The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Bai Chuchu took the card and couldn't help feeling disgusted.

When she was with Qin Yun, he wasn't so stingy.

She always knew that Qin Yun would spend 100,000 yuan on him if he had 1 million yuan, while Qin Jiang would find a way to spend 30,000 yuan on her if he had 20,000 yuan. Even if he had to borrow money or withdraw his part-time salary in advance, he would give her everything he had.

Don't say it, she was really touched.

But even if he gave all the 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, it wouldn't be as much as the 100,000 yuan Qin Yun gave her.

Bai Chuchu claimed that she was not a fool, so she naturally made a choice.

What's more, Qin Yun is the most precious youngest son of the Qin family. His future is certainly not on the same level as Qin Jiang, the "poor boy" who was brought back from the bottom.

But now, Bai Chuchu clearly feels that Qin Yun's kindness to her is just like the money he gives her... getting less and less!

No, she has already adapted to this kind of "confidence" to spend money at will. Letting her live a tight life again will be like asking for her life?

"Sure enough, Ayun treats me the best..."

"But Qin Jiang, my aunt's family has given me an ultimatum. If I don't make up for the loss of the sports car for 200,000, I'm afraid I will be punished by Huajing, and my family will also know that I owe money outside..."

Bai Chuchu was embarrassed to speak.

Qin Yun certainly knew that this matter involved the Yan family. As long as Yan Liang wanted to ask, he would have to pay money to keep Bai Chuchu.

Fortunately, 200,000 is not a lot.

Fortunately, Bai Chuchu lied.

He got one million from his fourth sister, so he didn't feel too painful.

"Well, baby... this husband has thought about it for you a long time ago."

"There is exactly 200,000 and 2,000 yuan in this card. You can use the 200,000 yuan to make up for the hole in the Yan family's car as soon as possible. As for the remaining 2,000 yuan... just use it as your living expenses this month."

"Although you can't spend much money in college, you should always keep some liquid funds on hand."

Qin Yun put the savings card into Bai Chuchu's palm, with a sincere and caring face, which made him look noble despite his sickness.

However, Bai Chuchu didn't want to complain about his stinginess.

Fortunately, she was going to play the long game to catch big fish.

Qin Yun took over the Qin family and took over the Yan family through Qin Jiang, then she would become the new richest lady in Beijing.

Her appetite is not so easy to satisfy.

As for now, she has more than one fish!

Of course, if she only caught one fish, she would not be full. If she caught a basket full of fish, she would not only be full, but also the survival of the fittest~


"Chuchu knew that Ayun was the best to me."

Bai Chuchu: Ugh! !

You stingy person who can't even "stand up"!


Qin's villa.

"Moyun's video was finally removed, but how to calculate the losses to Qin's Finance? It's all Qin Jiang's fault. He even killed his own sister. He is no longer worthy of being my son!"

Mrs. Qin, Jiang Yuyao, had to go to the hospital to take care of her son Qin Yun early in the morning. She was stewing soup in the kitchen at this moment.

She had insisted on taking care of Ayun in the hospital last night, but Ayun insisted that he had grown up and needed independent space.

And now the Qin family is in a mess. He hopes that his mother's concern for the children can also take into account the sisters.

Look, what a sensible and considerate child Ayun is in their family.

Unlike Qin Jiang, that wild dog, who not only has the abject air of a low-class person, but also punishes his relatives without any bottom line.

What kind of words are these?

"Mom, have you seen Xiao Wu? She knelt in the ancestral hall for five days before. She was not in good health to begin with. She ran away after arguing with her family after returning. She did not go home all night..."

Fourth sister Qin Shuyun ran into the kitchen. Although she was relatively withdrawn in the Qin family because of her disfigurement, she was very concerned about every relative in her heart.

Of course, this did not include Qin Jiang.

But since her eldest sister told her the truth of the year, she knew that the mistakes she had made had caused harm to Qin Jiang.

