My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 36: The daughters of Nagato [on] second!

The night view of Dongmu City is always full of mystery.

Various ghost stories and strange talks circulated among the crowd in the city.

It's just that most people don't know that those strange talks are true.

In the place where the holy grail war originated, magicians and non-humans from all over the world gathered. During the day, they could only live like ordinary people. At night, they were a little bit vented.

After all, this is the core site of the Holy Grail Alliance!

The sanctioners entrenched in this mysterious city have been staring at all the movements. Over the past ten years, I do n’t know how many careless guys have disappeared silently in the dark, or they were beheaded.

And many of these things have become weird talks, circulating in the city

At this time, the suburb of Dongmu City.

In the middle of the lush forest, there is a huge white castle that occupies the ground actively.

This was a castle built by the Einz Belem family, and now it is the core base of the Holy Grail Alliance.

Boom! ! !

At this moment, there was a wave of ripples on the enchantment guarding the entire castle.

The dark colors suddenly emerged from the translucent enchantment, and quickly expanded into a maelstrom form. Subsequently, Xia Lei in a dress emerged first from the maelstrom, followed by the long door holding two ceremonies, Lancelot and the last Karen.


Xia Lei, who was at the forefront, whispered a word, then turned around and opened her hands, facing the long door and others, especially the long door, showing a big smile, "Kelly, welcome home!"


After listening to Xia Lei, Nagato smiled indifferently.

The two ceremonies in his arms were handed over to Lancelot, who looked around. The long door looked around and couldn't help sighing, "There hasn't been much change here for ten years, at least on the surface. It! "

"Well, there is no way!"

Xia Lei turned to the gate of the castle and said while walking, "It's not just the place where you used to live, nothing has changed, because Alice and Aoi said that it was your trace and could not move."

Click! ! !

The gate of the castle opened automatically.

When Xia Lei's fierce gate was less than one meter, he opened it himself.

At the next moment, two figures, one black and one white, ran out of the gate instantly, rushed from the left and right sides of Xia Lei, and quickly rushed into the arms of the long gate, hugging the long gate tightly--

"Master Fujun!"

"Ten years later, finally meet again, husband!"

"Long time no see! Alice Phil and Kwai!"

He hugged the two women who fell into his arms with their backhands, and there was more tenderness in the long door than he could detect.

In the arms of the Nagato, there are two women who look full of mature atmosphere. The woman on the left has silver hair, which looks pure white as snow, while the woman on the right has black hair hanging down, which looks gentle and graceful.

They are the two wives of Nagato in the moon, Alice Phil Einzberen and Chancheng Aoi.

"Over the past ten years, you have worked hard!"

Embracing his wives, Nagato was also very emotional.

When I first got up and made a decision about the battle with the roots, but I left my two or simple, or virtuous wives in the dangerous world of Xingyue, it was indeed a bit rash.

But I didn't think about it, it seems that they still handled it well.

"It must have been a lot of effort!"

In his mind, Nagato thought so that the red-haired boy could have foreseen how hard it is for Alice Phil in life to become a housewife to grasp and develop the entire Holy Grail alliance.

Just as the three were warm, the gate once again came out one after the other.

Sensing the movement, Nagato raised his head slightly and looked at it, but he saw that the former was a peculiar witch bellflower that Nagato had just put into his arms not long ago, and the person behind the bellflower was the contractor who called the bellflower—

"Yes, Sakura?"

In front of the Nagato is a girl who looks very gentle and resembles Kui's temperament. Her long purple hair hangs down, and a red hair band is attached to the left hair. The whole person stands there and looks exquisite.

"Yes, my father!"

Looking at the red-haired boy hugging the two mothers, Sakura's words were still calm, but the smile that could not be concealed on his face, and the joy in his eyes, all expressed the excitement of the girl's heart.

The two women in Nagato's arms looked at each other after hearing their daughter's words.

Subsequently, the two left the arms of Nagato with a smile, standing on the left and right sides of Nagato, let Nagato and his daughter, at least the nominal daughter, face each other.

Regarding the thoughtfulness of his wives, Nagato accepted, and a few steps forward, she came to Sakura's body and opened her hands.

Sakura fell into the arms of her father very well, and the unique fragrance immediately poured into the nose of the long door. She embraced her daughter, especially the grown-up daughter, and there was a strange feeling in the heart of the long door.

"It's grown very well, this figure!"

Such thoughts echoed inexplicably in my heart, and the long door hugged his daughter tightly, and whispered in the ear of the girl, "Sorry for so many years, my lovely daughter."

"No, it's nothing."

The purple hair girl's small voice came from the arms of Nagato.

The familiar hugs and familiar smell from the ten years ago made this purple-haired girl indulge a little.

at this time--

boom! ! !

The golden light fell from the sky and fell directly on the ground outside the boundary of the Einzbelen castle. It caused a quite violent shock, and the smoke spread out, which surprised most people.

Xia Lei thought that it was someone who caused the trouble, and she almost couldn't help it.


"Cough! Nine Sinai"

"All said, called sister, I am not that old!"

"Uh, okay, sister, but your landing technique is too bad!"

"Sorry, the world is different and I didn't get used to it."

"Really! So, where is the father?"

At the next moment, the two figures complained as they walked out of the smoky area ..

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