My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 31: Goodbye and promise fourth!

Guanbuzi City, far away from Dongmu.

Just as Lancelot was looking for the Templar's frustration, the Long Gate had arrived here as a beam of light.

This is the midsummer night, and the stars are twinkling in the sky.

On the **** covered with stars, the figure in a light-colored kimono was so fresh.

Appearing here, Nagato said silently, watching her silently.

Prior to this, Nagato received the other party's super long-distance communication, and only arrived here alone.

The presence in front of me is a girl with a demon eye that is dying, one of the four exorcism families, the head of the Liangyi family, and two ceremonies.

She, who can see through the death of all things, plus the excellent physical qualities obtained from the early childhood exercise, plus the protection of the protagonist aura, is almost the existence of the power in the original book.

Although the road of destiny has long been on another parallel track, it is still unknown whether she can kill the Quartet in the same way as the original, but her ability will not change. She won't feel bad with a knife.

Although it is true that the two rituals are very strong, compared with the one in her body, she is a little witch.

As a result of an experiment at Liangyi's house, as a young girl inheriting the name of Liangyi, her fate has been decided before she was born.

Like all magicians of this world, the two ancestors are also eager to reach their roots.

However, the Liangyi family is not a traditional magician, so the way it attempts to reach the root is also very unusual. However, this point is reflected in the four exorcism families.

The Liangyis wanted to reach the root cause through the cultivation of multiple personalities. As a result, such things were done a lot, but unfortunately they were born with some failures.

Only two ceremonies met the requirements and possessed a perfect dual personality, namely style and weaving.

And then, the "two rituals" actually established a connection with the root cause, and a third personality, the physical personality of the two rituals, was born as a very gentle female personality, claiming to be the root of everything. formula,

Although it is exaggerated, there is nothing wrong with it if it is limited to this world.

Because the physical personality of the two rituals is, in a sense, the outflow of the root, the personality of the root!

The two ceremonies at this time are this personality.

"long time no see!"

After looking at each other for a long time, the root type slowly said, "I regret it a little bit. In your body, I feel that there is no limit to the power of killing the gods, which is somewhat unexpectedly powerful."

"Without such power, how could I promise such a condition!"

In the face of the roots, Nagato said without hesitation, "After all, the person who has the advantage is me, lacking my original strength, the errors of the Moon World cannot be corrected, but you are less, I just develop slowly Only. "

"The problem is, you don't want to wait!"

After talking at the Nagato, the girl immediately added.

Suddenly, the two were relatively speechless.

In this moment, both of them understood that the words no longer have any meaning.

This war is entirely a war of who dominates the world after the combination of the Xingyue World and the Nagato world. The three wills of Xingyue are not willing to become vassals and hope to form an alliance, but Nagato only accepts surrender and does not accept alliance.

"So, let's set specific rules!"

After a while, Nagato said leisurely, "This war cannot last too long. Too long a war will put a lot of pressure on the world. I don't want to accept a broken world in the end."

"Time is one year!"

Hearing the long gate, the root-type eyes flashed, and then said, "If the war cannot be ended within a year, on the last day, directly start the leader to fight alone."

"no problem!"

Nagato nodded and put forward his own opinion, "In addition to us, there are some restless guys in this world. It is recommended to clear the field before the decisive battle. I don't like being hit by the wind."

I have no problem, because I am only myself! "

The girl ’s eyes twinkled, as if she was constantly communicating with someone, “Gaia also agreed, she also has to deal with a lot of things, but Alaya disagrees. In order to win, Alaya can do everything. Its pole! "


"It is indeed a collection of primate consciousness, and humanity is expressed most vividly."

As for the girl ’s answer, Nagato was not too surprised. After all, Alaya was like this, or human beings like this, so it ’s not surprising.

"From now on, the world authority of your three major consciousnesses must be sealed!"

Subsequently, Nagato proposed one of the most demanding conditions, but it was also the most necessary.

If the world power is not sealed, Alaya will give Nagato a national resistance, and Gaia will give Nagato an earth eruption or something that changes from the world, they do n’t need to play any war game at all.

The chessboard has been lifted!

"That's natural!"

In this regard, the three consciousnesses have already been prepared and reached a consensus, and the girl naturally nodded and agreed.

"So, the last thing is about Zhu Yue!"

"We understand what you are going to do, we can only say that neither Gaia nor I will do it, but the guardian of Alaya may do it. After all, Zhu Yue has the mission of exterminating humanity. For Alaya, it must be removed. of."

"I understand!"

Nagato nodded and motioned to the other, while the girl shook her head.

Subsequently, Nagato reached out his hand.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then stretched out her hand.

Between the two hands, the mysterious contract was reached in an instant, and spread directly to the whole world with some mysterious fluctuation.

Indistinctly, the world's top forces have foreseen that chaotic prelude.

In this way, in the three words and two words of the two, in the next year, the most turbulent year in the Xingyue world has finally slowly begun, and the war on the destiny of the world has completely started at this moment. ..

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