My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 42: Sleepwalking princess first!

The Millennium City has reappeared.

Nero, standing not far in front of the abruptly appearing ancient city, suddenly showed a little consternation.

It was a very magnificent castle. Although it was not entirely made of gold like Nero ’s Gold Theater, but was made of very ordinary stones, its majesty and momentum were beyond all.

However, the material used to build this castle is only stone, without any other decorative objects.

Therefore, as far as the pure visual effects are concerned, the whole castle is gray and monotonous and lifeless.

"This is the Millennium City!"

After a short period of consternation, Nero didn't know what to admire for the castle, but he still regretted it.

Self-proclaimed as an artist comparable to the sun **** Apollo, Nero does not like such a gorgeous building, but I have to say that such a deep building really matches its name, a lonely castle for thousands of years.

"I'm here again!"

Compared with the emotion of Nero's artists, Saya walking barefoot on the earth, and beyond the sigh, a trace of doubt flashed in the girl's eyes.

Compared to the last time I came here, Saya vaguely noticed that this millennium castle of an ancient true ancestor seems to be missing something, but it is not particularly true, just a particularly vague feeling.

Saya is also one of the seven representatives of the heavens and the world in this type of war.

However, unlike the situation in which Nagato and others came in the form of contractors, Saya appeared as the person who initiated the contract because of its particularity, and Nero was the contractor she called.

After coming to this world, Saya did not stay on the island country, but came directly here.

"Forget it!"

"Let's take a look first!"

Without much thought, Saya stepped back a few steps, came to Nero's side, and stretched out his hand.

The emotional artist immediately realized that he gracefully took the girl's hand, bent down and kissed the girl's back, and said with a smile: "Everything you want, ma'am."

"You are addicted to playing!"

Although her face remained the same, Saya sighed in her heart.

In front of himself, Nero completely regarded himself as an elegant knight who guarded the princess, always remembering to take some small advantage, Saya had no doubt, and after a while, Nero would come over to sleep at night or something.

"Forget it!"

"Can't throw her away, and have to live together for another year"

"It feels like I have toss!"

Such thoughts echoed in his heart, and Saya performed a phase shift indifferently. In a flash, the two disappeared in the same place, and even a little ripple of space did not oscillate. The figure appeared suddenly.

"Thousand-Year City is like this, it really feels so bleak!"

Looking around, Nero's sight is still a dead atmosphere. This vast castle with a long history in this atmosphere seems more lonely and lonely.

"Huh? Not good!"

Shaye did not have the emotion of Nero's emotion, but his face changed slightly.

At the next moment, let go of the girl in red, the pure white girl followed her perception and memory, and walked directly to a passage not far from her side. Nero immediately put down the meaningless emotion, followed immediately .

The two came one after the other, and soon walked out of the long passage, and then turned at a crossing, they saw a place just a few meters away in front of them, a young girl walked back to them in the castle. In the spacious corridor.

Walking on the road with a chain on each limb.

It was a girl with beautiful short blonde hair and a gorgeous blue and white dress, which looked like a noble princess.

Because it is a low-cut dress, half of the snow-white back is exposed. Although it is impossible to see its appearance, all the people who see her understand that the other party is definitely a shocking beauty.


"Is that idiot, sleepwalking?"

Seeing this scene, Saya was suddenly speechless!

Although Saya knew from the beginning that the princess sleeping in this castle was a natural stay, but I have n’t heard of it, and Erkut has sleepwalking, but it seems to be the case.

"It seems like this, actor!"

Hearing Saye ’s words, Nero looked carefully at the blonde girl back and forth, saying hesitantly, and then with a slight smile on his face. Cute! "

Well, after seeing Bai Ji, Nero couldn't help it.

In the sight of Saya and Nero, the blonde girl seemed at a loss about this, dragging the heavy chains and walking forward step by step.

After walking through a long corridor, the girl came to a spacious garden with countless white and beautiful flowers, and the girl walked to the center of the flowers, squatted down and lay down, motionless, as if Asleep in general.

"Run to the garden to sleep, well, I have served you!"

Seeing that the blonde girl was still, Saya shrugged her shoulders and walked forward helplessly. After all, she met for a while. Saya couldn't really let her sleep here, even if Zhenzu didn't catch a cold.


"This feeling"

Walking closer, looking at the young girl lying on the flower bush as pure as an angel, Saya's face suddenly changed. Although it has been ten years, at such a close distance, Saya still clearly perceives it.

Arquette is missing something very unique from the last meeting.

"Is it that Zhu Yue's subconscious mind has left?"

Thinking of the purpose of his trip, Shaye's eyes flashed an unknown brilliance, but at this moment, as if she felt something, or she had enough sleep, the girl lying on the grass suddenly opened her eyes.

The two girls face each other!

Saya's eyes are like the deepest starry sky, unable to perceive, while Elquite's eyes are shining with golden light, of which the childlike pure wild will is undoubtedly revealed

That is, Alquette's impulsive look! ..

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