My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 182: Get sick

[] "If a normal person encounters this kind of thing, why do they have to check it again, or ask clearly how the person died. This will make a decision." Fang Ze looked at the crowd and said. "Don't you think that **** is too suspicious?"

"In other words, the uncle actually let his nephew run away as soon as he found out that his husband was really chopped to death by lightning. In fact, he already had a similar intention in his heart."

"It's like buying a lottery ticket," Fang Ze said. "For example, some people buy ten yuan lottery tickets every day, and the ten dollar lottery tickets are likely to be the same number. You said he thought about one. Are you rich at night? I definitely thought about it, and I already thought about how to spend the money. Although the chance of winning is small, these people just use this behavior as a habit. "

"So, it is very likely that this woman has a habit of pulling the lightning rod every rainy day. If she really hacks her husband, it is equivalent to winning the lottery."

"But why did she let her nephew run?" Zhu Longlong still didn't want to understand.

"Don't you understand?" Fang Ze looked at Zhu Longlong and said, "This woman didn't have a choice before, so she could only cooperate with her nephew who can have a reasonable relationship with her. Now that her husband is dead, if she is still with her nephew It's not that it will cause criticism from people in the town. It's better to take money to catch other little white faces. "

"I see!" Then Zhu Longlong understood why the first time he saw his husband's death, he would let his nephew run with money. She wanted to kill two birds with one stone. While burying her husband, let her nephew take the money and leave. Don't prevent her from being chic in the future. "

"Great." Zhu Longlong thought for a long time, and finally said a sentence, "Sure enough, it is still young and simple."

"What's the relationship between being pure and young?" Wen Bo, who drove in, suddenly interjected, "It's like whether black fungus is related to age?"

"Drive your car." Fangze Zhulong Longrui brothers all sang at the same time to Wenbo.

Because the road was delayed, the group did not reach the city center of Jinling until 8:30 pm.

Wenbo borrowed a friend's house, but when he got to the place, his friend told him that he couldn't wait because he couldn't wait, so he went back first, and the key was under the doormat, so he could take it by himself.

The RV was parked in the community because it was not a car in the community and a lot of parking fees were paid.

Four people walked in front of a large-sized house, Wen Bo touched under the doormat, and sure enough he felt a key.

"Your friend is also a strange man," Zhu Longlong said to Wenbo, "so dare to hide the key under the doormat, so you are not afraid to lose things."

Wenbo opened the door with the key and said, "She hasn't lived in this house for a long time, so she lent me a few days of tossing, and there is probably nothing valuable in it."

The door opened, and as Wenbo said, there was nothing inside. There is only a square table in the living room, which is densely packed with various garbage and wireless routers.

"Looking at the situation, shouldn't we have to sleep on a hard bed." Zhu Longlong said and pulled open a bedroom, and found that it had already been laid out, and the sheets and quilts were all brand new and looked like special The same for them.

"Well, does it seem to be quite attentive."

"That's it," Wenbo said smugly. "My friends can make a difference."

"Then you are not from Jinling, how do you know the people here. Our school?" Asked Rui Geer.

"Netizens, never met," Wenbo said.

"Well, netizens." The other three suddenly looked at Wenbo in shock. "You netizens are too brave, have you just lent the house like this?"

"What age are you, don't you always look at netizens from the perspective of the old society." Wenbo said, "Some netizens chat together every day, can you not understand who the other party is? So you can rest assured even if you borrow.

Several people were talking and the doorbell rang. Wenbo opened the door and took a look. There was a little express boy standing outside.

"Hello, your order has arrived." Takeaway brother said to Wenbo.

"You're wrong." Wenbo said looking at the takeaway brother, "We don't order takeaway."

"Building 4, Building 4, Unit 602, that's right here." The courier brother said, took his own take-out list and glanced, and then said, "It's also written on the remarks, for my dear demon mist Dinner. "

"Are you a demon mist?" Asked the takeaway brother.

"Yes, yes, yes." Wenbo hurriedly took over the takeaway, "Demon Wu is my screen name."

After the takeaway brother left, Wenbo contacted his friend on his mobile phone, and then said to Fang Ze, "This is my friend who is worried that we did not eat at night ~ ~ specially for us Click. "

"It is indeed a good person." Rui Geer glanced at the rich takeaway and said to Wenbo, "You netizen is reliable."

Several people packed up the stuff on the square table, and put everything on the table. It happened that the four of them didn't eat at night, so it was supper.

"Wenbo, your Penguin id and WeChat id are not demon mists, why are your netizens calling you demon mists?" Fang Ze asked.

"This is the name of my mixed illness circle." Wenbo replied casually.

"Sickness?" Rui Geer asked Wenbo immediately after listening to her concern. "What's wrong with you, can you be cured? There are actually circles, it is difficult to cure it."

"What a mess." Wenbo said, "It is the second disease, not the disease you think. The reason why I am called Demon Mist is because I set up a mist of antiquity born for my people.

"Well." Several people laughed at Wen Bo's words.

"How old are you and you still have two diseases." Zhu Longlong said with a smile.

"He's not old, he won't retreat." Wenbo looked at Zhu Longlong with contempt. "You, like you, don't know the spirit of the two of us."

"I don't think you have a secondary disease. It's just a trick to lie to the girl." Fang Ze told the truth, and then said, "Don't rush to deny it, I have done this before."

"Did you pretend to have the second disease?" Ruige asked curiously.

"No, I'm pretending to be a **** guy, mixed in the rot girl circle." Fang Ze said embarrassed.

After all, it's dark history. Had Hannibal been here, he would have realized that where did Fang Ze learn from the gaygay bundling method. [Love Chinese]

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