My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 51: Showdown and night raid first!

The time goes by about an hour

On the east side of Misaki-cho, in the room of an ancient villa in the suburbs, under the bright lights, the red-haired boy is lying on a large reclining chair, slowly reading through the magic book in his hand, if there is something in his eyes think.

"The wisdom of all beings is really extraordinary!"

Seemingly thinking of something, Nagato whispered softly, "Obviously in just ten years, there is so much more magical knowledge in this world. I can almost think of the future, how much surprise this world will give me. "

"Having said that, Akiba's work is very good!"

When he accidentally swept a special bookshelf full of magic books in the room, such thoughts flashed in the long door.

The Holy Grail Alliance, as a newly emerging giant power in the Moon World, its main purpose is to protect the Holy Grail system and prevent others from doing things on it.

Therefore, although Dongmu City is the headquarters, it is not where the alliance handles foreign relations.

Therefore, Misakicho and the two sub-bases of Guanbuzi City have a need to exist. While dealing with external relations, these two sub-bases also have a purpose to collect mysterious knowledge.

After all, the principle that knowledge is power is universal no matter when and where.

Even if the planes are different, as long as the knowledge base is sufficient, you can always bypass it.

Boom! ! !

At this moment, the sudden knock on the door interrupted the thinking of the long door. At the next moment, the door opened automatically. I saw the blonde girl standing outside the door, looking at the long door with some discomfort, hesitant to dare Walk in.

"Yo, Xiaoqi, you are here!"

Seeing the girl's figure, the long door smiled, throwing away the magic book in his hand, and the book flew to the shelf automatically. "What are you doing standing outside? Come in!"

Nagato's words seemed to have a magical power. The little girl who hesitated originally came in involuntarily.

boom! ! !

The sudden closing of the door made the girl sober.

At the next moment, the little girl's face turned red instantly, it was not shy, but annoyed. The girl never thought that the man's words would have such a great influence on herself.

It was less than a day after it fell into the other party's hands, and he became like this.

If the time is longer, then it's worth it!

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the girl's appearance, Nagato chuckled.

I don't know that as the strength increased, Nagato's grasp of people's hearts became stronger and stronger, or the little vampire named Xiaoqi was not complicated. Nagato found that he had a complete insight into the psychology of the other party.


Hearing the laughter of Nagato, the little girl snorted and turned her head to the other side, seeming to be reluctant to ignore Nagato.

In fact, this is also the case. If Nagato had forced himself to come in the middle of the night before, and threatened to take her for the first time if it did not come, the little girl would definitely be far from him.

Xiaoqi has no doubt that if he does not come, the other party will definitely be able to do that.

In other words, she has already witnessed the spirit of Nagato!


Turning the couch underneath, the long door called out to the little girl, his hands were together, and he took the posture of commander-in-chief. In an instant, the atmosphere in the whole room was somewhat frozen.

"Uh, what's the matter?"

The little girl who was originally in a state of anger suddenly startled and said in surprise.

"You, do you have nothing to say to me?"

Seeing that the girl hadn't responded for a while, Nagato had to continue to remind, "In other words, after seeing Agulola, the true ancestor girl, don't you want to say anything to me?"

The words of Nagato were like a thunder, and the blonde girl was instantly dull.

For a long time, the girl exhaled.

There was a slight change in the girl's body, and the blonde hair was gradually dyed into a dark color. The breath that was extremely close to nature was slightly hidden, revealing a wave of unspeakable fluctuations, and the whole person's charm rose to a new level.

"Sure enough, you already know!"

The girl's voice was cold, and vermilion eyes stared at the long door, revealing a fierce look.

Originally knowing the existence of Agu Lola, Xiao Qi did have some luck, but after the long door said, Xiao Qi had already made the worst plan.


Hope is slim!

Although getting along for less than a day, the various means that Nagato inadvertently showed the girl feel unfathomable. In the face of such a mysterious existence, it seems that there is absolutely no way for the girl to be seriously injured!

"Of course!"

"Or, I knew your identity from the beginning."

"After all, the traits in you are too obvious. Even if you manifest the strength of your connection with Gaia, you can't stop my insight."

Standing up from the couch, the red-haired boy stepped into the alert little girl step by step, stretched out his hand, and caressed the girl's long dark hair with a look of satisfaction:

"Sure enough, you are still suitable for black hair!"

"The master of the primate killer, the mixed blood of the true ancestor and the dead, the blood-sucking Ji on the side of the dead, and the white blood-sucking Ji Erkuite is the opposite black blood-sucking Ji, the ruler of blood and contract"

"Alterucci Brenstad!"

boom! ! !

Just as Nagato said the girl's real name, a sudden roar reached the ears of the two.

The ensuing waves of fierce magical power, as well as continuous collisions and roars, apparently, not far away, seemed to be erupting in a rather fierce battle.

"this is"

Although the fighting power is completely lost, the girl's perception ability has not been lost.

After sensing the familiar and unfamiliar magic power, the girl, or Elt Luke's face changed.


"It seems that the guy who chased you is finally here!"

"Exactly, let's go to this fun feast together, it seems that there is still a magic messenger who will be attracted."

He picked up the girl who did not resist, kicked the door open with a long door, and strode out with a meteor

ps: a little tired ...

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