My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 236: Completely the first true ancestor!

boom! ! !

The blue troll stepped out, and the violent breath spread across the battlefield in an instant.

In an instant, everyone in the entire battlefield could perceive that the troll's violent anger and the power of Wei An, even the fourth true ancestor who had just defeated Cain, were instantly moved.

The air, at this time, also became hot


"How could your beast be so strong!"

After several steps back, Abel's face was full of surprise and absurdity, and he couldn't help but blurt out.

Abe is not unaware of such things as beasts.

But even if the whole world has been traversed, there is absolutely no such beast, so powerful that it is completely unreasonable!

Abel's question is also a question in the hearts of other surviving spectators.

Among the surviving true ancestors, the fourth true ancestor with the beast as the main force is even more so, even if her only through the original power, the demon Jibing Bing of the double baptism of the golden liquid of the God Realm has no such power.


"Even things like rebirth can be done!"

"It seems that it is not impossible to have such a beast!"

"After all, the devil's ice in my hand seems to have gotten this kind of character just because of his reason."

With such thoughts in mind, Aguola didn't find that even if she was as proud as her, when facing the long door, she even subconsciously placed the other party on top of her. In a sense, the new Aguola was, after all, the same as before She is different.


"That's just the mourning of the weak!"

"In an infinite world, where is impossible?"

Faced with Abel's question, Nagato would naturally not answer the other's question kindly, but said so slowly.

The next moment, the troll moved again!

I saw the blue giant raised one of his fists.

In an instant, the gust of hunting gathered on the giant's fist, and the scope of the gust of wind was so great that it changed the weather, and the light of the red moon in the sky converged on the huge fist.

"not good!"

In an instant, Abel sensed a crisis related to life.

This punch cannot be hard-wired!

This is the only thought in Abel ’s heart at this moment. In the next moment, extremely intense energy fluctuations continually emerge from the ground at the foot of Abel, turning into a huge wall, blocking Abel in front of him.

Roar! ! !

The whole body was blooming with pressure, ignoring the other party's defense, and in a low roar, the troll launched his fist.

This is an indescribable punch!

With a punch, the air in front of the troll was instantly exploded.

The violent friction even made the troll's fist shine with sparks, which seemed extremely scary!

Immediately afterwards, the violent will manifested on the fist, turned into a destructive impact, and roared to the place of Abel, ramming along the way, all the obstacles were broken instantly, and there was no room for it!

This is the ultimate fist of destruction!

Boom! ! !

Under such a fist of ultimate destruction, Abel's defensive wall is like tissue paper, and it can't stop the shock wave of destruction. In an instant, continuous roar echoes on the battlefield.


"Defend me !!!"

Sensing that the defenses he had arranged were broken in an instant, Abel also went crazy.

Irrespective of temperance, Abel frantically extracted the power of the earth and even turned it into a shield.

In an instant, Abel turned his location into a huge fortress at the cost of the entire battlefield's land dying completely.

Although this land was continuously destroyed by Cain before, there was still a line of vitality after all. As long as it was properly conditioned after the holy annihilation, this land could eventually be restored to its original state, but now it is completely dead.

No longer has the possibility of recovery!

However, the price is ultimately worthwhile, and the fist of destruction is ultimately the boundless water, which is still consumed under the endless wall of protection.


"Yeah, it's really tenacious, I didn't solve it with one punch!"

The voice of Nagato came again, making Abel's solemn expression on his face relieved, and at the same time, he focused everyone's attention on himself.

"If this is the case, then it will make you more desperate!"

As soon as the boy's words fell, the crimson moon hanging in the sky burst into unprecedented light.

In a blink of an eye, the beast patterns in the corner of the six-pointed star magic circle in the mid-air burst out of the light of different colors, and bombarded the earth instantly-

In the smoke, the strong breath instantly attracted everyone's attention.

After a while, the smoke and dust dispersed, the bird-like feather god, the cruel red dragon in the whole body, the six modern mechanical dragons with very modern qualities, and the twelve-wing scorching angels all came to the eyes of everyone.

boom! ! !

A big mouth broke out of the earth for no reason.

At the next moment, a long gate of blood flames like a fountain swept out, roaring all over the earth.

At this point, the six beasts of Crimson Moon are fully gathered!

boom! ! !

When the six great beasts gathered, the whole world seemed to echo some kind of unspeakable fluctuation.

Both the six beasts and the body of Nagato resonate with this fluctuation, as if some kind of mysterious existence breaks free from the shackles

At this moment, the origin of the true ancestor inside the Nagato was completely awakened, from a half-step true ancestor to a complete body true ancestor!

And the power of the humanitarian system is also reorganized in a moment!

The laws of life and death, the power of reincarnation, the endless law of causality, one of detachment, the blood and the beast, etc., everything, in a flash, reorganize the power of the adult humane system in a more perfect way .

In a blink of an eye, the breath of the red-haired boy became more pure, but also, it seemed even more unfathomable

ps: Christmas, there are some things, so it is late, please forgive me! By the way, at the end of this episode, the strength information of Nagato will be updated again at night. ..

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