My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 33: Retake the second ride on Anhans!

At this time, the smoke in the center of the battlefield gradually dispersed.

The confrontation with Lancelot, and the existence of a weak wind, also gradually appeared in front of everyone.

It was a young man with silver hair in a red outfit. The red outfit on his body was not damaged. Under the outfit, the tight black dress fully exposed his bodybuilding muscles, with blushing eyes, which did not conceal the fierce youth. Killing intent.

The most unique thing about the silver-haired youth is his hands and the weapons on his hands!

The young man's left hand was bandaged and showed obvious burns, while his left hand still held a large firearm with a sacred breath, while his right hand appeared a little stiff, holding a huge magic sword on it.

The magical breath that spread around was emitted from this huge magic sword.

"Ride the oath, Anhans?"

Seeing the other party's appearance, he used to be the long door in the moon-shaped world for more than ten years, and immediately thought of the other party's identity.

The eighteenth seat of the 27th ancestor of the dead, the heterogeneous ancestor of the dead!

It is said that Anhans only replaced his position after killing the original owner, the eighteenth generation of the previous generation, so he was scorned as a blade sword by the dead.

The heresy is that he often hunts other "ancestors" for personal purposes and has a certain cooperative relationship with the church.

Unlike the other twenty-seven ancestors, they do not have the inherent ability to pull out groups, but rely more on their superior willpower and action to fight.

Unlike the dead who became innocent because they were immortal and immortal, Anhans has a deep obsession similar to humans.

He held the magic sword avengers robbed from the previous generation's ancestors with his still human right hand, and his right hand was neuronecrosis; at the same time, he held the church's sacrificial burial artillery with the dead's left hand. Burns and ulcers.

In short, this is a messy guy!

Although I do n’t know why the other party appeared here, it ’s not a strange thing to appear here because of his relationship with the church. It ’s not necessarily that the other party or the person in the burial agency is doing it.

After all, the burial agency is not a precedent without the ancestor of the dead as a member.

For specific reasons, Nagato is too lazy to care about.

But since the opponent has appeared in front of him, let him hunt him!

In a sudden turn of heart, Nagato made a decision, but before the Nagato took action, Lancelot moved a step to the left, blocking the straight line between the Nagato and Anhams. Awesome!

"My Lord!"

"Your will will be carried out absolutely."

"Of course, this person is my prey, please don't intervene and give the other person to me!"

Even if she loses her inconsistent characteristics, steel is still steel. The unmatched combativeness and chivalry make her prefer to give up her own advantages, but also want to fight with the enemy on an equal basis.


Hearing Lancelot's words, Anhans couldn't help but sneer.

But he didn't stupidly refute. After all, Lancelot was a terrible strong enemy. Although he had forced him back, he didn't feel that he had the upper hand.

Even, in Anhans' perception, the cape girl retained a great degree of power.

Under such circumstances, if the red-haired teenager who seemed dangerous alone would join the battlefield, even if he was one of the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead, he would not be able to eat it.


"I have known for a long time that I didn't participate in the church's affairs in Dongmu City. Before the prey was apparently met, I encountered an incomprehensible strong enemy. I should say that it is worthy of the holy grail alliance of both the Templar Church and the Magic Association. Site? "

Although there was no expression on the surface, the intestines at this time were regretful.

"Ha, no way, I'll leave it to you, Qing!"

Knowing the characteristics of Lancelot ’s unchangeable steel to this day, Nagato sighed and gave his order, “Go, my servant, in the name of divinity, do your best to destroy the other party!”

"Please enjoy it, my lord!"

With the command of the long gate, Lancelot burst out with a strong dignity, which made Anhams' face suddenly change. At the next moment, Lancelot burst out with a flash of light, instantly from the cloak wanderer Dress up and change into a peerless **** of silver armor.

In an instant, Anhans felt the pressure increased!

His opponent's strength increased several times in an instant, which surprised the ancestors of the dead who felt that the other party was fouling. Then, it was more than ten times depressed.

"Going on, my enemy!"

But Lancelot didn't care about the depression in Anhan's heart. At this moment, the warrior broke free of the shackles, and the will to fight filled the heart like a tide, and a beautiful and ethereal face showed a touching and warlike smile.

"In response to my Lord's expectations, smash the enemy, I will turn into lightning and tear the enemy in front of me!"

With the spirit of speech, the vast divine power burst into a stream of electricity flowing on the silver warrior, making Lancelot more sacred and threatening. Seeing such a scene, Anhans desperately stretched out Out of the left hand, the button of the firearm was pressed!

boom! ! !

In the abrupt roar, the sacrificial burial artillery of the Templar Church burst out a magic bullet that merged from the five elements and bombarded towards Lancelot. At the same time, Lancelot also An attack was launched.

I saw that the peerless **** of war turned into a flash of lightning, and launched a charge towards Anhans without bias!

Knight Charge!

This is the simplest and strongest attacking method of the Knights of the Lake!

The display of this kind of attack undoubtedly shows Lancelot's will to defeat the enemy in an instant.

boom! ! !

In an instant, the lightning that charged forward and collided with the magic bullet, and the endless smoke swept up, and the waves scattered, but at the next moment, the silver lightning broke the smoke!

Lancelot's charge turned into a magic bullet that burst out of the canon!

All of a sudden, lightning struck Anhans! ..

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