My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 44: Zellridge is third!

Keisha Zellrich repairs Bain Augusta!

Field Marshal of the former Magic Association headquarters, one of the legendary magic envoys, is the user of the second magic, and has the ability to move freely in the parallel world of plural existence while maintaining its own identity.

His alias of "Wanhua Mirror" comes from the fact that he can "peep into countless parallel worlds."

In any sense, this is a legendary character.

However, what Shaye cares most about is-

"It is said that you defeated Zhu Yue in the magic war?"

After telling the name of the celebrity, Shaye didn't see much of the celebrity's proper expression on his face, but asked unkindly, "To be honest, I haven't believed it so much!"


Zellridge suddenly had some confusion.

He didn't expect that he just came after he noticed the reappearance of the Millennium City, and then when he found that Her Royal Highness was going away and was fighting with the hero, he was found by the hero of the hero, and then was asked such a sharp The problem.

Fortunately, even though Zellrich has a complicated personality, he has a weird expression of ridicule goodness for injustice, but he is quite open-minded.

After thinking for a while, he actually answered:

"To be honest, Zhu Yue, together with the lunar mirror image she made, was bombarded by the infinite ether cannon into the residue of the universe, but in fact, I did not feel like I won. At that time, I felt that if she wanted to, it seemed Can be resurrected immediately. "

"Well, I get it!"

Hearing Zellrich's description, a look suddenly appeared on Saya's face.

Originally, Saya thought Zhu Yue was just like that.

In fact, not only Saya, many people think so, but since knowing that the last time in the blood-sweeping raid, Nagato encountered Zhuyue projection, Saya felt that Zhuyue was not easy.

After all, it is a projection beyond the plane!

Even the root cause and the two major restraints could not break through the plane, and Zhu Yue actually did it.

Even if her strength is far inferior to the three major consciousnesses, even if the main factor of that breakthrough is not hers, Zhu Yue has indeed done what no one has done for the entire month. How could such a Zhu Yue die so simply What about Irrich.

According to Shaye ’s estimate, Zhu Yue was chosen by the fate of the whole world at that time, and he deliberately chose to die.

"Equivalent exchange is the basic principle!"

"I answered one of your questions, so now it's your turn to answer my question!"

"Who are you, or what are you?"

While Saya was thinking, Zellrich came to Saya's side step by step in the air and asked, the old man's eyes shone with intense curiosity, and he seemed unable to understand the existence of Saya.

If it wasn't for his own eyes, Saya didn't exist in his perception!

"I am Saya, the one below is my hero, Nero!" Thoughts were disturbed, and Saya did n’t care much. Anyway, Zhu Yue was hidden deeper and could not be deeper. Therefore, after a little thought, the girl gave a little playfulness and answered Tao said, "We are one of the seven people who are playing against the world."


Rao was the emissary of the second method, and Zellridge couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Saya's words.

If anyone else heard Saya, he would definitely think that the girl in white was a secondary disease, but Zellrich would not, because no one knows more about the changes in the world today than he does.

In the past ten years, the world has begun to reduce the restriction on extraordinary abilities. Many people think that it is a gift from the world.

But Zellridge understood that it was the collapse and integration of the parallel world.

Because of the second method, Zellrich maintains a common will with himself in the parallel world. Therefore, God knows how many times he has experienced the destruction of the world. Even, he himself is a channel, pulling the broken parallel world to merge with this world.

Today's Xingyue World, in addition to this world, there is only one steel land!

At first, Zellrich wondered what happened to the world, and then he realized that it was the whole world that was concentrating its own strength and seemed to be fighting someone.

"It turned out to be your trouble!"

"Are there seven groups?"

In a few words, Zellridge showed a slight murderous intention.

It was not just murderous for the enemy of all beings, but also accumulated murderous for paralleling oneself and dying for so many reasons without reason.

After knowing that the girl in front of him was the culprit leading to his nightmarish death experience, Zellridge suddenly lost his leisurely state of mind.

Magic makes the muscles and magic powers of the whole body are in a state of preparation. Although being the ancestor of the dead and the second magic envoy, Zellrich can't guarantee that people who are so careful in the world can knock them down.

After all, he once fought against the existence of "Zhu Yue". Despite the victory, Zellrich was seriously aging and weakened as a price.

"Are you sure you want to do it?"

Faced with Zellridge's murderous spirit, Saya did not make any precautions, but said indifferently, "If you shoot, you don't necessarily win me, and Zhu Yue will be reborn soon, the time is not short, almost one or two Months. "


Zellridge suddenly fell silent.

The old magician understands that Saya is for him to choose. Although Saya is the enemy of the world, Zhu Yue is also the enemy of human beings. Zhu Yue's rebirth, the first one who suffers is definitely him, Zellrich, and all Humanity.

Most importantly, he is totally unsure of the enemy of the world who can make the world so prepared!

For a long time, the murderous energy dissipated

Without saying much, the next moment, Zellridge disappeared in place, and the old magician with a complicated character finally chose not to shoot.

"Ahra, it's really fun!"

Seeing Zellridge's disappearance, there was a smile on Saya's face, "There seems to be some power hidden in the old guy's body, in this case, he should also have to clear the existence of the scene, but no hurry, no hurry."

Between words, Saya looked at the battle not far away.

At this time, the battle between Nero and Elkette has also reached a state of intense heat ..

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