She still felt a little guilty about Qin Jiang.

But this was not a reason for her to let Qin Jiang retaliate against the Qin family at will.

And now, Qin Shuyun had a bold guess.

That is, Xiao Wu must have gone to find Qin Jiang.

But Liangyue Manor is a devil's den, and there is such a female devil living in Liangyue Manor...

If Xiao Wu really went, would she still be able to come back alive?

Qin Shuyun couldn't help but feel scared, but Xiaowu couldn't just ignore it, so she immediately thought of her mother Jiang Yuyao.

Even if Qin Jiang was so rebellious and cruel to his sister and brother, he couldn't really kill his own mother, right?

Jiang Yuyao heard this,

Her brows furrowed, and she couldn't help but think of Xiaowu's appearance when he left.

She even slapped herself in the face...

Thinking of this, Qin's mother's hand slipped as she was about to put the stewed hot soup into the insulated box.

With a "bang"!

The hot soup suddenly spilled all over the floor, and even directly splashed on Qin Shuyun and Jiang Yuyao.

"Ahhh... It's so hot!!"

"Help! Hurry up and call someone to clean it up, Mom... We have to go to the bathroom and rinse the burned area with cold water.

Let Wang's mother get the burn plaster, it's okay... You've been burned before, haven't you?

Our burn plaster is very effective and won't leave scars."

In order to prevent her mother from being burned, Qin Shuyun just stretched out her hand to block it.

Qin Shuyun's back of her hand was almost burned, and the strong burning sensation made her sweat profusely, but she still insisted on letting her mother rinse with cold water first.

Compared to Qin Shuyun's burns, Jiang Yuyao was much worse off.

The boiling soup was poured directly onto her body, and her neck and abdomen were all red.

She felt as if she was suddenly fried in oil, and she grimaced in pain, without the grace of a noble lady.

"Ahhhhhhh... It hurts!!"

"Xiao Si, is mom going to be disfigured too?"

Jiang Yuyao's words suddenly pierced the deepest pain in Qin Shuyun's heart.

Yes, she was the only one in the family who was disfigured.

But before she was disfigured, she was the most beautiful among her sisters...

I don't know if she was too sensitive, but I always felt that this sentence made her feel that her mother also disliked her disfigurement.

But soon Qin Shuyun adjusted her mentality and told Wang Ma:

"Wang Ma, go get the ice pack quickly! Mom... I'll take you to the bathroom."

Qin Shuyun took Qin Ma to the bathroom, and after taking off her clothes, her upper body was indeed covered with burns.

Although it was not too serious, Qin's mother was already grimacing in pain.

"Go get our special burn ointment! Last time I burned my finger, and it felt cool and pain-free after applying it, and there was no scar left in the end..."

"I remember Wang's mother still has it?"

After hearing the instructions, Wang's mother searched the villa for the burn ointment, and finally stood at the bathroom door with an ice pack and said helplessly:

"Madam, the burn ointment has been used up a long time ago, and the newly made burn ointment was taken away by the eldest master Qin Jiang. Now we don't have that kind of burn ointment anymore..."

"But don't worry, I have asked someone to buy the burn ointment from the pharmacy, maybe... maybe it's almost the same?"

Wang's mother looked ugly, and she knew in her heart that the burn ointment sold outside was not as effective as the burn ointment made by Master Qin Jiang?

She secretly saved some before, and the effect was amazing.

Unfortunately, it was also used up.

"What? Why did Qin Jiang take the burn ointment at home?"

"Hurry up and ask someone to find him and ask her to return the burn ointment!!"

Mrs. Qin was furious.

Qin Shuyun's face was ugly. After taking a breath, she seemed to realize it later and said, "Mom... Is there a possibility that the burn ointment was made by Qin Jiang himself?"

"No... Absolutely impossible!"

"Qin Jiang is a wild child from a mountain valley. How can he have such ability?"

"Did he steal our Ayun's pharmaceutical formula again?"

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