My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 60: The dead and the true ancestor [below] third!

The true ancestors and dead men of Xingyue can be regarded as typical examples of oppression and anti-oppression.

The original true ancestor was Zhu Yue. She was born on the moon and was invited by Gaia to come to the earth and became an alternate uo of the earth. During that initial period, Zhu Yue used her as a template to create a true Ancestor.

But in order to check and balance, Zhu Yue set a blood-sucking impulse in the true ancestors, which is not a defect.

It is normal for Zhenzu to **** blood.

However, the status of Xingyue Zhenzu is too high, and he can't find a higher-level creature on his plane.

If you **** blood in this state, it will only contaminate your own blood, and it will naturally fall.

However, this kind of blood-sucking impulse is a physiological impulse that cannot be solved at all. Some real ancestors would rather seal themselves than degenerate, but some real ancestors degenerate, so the first dead appear

The original dead were originally the food of the true ancestors!

But after all, the predecessor of the deceased was human, a very rebellious creature. Without the real ancestors knowing, the power of the deceased continued to develop, learning a little bit about the power of the true ancestor, and finally 27 people appeared. The oldest dead who successfully defected.

They assembled to form the Council of the Dead.

And Vatican was one of the twenty-seven dead!

"Maybe some guys have forgotten the **** history, but I haven't forgotten!"

Standing on the cold and frozen ground, Van Feimu manipulated the remaining five magic cities, forming a siege to Agurola, and said, "Although I like humans very much, it does not mean that I do not admit that I am not The identity of the dead! "

Accompanied by the consciousness of Vatican, the five magic cities attacked Agurola.

Among them, the strongest magic city-the dragon, even a black dragon breath broke out!



The extremely cold words spit out from Aguola's mouth.

At the next moment, the magical aggregation of the combination of mermaid and demon bird, the twelfth beast named Enchanting Ice came out from behind the girl. At the next moment, the power of freezing heaven and earth exploded.

The endless cold spreads around the center of the fairy, turning into a terrible ice tornado! ! !

Boom! ! !

Bimeng ’s heavy fists, the werewolf ’s flames, and even the dark dragon ’s breath, no matter what kind of attack, under the tornado melted by the ice, turned into an ice sculpture in an instant, even the magic city itself received Had an impact.

"not good!"

Van Feim's face changed after standing in the magic city.

Not only because the attack was ineffective, but also because he found that under the terrible tornado, the magic city seemed to start to freeze, and his manipulation of the magic city gradually became a little bit overwhelmed.

"Can't go on like this!"

As the oldest dead, with a long experience, Van Feim made a decision instantly.

All his magic power was injected into the body of the werewolf magic city through his own connection with the magic city. At the next moment, a glint flashed in the eyes of the oldest dead, and the magic power all impacted the core of the magic city-

boom! ! !

An unprecedented explosion happened.

I saw that the werewolf demon city burst instantaneously. When the werewolf capable of spraying flames exploded, the flames burst out, swept the entire frozen battlefield in an instant, and canceled out with the ice.

Even the ice tornado started to burn gradually

A lot of white smoke filled the ice and fire.

At this moment, Van Feim felt that his connection with the remaining four magic cities was finally smooth, and when he was about to direct the magic city to attack Agurola, Agurola's cold and relentless voice echoed in his ears. .

"Do all the smart things!"

"However, in vain!"

boom! ! !

At the next moment, a strong shock burst into the white smoke.

Bai Yan receded, revealing the girl's posture and the two beasts behind her. One of them was the fairy ice, and the other was the upper body of the beautiful female and the lower body of the blue-white snake. A long-haired water demon composed of countless snakes.

The eleventh beast, the white steel of water essence!

"Merge it!"

Closing her eyes, the girl murmured softly. At the next moment, the two beasts belonging to the sisters among the twelve beasts, the demon and the water demon turned into liquid and merged.

In a flash, a new beast was born!

It was a mysterious beast that resembled a ichthyosaur and a plume, more like a mermaid, but just after it appeared, the temperature of the surrounding environment dropped again, and the diffuse flame was suppressed again.

At the next moment, I saw the beast rises into the sky!

Then, the cold light with some mysterious atmosphere fell from the sky.

It was an incredible cold light!

When it fell on the tornado, the wind automatically spread out, and fell on the flame. The flame gradually subsided, and it fell on the magic city. The magic city built after countless years was directly paralyzed, and then gradually turned into a pile. Precious materials

"how come!"

Watching this scene indifferently, Vampire's mind suddenly went blank.

The next moment, the mysterious beast appeared in front of him, directly pulling out a tail, pulling it directly on the face of the oldest dead, pumping it away, tracing an arc in the sky and landing heavily.

boom! ! !

A spit of blood spit out of his mouth, and a girl with rainbow hair appeared in the field of vision of Vatican.

It turned out that the mysterious beast had drawn it directly to Aguola's side. Realizing this, Van Feim was about to get up, and Aguola was stepped directly on his abdomen.

puff! ! !

Blood spewed again.

"What is the true ancestor of the dead, I don't know, and I don't want to know."

"Yu only knows that everything in this world is just weak meat and strong food, just as Yu Jin is also under that man, and you turned down Yu's invitation because of those inexplicable perseverance."

"Then, Ru is worthless!"

At the next moment, on the side of Agurola, the mysterious beast appeared again, and the mouth was a condensed cold light, and it came out-

boom! ! !

ps: There are three chapters! ..

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