My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 234: The third battle of Earth and Moon!

Chiyue Hengkong!

In the moonlight, the entire battlefield was stained red.

The Chiyue will and the will of the earth collided with each other from the sky, so that everyone who had been oppressed by the will of the earth could not help but relax a little and spit out a turbid breath.

Yaze Kisuki never thought that he would appear on such a battlefield.

As a member of the Lion King's surrender to Abel, this once spy boy knelt halfway on the ground, looking up at the confronting two people in the distance. His thoughts were extremely complicated and chaotic.

Both sides of the war have cause and effect with him.

Ancestral man, Abel!

His current leader is also the past life of his friend's father.

However, after knowing that he did not hesitate to push his son into the abyss of death, this made Kisaki who knows all this always do not know what feelings he should hold,

Crimson Moon, Nagato!

As the culprit of expelling himself from the string **** island!

But even Yasuki Kisuke has to admit that he is indeed an extraordinary number in the whole world. The existence that no one expected is actually a terrible existence that belongs to the world.


"Sister Xue?"

Yaze Kisuki looked at one of the three figures in front of himself, remembering some of the messages he found, his face slightly gloomy, "Do you really will be"

Just as Yase Kisui pondered and surrounded the audience with speechlessness, a little displeasure appeared on Aguola's face.

She was ignored by the two people who are facing each other!

This gave the fourth true ancestor who had just defeated Cain how to be appeased.



Feeling the command from Nagato in his mind, the fourth true ancestor murmured dissatisfiedly.

Rebirth is not without cost!

Aguola understands that even if it is much stronger than before, he still can't resist the man who resurrected himself.

"I have to admit, I look down on you!"

He raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Chiyue in the sky. Abel said slightly dignifiedly: "The last time I was on that artificial island, I saw Chiyue. At that time, I thought I had seen you through, but the result was not think"

The power of Chiyue in the sky was much stronger than the last time it appeared.

"Hah, that's just your eyes!"

In the face of the first human ancestor of this plane, Nagato was very rude, "Why have you seen my full strength? In this world, so far, there has never been an existence that allows me to use full strength."

"Last time, you used your own breath to lead Leviathan out to attack me. Now, let's talk about it!"

"Humph! Arrogant kid!" Hearing the long door, Abel's forehead suddenly appeared on his forehead.

At the same time, the human ancestor also understood that for the red-haired boy in front of him, he said that it was useless, only fighting, and now he had his own magic power. In a flash, a crackling voice came out of Abel.

"It turns out that this is your purpose to devour the second true ancestor?"

The eye of the life wheel spreads, and the perception of Nagato follows the line of cause and effect, giving him an instant insight into Abel's situation.

Although Abel has replaced the control of the earth, after all, he lost his body in ancient times. The reincarnated body at this time is just an ordinary human, so he devoured the second true ancestor and used the body essence of the other party to refine the body. .

"You bastard!"

Under the sight of Destiny Wheel, the feeling of being completely stripped of secrets made Abel suddenly mad.

At the next moment, the human ancestors could not care that their bodies had not been fully tempered, and they shot instantly.In an instant, the whole world reverberated with a slight roar of the earth, and the earth rolled and turned into a rock giant with dozens of meters. , And headed towards the long gate.

"Just a little worm!"

Facing the dense rock giants around, the long facade snapped its fingers without changing color!

All of a sudden, the gravity of the moonlit land suddenly reduced to one-sixth of the original, and the will echoed around the surrounding gave a slight wail, letting Abel change its color slightly, he knew that it was the expelled will of the earth.

This is one of the powers inherited from Zhu Yue, swapping the gravity of Earth and Moon!

Of course, Zhuyue ’s power is based on the signing of a contract with the earth ’s will Gaia, and Nagato is based on his incalculable spiritual will to forcibly expel the earth and cover the moon ’s will on the earth.

Boom! ! !

The rock giants besieging the long gate, because of the sudden change of gravity, they almost couldn't even maintain their form. Many giants fell to the ground, delaying the offensive of the giant army.

"So, next"

"Come out, Blood Spirit!"

As the voice just fell, an endless blood flame erupted from the red-haired boy. In a short moment, it turned into a vast river of blood flames. The future rock giants rolled up and moved towards Abel blasted away.

"You, this guy!"

In the face of the attack by Nagato, Abel was frightened and angry.

The ancestors of the human race never thought that someone could use their will to forcefully expel the earth, or, in theory, this is not something that the creatures living on the planet can do.


"Damn, actually, dare to grab the power of the earth with me !!!"

With Abel's anger, the magic boiling, the powerful body was instantly quenched, and immediately, the air pressure on the battlefield increased instantly, and a powerful tornado suddenly appeared, blocking the incoming blood flame.


At the next moment, the earth of the entire battlefield was shaking, as if the earth was angry!

The apparently expelled will of the earth returned once again, becoming stronger and thicker, intertwined with Chiyue ’s will swaying down the sky, a strong will collision echoed around, and the spectators all felt a dizziness. .

"Go to die!"

With Abel's angry call, the infamous attack instantly reached the red-haired boy!

boom! ! !

ps: It seems that there are one or two chapters! ..

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