My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 187: 35 bottles for 2 punches

"Take off your clothes and show us." The older policeman looked at Brother Cheng and said.

Brother Cheng immediately became nervous when he heard what the police said. He raised his arms around his chest and said, "There is nothing in me."

"Nothing, you can show it to us." The older policeman winked at the other policemen. If the surname Cheng is unwilling to take out anything, it must be used.

Brother Cheng seemed to know this too, with no choice but to take off his clothes.

The older policeman turned the inside out of the clothes, and then everyone discovered that there was an extra layer inside the undershirt, because the clothes were dark blue, so it was not obvious from the outside.

"What's in it?" The policeman asked.

"Money." Brother Cheng answered honestly this time.

Several police officers lifted the extra layer and found that it really contained several hundred-yuan tickets one by one, but the money did not add up, only a total of six hundred yuan.

"Why do you put money here?" A policeman asked Brother Cheng strangely.

"Money for dinner."

"Money for dinner?" The policeman looked at Brother Cheng's cell phone and looked at Brother Cheng hiding money in his clothes. It felt strange.

Who would hide the money for meals in his clothes and pay in his card to pay directly with his mobile phone?

Now on the street, the 50- or 60-year-old uncle who sells sweet potatoes will use his mobile phone to collect money. This person looks like a 30-year-old. How can he still use cash to pay for meals?

This person definitely has a question, will it be a fugitive?

The older policeman asked Brother Cheng, "Tell me your ID number, let's check."

Brother Cheng said his ID card account, and the older policeman asked Sister Li to check to see if Brother Cheng was a wanted man on the Internet.

"No problem." Sister Li checked the identity card account, and the character's avatar looked similar to Brother Cheng, and then asked Brother Cheng to check his fingerprint and found that the fingerprint was correct.

Just as the older policeman frowned, the young policeman came in with a pink bag in his hand.

"Miss Qin, see if this is your bag." The young policeman asked Miss Qin holding the bag.

"Yes, yes, it's mine." As soon as Miss Qin saw the bag, she shouted immediately.

"Look if there is anything missing, we found this bag from the trash can on the street corner." The young policeman handed the bag to Miss Qin.

Ms. Qin took the bag, unzipped it, took out a pack of wet wipes, and wiped her bag, so that the rest of the contents were taken out.

All kinds of gadgets, cosmetics, paper towels, mints, and an electric toothbrush.

"Why do you still have a toothbrush?" Fang Ze asked strangely, looking at Miss Qin.

"I have a clean habit, and I have to find a place to brush my teeth every time after eating." Miss Qin said.

This is the same as when she first got the bag and wiped the bag first.

Ms. Qin flipped everything in her bag almost, and took out a small rectangular box that looked very fashionable.

Miss Qin opened the small box and it was empty.

"Nothing else is missing, only the necklace is missing." Miss Qin said to the crowd.

"How old is this necklace?" The older policeman asked her.

"Probably only as long as the forearm. The main reason is that the pendant is made of an excellent emerald, so it is more valuable."

Such a large necklace can be hidden in a certain part of a man and hung up.

The older policeman looked at the lower body of Rui Geer and Cheng Ge with suspicion, and the two of them suddenly looked cool.

At this time, Wenbo suddenly remembered something and said, "I remember this guy seemed to hit Tang Rui before. Did he hide the necklace on Tang Rui's body during that time?"

As soon as Wen Bo's words came out, everyone turned his attention to Rui Geer. Only Cheng Ge didn't care about this. He just kept an eye on the 600 yuan cash he was found out by the police.

"No." Rui Ge quickly touched himself, uneasily raised his clothes to look. He almost untied his pants.

Rui Geer's body is a sweatshirt, and no necklace can be hidden.

After all, in summer, the only hidden place that may be hidden is below.

"You two go to that room with me." The older policeman waved at Rui Geer and Cheng Ge. The words just came out, and then he looked at Fang Ze and others with Rui Geer, and then said "A few of you also come with me."

Uh, this is more awkward.

Fang Ze looked at each other, and everyone began to associate at this time, and the birds were naked and embarrassed to meet each other.

"Wait a minute!" Fang Ze called out suddenly.

"What's wrong?" The older policeman looked at Fang Ze and asked.

"I probably know who stole the necklace," Fang Ze said.

"Well, who stole it?" The policeman looked at Fang Ze and asked.

Fang Ze did not answer the words of the older policeman ~ ~ but turned to look at this brother Cheng.

"Brother?" Fang Ze asked this brother tentatively.

"What's wrong?" Even though Cheng Brother still has an indifferent look on his face until now, he only cares about his hundreds of dollars, and he doesn't worry about anything else.

"Three or five bottles," Fang Ze said.

Brother Cheng heard Fang Ze's words, his face lightened up, his eyes became energetic, and he stepped forward, "forcing two punches."

"Playing more and playing less is a fate."

"Brother, okay." Fang Ze and Cheng brother said in unison.

"Stupefying, paralyzed?" Fang Ze asked.

"Don't mention it, it was all washed up overnight." Brother Cheng said with a look of decadence.

"Well, wait." The older policeman looked at Fang Ze and Cheng Cheng who were chatting in strange secret words, and immediately came over and asked, "You guys are still a gang, what are you talking about?"

"No, we are all friends we met in the post. We just confirmed our identity." Fang Ze explained to the older policeman and looked at this brother Cheng. Illegal things, tell my brother, did you take this necklace? "

"It's not illegal to just borrow money." Brother Cheng said rightly.

When Brother Cheng said this sentence, Fang Ze was driving Athena, so it was easy to tell that Brother Cheng's sentence was true.

Two people wore blue cardigans, one was Rui Geer and the other was Cheng Ge.

Brother Cheng said he wasn't. Ruigeer was always with Fangze. Now, neither of them is the one who grabbed Miss Qin's necklace, so the problem comes.

Who stole Miss Qin's necklace?

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