My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 169: Escape Room

"Seriously, don't bother you." Yao Pan patted the table and said, "My life-long affairs depend on you."

Looking at Yao Pan's seriousness, Fang Ze was also embarrassed to continue joking, and sat down and asked, "What's going on? Tell me if you can help, you can help if you can't help."

"It's like this," Lin Xiaoxin said to Fang Ze, "Yao Pan has a vague and ambiguous object who has been in the business for several years and has not won it. Isn't it because the Qixi Festival is almost coming, so we plan to do it before Qixi Festival To help Yao Pan establish a relationship with this boy. "

"I haven't won for several years?" Fang Ze looked at Yao Pan and said, "Are you sure that this is the object of ambiguous, not the object of spare tires. You have been raised by others."

"Who dares to care for the mother's womb." Yao Pan said fiercely.

"So what's going on, alas. For years, even dogs and cats were together."

"That." Yao Pan heard Fang Ze's question and suddenly felt embarrassed and didn't know how to say it.

"That's it," said Lin Xiaoxin, "her ambiguous object is a computer programmer, and then you know."

"Is that the kind of programmer who went out for lunch during a lunch break and got married and returned to work?"

"You don't want to be a programmer when you are two," Yao Pan said. "It has nothing to do with programmers. He is just a little bit emotional about emotions and not active enough."

"This has nothing to do with taking the initiative." Lin Xiaoxin said to Fang Ze, "Do you know, last time, Yao Pan blew his hair, wiped loose powder, sprayed perfume, used bright color pens, and applied lipstick. I played pk107, brought invisible throws, and even covered my neck with cosmetics. It was a makeup case that could breathe. I was going to win that guy in one fell swoop, guess what. "

"What's wrong?" Fang Ze asked.

"He took me to swim." Yao Pan covered his face and buried his head deeply.

"Well," Fang Zefu said, "this way, you might as well let him be single."

"I think it's fine." Lin Xiaoxin said, "At least this kind of straight-looking boy won't hook up with anyone casually. Because even if they are hooked up, they can't be hooked up, so they feel at home at ease."

"So how are today's events arranged?" Fang Ze asked.

"After a while, we will go to the guy, and then the four of us will go to eat first, and then we will escape in the back room. If we can do that, I will retreat at night, and let Yao Pan and the guy go to fly together and explore The depth of each other. If you are not sure, go to ktv at night to see if you can fight back.

"That looks like today's focus is on escape from the back room?" Fang Ze asked.

"Of course, otherwise what are we two doing in the past?" Lin Xiaoxin said.

The three finalized their plans and went out together.

Although Fang Ze wanted to drive his Wuling Hongguang Batmobile directly to the destination, Yao Pan refused to accept it because he thought it would be too shameful to drive a tens of thousands or thousands of vehicles.

Although she didn't know it, she rejected what might be the most expensive car on the planet.

The taxi arrived at the restaurant, and the three sat at the table until the order was ordered, and the boy had not yet come.

"Don't you be pigeons today?" Lin Xiaoxin looked at Yao Pan worriedly.

Yao Pan said without any worries, "If my pigeons are released today, my mother will return to my hometown immediately after graduation, and find a blind date, and I will never talk about love any more."

Fortunately, when the third dish was served, the boys finally arrived.

"I'm sorry." This is a tall and thin boy, each should be about one meter eighty-two, with his arms thinner than Fang Ze.

"There was a problem at work. I rushed over when I finished." The boy sat hurriedly next to Yao Pan and apologized to everyone.

"It's okay, we didn't wait long." Yao Pan, who was already angry, looked at the boy, and his expression eased a lot.

"Yes, that's good." The boy immediately expressed joy when he heard Yao Pan say this.

Well, this kind of boy with a low emotional quotient, how did Yao Pan see it?

Fang Ze reached out to the boy and said, "Hello, my name is Fang Ze."

"Lu Chao." The boy shook hands with Fang Ze, and then continued to explain. "The server in the computer room was broken again. We were almost ready to kill a colleague's blood sacrifice. Fortunately, luck is good today, and it will soon be fine again. "

"So the two most dangerous occupations that people often say, one is the late stage of video production, and the other is the programmer in the computer room. It is really not fake."

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiaoxin asked Fang Ze without understanding.

"One is easily eaten, the other is easily bloody."

However, Fang Ze found out that although Lu Chao rushed in, he was dressed neatly, his face was just washed, his beard was shaved, and he seemed to attach great importance to the party.

The four were chatting and eating. Although Lu Chao and Yao Pan interacted quite a lot and were very close, the relationship always felt separated.

Some things Yao Pan is not good enough too proactively ~ ~ and Lu Chao also did not respond, Lin Xiaoxin looked straight and stomped.

However, eating is not important. The escape from the secret room is the highlight.

Escape rooms are usually full of customers, so be sure to make a reservation before you go, and you can play directly after you arrive.

After the four-person escape room escaped, the boss told Fang Ze that the front team had continued for half a point, so the organs in the room were not cleaned up yet, and Fang Ze waited for them.

After playing a board game in the lobby for a while, the boss noticed that he could go in.

The escape from the secret room they played was called the Book of Darkness, and the difficulty was not too much, a total of five levels.

Of course, before the three of them came back, they had already checked the strategy. Today came to play the game. Only Lu Chao was there to solve the puzzle seriously. The three of them were paddling all the way. When it matters, remind Lu Chao of the unsolvable puzzle.

Quickly arrived in the third room. The four found the key and opened a cabinet. There was a white Cupid statue with a card under the statue.

Lu Chao picked up the card and looked at the text on the card. He read, "The key props to the next room are in the statue, and the four people who want to get through the statue must hold two or two kisses for ten seconds. "

After Lu Chao said, he turned to look at the three people standing behind him.

The three Fang Ze looked at him with bright eyes.

After planning for more than half a day, I did all this, and finally came here, it depends on your reaction, brother!

Lu Chao held the note and thought for a moment. He first turned his attention to Yao Pan who was waiting nervously, then blinked his eyes, smoothed his eyes to Fang Ze, and took out a piece of toilet paper from his pocket.

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