My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 11: See you at first sight! First more!

Three days later, Nagato walked out of Sister Qishi ’s house.

At this time, the red-haired boy had made all the preparations to complete the scabbard that was enough to bind the knife.

Under such circumstances, Nagato will naturally no longer procrastinate. Without further ado, the whole person instantly merges with the heavens and the earth. The powerful perception ability expands completely, and within a few seconds, the trace of Ying Qishi is found.

The ripples in the space opened, and the red-haired boy disappeared on the island.

At the next moment, the figure of Nagato appeared in a slightly dark environment. It was a mountainous region filled with death air. In the view of Nagato, there were dead bodies.

"Here is Mu Ode Mountain?"

Although it was only a few days after arriving at this plane, after absorbing the memories of the four remnants of the Zhenting Ninja Army, Nagato knew the situation of this plane, at least the situation in the island country, and knew it very well. Lingshan.

There are three places in the country, such as Dead Mountain, Ezo Mountain and Edo's Don't Lake. In this country, they are listed as designated disaster areas.

Among them, Death Mountain is a place where Zhenting Ninja wanted to come, but did not dare to come.

The reason is that on the Dead Mountain, the evil sword of one of the completed variants of the Shikizaki Jiji is enshrined, but it also has an extremely powerful mountain **** guard, even if the Zhenting Ninja is strong, he dare not say that he can fight. .


"Dead Spirit Mountain seems to have been destroyed!"

Slow words were spoken in the words. The long gate moved along the road of the Necromancer, shrinking into an inch. On the way, the corpses were piled around, and on each corpse was a horrified face, and the blood had gathered into a stream. .

"It's murderous, it's really heavy!"

So the heart said, the figure of Nagato soon came to the top of the Necro Mountain.

Just after reaching the top of the mountain, the red-haired boy saw a girl in a light green kimono walking slowly.

This is a girl who makes Nagato feel very emotional. Her long blue hair is fluttering and her hair is decorated with flowers. Although her body is small, she looks weak and can't help but the blood on her face makes the girl more There is a contrast.

"Eh, someone unexpectedly appeared at this time, was it an accident, or was it intentional."

Seeing the appearance of the Nagato, the girl also seemed very surprised, but there was no unexpected tone in her words, and she seemed extremely calm. The dark blue eyes were calm like water, without any vitality.

As far as Nagato is concerned, he is very familiar with that kind of look, that is a look that has been determined.

"It's deliberate!"

Standing on the spot looking at the girl who was approaching slowly, a smile of joy appeared on the face of the long door, "In order to find you, I crossed the sea and ran to the island where you lived before, and then came Here! "

"It turns out so!"

Upon hearing the words of the long gate, the girl's eyes flashed suddenly, and she said, "It turns out that I didn't feel wrong three days ago. Someone was really looking for me, and he was so persevering, really, for the first time in his life. "Ah, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself!"

It seemed that I suddenly remembered something. The girl suddenly bowed slightly and said politely, "Although I should know my name in terms of your actions, I still introduce myself. I am the seventh generation of the monk's family. Seven Real! "

"So, let me introduce myself too!"

Seeing the girl, or the introduction of Ying Qishi, Nagato responded politely, "My name is Nagato, and the surname is nothing. I was completely abandoned because I couldn't match me."

"Well, it's a word that people don't know how to evaluate!"

Even if it was plain, Qi Shi was a little surprised at the slightly arrogant words of Nagato, but she quickly recovered from her natural wisdom, and asked, "So, what does Mr. Nagato find me? ? "

"How to say, you are a knife, and I just need a knife, the reason is this!"

Facing the problem of Qi Qishi, Nagato did not talk nonsense, or hints at what to do, but directly stated his purpose.

As soon as this remark came out, Ying Qi was stunned.

Undeniably, Ying Qishi is the strongest knife in this plane, but it is because she is so strong that no one dares to be the master of the knife.

Even the father of Yingqi Shi, Yingliuzhi, the hero who destroyed the war in the chaos two decades ago, had to admit that his daughter was a monster and tried to seal her talent.

It's just a pity that the talents of Qi Qishi are too terrible to seal at all.


After being silent for a while, Yingqi Shi bowed slightly towards the Nagato and said, "If Mr. Nagato found me a few years earlier, I might still consider it, but it won't work now, me."

"Are you ready to die?"

After waiting for the seven words to finish, Nagato said decisively, "It's just why you are dying because of the loneliness brought by being too powerful, or because of the exaggerated amount of virus in your body."

"Mr. Nagato, how do you know?"

After being silent for a while, Ying Qishi asked in this way, but his voice was a little deeper. Although there was no change in general, Nagato could perceive and distinguish that the girl had moved a little murderous intent.

"See it!"

It has long been known that the inevitable Nagato naturally ignored the girl ’s killing intentions and said indifferently, “When I saw you at first glance, I felt extremely exaggerated. One hundred million viruses were everywhere, and I was still not dead.”

It has to be said that the body of Qiqi Shi was between life and death at that time, and Nagato was shocked when he looked at it.

During the talk, the long door took thousands of steps and came to the front of Ying Qishi, and a faint Longwei was also faintly emitted from his body, "But because of this, I want you even more!"

"I understand!"

Feeling the fighting intention of Nagato, Shimi immediately understood the other party's thoughts, "In that case, please also ask Mr. Nagato to prepare for death, because I will not be merciless when I take the action!"

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere at the top of the Death Mountain suddenly fell into stagnation ..

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