my strongest power since rebirth!"

Between words, Aguola burst out of a gorgeous rainbow that people could not directly look at, and even a faint divine power diffused in it, and the face of the survivor named Shenqi was suddenly changed.

The red dragon, still surrounded by cold air, screamed wildly in an attempt to break through violently.


"It's too late, old guy!"

"Now is the time to confine Wu and wait for years of sin!"

"The realm of God, unfold!"

With the call of Aguola, at the next moment, under the leadership of the twelfth beast, the twelve catastrophe-level beasts exploded all their powers, and the powers of various attributes began to converge into one. The field, trapped the red dragon.

"Impossible, it was actually in the age of gods"

Cain's slightly panic-stricken words were instantly heard from Dalong, who had left and right conflicts in the field, but could not escape.

Then Aguola laughed, and smiled extraordinarily brightly.

"It's so rare to finally hear Ru's panic!"

"Yes, it is the power of the age of the gods, the power prepared for you!"

"Defeat, Cain!"

As soon as the words fell, Aguola burst out of its own power. In an instant, the entire field was filled with rainbow flames, and the situation inside was completely unclear. The next moment, an unprecedented explosion burst out on the battlefield!

boom! ! !

ps: The plot is not good, but the battle is hard to write! ..

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