My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1090:

"Eh? Huh? But... ah, I'll go by myself, wait, where are you touching α——!"

Well, Icarus has also learned badly...

Is it my fault?

————The dividing line of time————.

For a long time, the embarrassed figure climbed up from the river with difficulty. If someone who didn't know it saw it, they might think it was a water ghost who came ashore to find a substitute... Well, if there is such a beautiful water ghost.

"Come on, grab my hand."

"Ah, thank you!"

Astraea, who was halfway up, grabbed my helping hand without thinking.

ok, the power of eternity has been delivered.

The water droplets rolled down on the fair and smooth skin, and the girl all over the body looked extremely tempting. The only regret was that the armor she was wearing could not have a see-through effect when it was wet.


Astrea reluctantly lowered her eyebrows and sighed heavily, and began to manually squeeze the water-absorbing wings.

"Really, I told them that Icarus-senpai is scary..."

"You know, why are you still fighting?"

Since there is no hostility to the other party, I will pretend to be familiar with it.

"Because artificial angels can't disobey their master's orders... eh? Who are you?"

Oh, finally reacted.

"you guess."

So I smiled and gave this **** answer.


Astraea thought desperately, and then smiled smugly.

"Hmph, I remember! You are the new master of Icarus-senpai!"

"Huh? So you know me?"

Following the idiot mode of thinking, I complied.

"Of course! I saw your image in Xenapus... ah, please don't hear that."

"So that's it, is everything about Xenapus top secret?"

"Uh, can't say."

"Is that so, let's talk about what you can say--your name is Astraea, right?"

"Yes... Hey, no, why should I talk to you politely? You are the master of Senior Icarus, so as long as I take you as a hostage now, I can complete the mission!"

Alas, this idiot gets smart sometimes!

Of course, it's just a little clever who doesn't consider the cause and effect.

Because she's an idiot, Astrea also has the personality to do what she thinks, and immediately got up and reached out to grab me.

The power gap between artificial angels and humans is obvious. Even Nimf, who is the weakest in combat, can slap Tomoki Sakurai through a Japanese-style light structure wall in a panic. , in the original book, Nimf once smashed Icarus, whose memory has not yet been restored, into the mountain wall, which fully shows that no matter which artificial angel is, it is absolutely monster-level in terms of strength.

However, I am not a weak human being.

However, in order to achieve the ultimate goal more easily, conveniently and more interestingly, I did not show my strength immediately, but played the game of chasing me with Astraea.

"Come on - stop for me!"

Sure enough, Astrea, who was seriously lacking in computing power, chased me into the woods by the beach regardless of what happened.

And then... bang!

Astraea would wrestle on the flat ground, not to mention the woods full of roots and branches, plus her wings were still soaking up water, so after just a few seconds, she fell to the ground .

"So you're an idiot?"

I turned around and crouched in front of Astrea, staring at her with a smile.

"Ugh! You're the fool! The one who calls others a fool is a fool!"

With water and mud all over her body, Astraea raised her head and raised her chest angrily, trying to get up, but then she fell to the ground with a slack.

"I'm just, I'm just too hungry..."


As if in response to Astrea's words, her stomach made a sound of hunger at the right time.


Well, I still know how to use repeated rhetorical devices to express emphasis.

"Hum... You're too hungry to have the strength, right?"

A flash of inspiration occurred to me, and I immediately decided to do aerobic exercise that is good for my physical and mental health.

"Although you desperately wanted to take me as a hostage just now, who made me a good... ahem, kind person? Anyway, I decided to give you something to eat."

"Huh? Really?!"

As soon as the weak-looking Astraea heard "food to eat", she immediately raised her head in high spirits, her bright red eyes sparkled like Icarus in "Queen of the Sky" mode, and she decided to start selling cute. Skill.

"Well, that's what I said, but I don't trust you at all, so I have to disarm you and tie you up again. How about it, do you agree?"

————This is the dividing line————.

ps: As the post bar said, the ninjas of Senran Kagura are not so much kindness and evil forbearance, but official forbearance and private forbearance...


Chapter 969 The Bite of the Goddess of Justice

"Anthracene, no problem, give me some food!"

Astraea stood up for a point shot and agreed with all the buttons. Although she has limited intelligence, she obviously knows what kind of rope steps can break free with the strength of an artificial angel? So it doesn't matter if you promise me now.

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