My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 161: Your love rivals

"Police?" Chen Jian asked again, puzzled.

"It's the security in the playground." Fang Ze explained to Chen Jian again, "their children are naughty, and they always tease those security guards."

"That's it." Chen Jian nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Where is her house? It sounds like good infrastructure." Chen Jian asked.

"Gotham City," Harley Quinn quickly responded to Chen Jian, "a particularly beautiful city."

Yeah, it's beautiful. Fang Ze murmured silently in his heart, either he had billions of wealth, or he had super powers, otherwise the average person was walking in Gotham City, who was walking in a perverted state, and it was estimated that he would not live long.

"Why never heard of this city?" Chen Jian asked, "which province."

"A small city on the northwest border, you have never heard it normal." Fang Ze continued to Chen Jian, "but the humanities of this city are really very good. For several years in a row, the province has been rated as the friendliest city, and the people's happiness index is quite high."

"Good," said Chen Jian. "No wonder little girls like this can grow up happily."

"Yeah," Fang Ze said as he ate. "There are still many people like her in Gotham City, and they have been very well placed by the government."

"After all, the people's government has to serve the people." Although Chen Jian did not serve in the government, he was serious in his role as an official.

But Chen Jian was extremely serious at this moment, and Fang Ze was about to laugh out of his internal injuries.

After dinner, Fang Ze returned with Harriequin. But as soon as he woke up on Tuesday morning, Harry Quinn wanted to play a game with Chen Jian again.

Fang Ze didn't want to trouble Chen Jian at first, but Chen Jian took the initiative to call to say hello, Fang Ze simply mentioned this matter, and the guy Chen Jian actually agreed.

The three agreed to meet at a shopping mall. When Fang Ze arrived with Harry Quinn, Chen Jian was already waiting for them.

"Good morning, Miss Ha." Chen Jian said hello as he watched Harley Quinn.

"Good morning, Mr. Chen." Harriet Quinn looked at Chen Jian and said, "Do you still play games with me today?"

"Of course." Chen Jianxin agreed.

So Fang Ze was like a classmate. Watching the two ran to the video game city and started to play late from the first machine. The two laughed like 20-something children.

How can I feel something wrong.

Fang Ze looked at Harley Quinn and Chen Jian who were playing the game together, thinking that Chen Jian, who was meowing, shouldn't fall in love with Harley Quinn at first sight.

But Chen Jian, brother!

If you think about it, what kind of characters are the rivals you want to face, a clown who can upset the entire city without a word, rich and beautiful, and Batman Wei who can fight Master Ye. The top killer who never shoots a second shot is dead.

There is no need to say any other miscellaneous fish. Just three of them, not to mention Chen Jian, even if you pull over a group army, you may not be able to get it.

However, Fang Ze couldn't say much now. He could only watch the two guys run electric there, and then leaned on a grid machine alone.

Well, why don't you ask Lin Xiaoxin what he's doing.

Fang Ze opened the phone and sent Lin Xiaoxin a message, "What are you doing?"

"Review the textbooks and prepare for the exam."

"When is the exam?" "Next week." Lin Xiaoxin returned, "From Thursday to Saturday."

"It's a pity." Fang Ze returned.

"Why, you can't see each other for only a week. Do you feel that life is bleak and that life has no meaning to continue?"

"Comrade Lin Xiaoxin, you have a lot of drama, and give yourself extra drama."

"Hmm, didn't I say what was in your heart?" Lin Xiaoxin gave Fang Ze a proud expression.

"Right." Fang Ze asked, "are you convenient now?"

"OK, what do you want?" Lin Xiaoxin asked.

"Think." Fang Ze clearly communicated his purpose.

"Go away, don't use your unconscious mind to prevent this little fairy from reviewing."

As soon as Fang Ze had finished chatting, he heard the noise of a group of children coming over to fly, Fang Ze looked up, and then found a thin, middle-aged man surrounded by a group of junior high school students and came over.

This middle-aged man, Fang Ze, also happened to know.

"Sima Pi." Fang Ze raised his hand and greeted the middle-aged man.

This thin, middle-aged man happened to be the Chinese teacher at the first middle school that Fang Ze had saved Chen Ranran before.

"It's you." Sima Pi came over and shook hands with Fang Ze, and asked Fang Ze, "You come here to play games too."

"Companion." Fang Ze pointed to Harriet Quinn and Chen Jian who danced on the dancing machine together, and then asked Sima Pi Road, "Where are you here?"

"Accompany the students to fight the King of Fighters." Sima Pi said quite calmly, and did not feel that there was anything wrong with this matter.

Fang Ze glanced at a dozen junior high school students who were surrounded by Sima Pi ~ ~ and looked at Sima Pi again, thinking. The teacher was not afraid that he would be brought to school after being discovered by any student's parents.

The teacher of someone's home is afraid that his student will play the game. Does this teacher even bring his student into the phone to play games in the city? !!

"Teacher, let's go. Let's hurry up, otherwise there will be no more machines." A small fat man called to Sima Pi.

"Shi Peng, you are so skillful that you do n’t have the machine, do you often go to the black net bar?" Sima Pi asked, pointing at the little fat man.

"The teacher didn't, I have never been there again." The little fat man immediately responded and said that he had leaked, and quickly covered his mouth.

"No more, I don't believe it at all." Sima Pi looked at the fat man and said, "You can't wait to remember, you won't win me, the goal of the next exam will be increased by ten."

"Okay, teacher, you are optimistic." The fat man said confidently to Sima Pi, "I have honed my secret new trick this time."

Between the teacher and the student, he has reached the front of a King of Fighters machine, Sima Pi found out a lot of hard disks from his pockets, piled them on the machine, and then took out four coin slots that were inserted into two players in.

Fang Zehe thought it was novel and interesting, so he followed in the past and stood aside to see what the student Simapi wanted to do.

"Who's coming first?" Sima Pi saw that the machine had been activated, so he turned around and asked the students.

"Teacher I'll come first." The fat man walked over, stood in front of the King of Fighters, and chose player two, while Simapi chose player one.

The two picked each of their three heroes and started the game.

The fat man did train hard. Several heroes are very skilled, but they are still not as good as the boss Mapi.

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