My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 209: Martial arts of unlimited potential

"It's not perfunctory." The turtle fairy looked at Fang Ze very seriously and said, "It's just that I just rubbed the massage too hard, so I'm a bit tired now, so I have to use simple methods."

What's the difference between this special meow and perfunctory!

However, the turtle fairy's method is simple, but after opening Athena's vision, Fang Ze still felt that there was something like a qi in Dandan.

"Although I don't know why you don't have martial arts in this world," said the Turtle Fairy, watching Lu Yao and Su Jie throwing water in the water. It's slowly developing. "

"Then this one in our Dantian is the legendary qigong?" Fang Ze asked the turtle fairy excitedly.

"It's not qigong, it's qigong." The turtle fairy said, "In our world, when my master taught me martial arts, he said that as long as a person has qigong, it means that he has unlimited potential. But not everyone is born with a sense of vitality. At this time, a master is needed to impress them. "

"Although this post-weather feeling is not as good as the previous weather feeling, if you work hard, you may not be able to create miracles."

The turtle fairy explained what the sense of qi was, but Fang Ze thought of another thing.

That is why the turtle fairy accepted Kobayashi.

You must know that for more than 300 years, the number of apprentices can be counted with one finger. The apprentices of Zhenger Bajing are the Demon King, Sun Wufan, Sun Wukong, Kobayashi and Leping.

Le Ping was later collected by hand, but after the early demon king and Sun Wufan started teaching, for a long time the turtle fairy did not accept apprentices.

During this period, there was no one to worship, this scene can be known from the time when Kobayashi first visited.

A bullied little Shaya in Shaolin Temple can know the name of the turtle fairy, and knows that the turtle fairy likes the photo, and bought the photo specifically for the turtle fairy.

So there should be many people trying to worship under the gate of the turtle fairy by various methods, but the turtle fairy did not agree.

And why did the turtle fairy accept Kobayashi?

The only reason is that Kobayashi's talent is bad enough, even a person who doesn't have a sense of anger.

At the time, the turtle gods accepted Goku because Goku was the only descendant of his apprentice. On the one hand, the talent was really terrible. Therefore, if the turtle **** was afraid that the terrible talent Goku would go astray, it might become another disaster for the world. The Piccolo Demon King, earnestly taught under the door, introduced the right track.

At this time, by chance, Kobayashi, who was very poor in talent, also came over, so the turtle fairy wanted to do an experiment to prove that once a poorly talented person has a sense of vitality, does he also have infinite martial arts potential, which is comparable to these talents. Inhuman race.

One talent is terrible, and one does not even have a sense of vitality. Growing together, these two people are definitely the best observation objects.

Facts have proven that the turtle fairy was correct. Although Kobayashi was not as strong as Saiyan, he was definitely the strongest among human beings.

The reason for the turtle fairy to accept Fangze and the two girls is actually very simple. It is also an experiment, and he wants to verify whether the world can develop martial arts by introducing the sense of qi.

Everything is explained clearly. The turtle fairy is good. Under the surface, in fact, the owner has a heart of continuous struggle on the martial arts road.

Therefore, in Dragon Ball Super, the strength of the Turtle Fairy can be horrible to over 100 million. One person defeated three strong players in a series of three, and finally achieved human power at a level comparable to that of the Super Saiyan.

As soon as Fang Ze thought of this, he turned to look at the turtle fairy, and his eyes had become deeply respected.

"Apprentice, look at it," said the turtle fairy suddenly pointing at the ditch that Su Jie showed when she leaned over. "So deep."


Fang Ze looked at the old and immoral Turtle Fairy every moment, wondering if he had thought too much, and made simple and thoughtless writing into reading comprehension.

After a while, the two sisters finally climbed up from the pool. Naturally, they also saw the magical changes they had just made. As soon as they went ashore, they moved left to right and wanted to see if they had become Superman instantly.

"Don't try it." The turtle fairy yawned and said, "Just planted a sense of qi in your body, you can understand it as a seed. This seed has no effect at present, but will follow You gradually develop your body's potential, and as you grow up together, it's up to you how far you will end up. "

"Thank you, Master." The two sisters looked at each other, and bent down to the turtle fairy seriously.

"Is it just a simple thank you?" The Turtle Fairy suddenly turned back to being old and unscrupulous, and said to Su Jie and Lu Yao, "Do you know if there are any more beautiful places nearby, lead the master to play what."

"I don't really know this yet." Su Jie looked at the turtle fairy and thought for a while. "If I don't wait to look back, I will ask my friends to see if they know."

"Master, I'll take you tomorrow." Fang Ze said helplessly watching Turtle Fairy ~ ~ let two little beauties lead him to places like the Great Sword, but also Turtle Fairy thought Out of it.

"Okay." Guixianren readily agreed.

"Master, do we need to train with you tomorrow?" Lu Yao asked, "My vacation is running out, and I may be back for the national team soon."

"Then you come to see me tomorrow morning." The turtle fairy thought for a while and said, "It happens that the take-out of Fangze's kid is too unpleasant every time. Come with breakfast."

When the teacher and apprentice were chatting, Fang Ze found that there was a cola machine behind the pool, so he poured a few cups of cola, and then found that there was something like an ice machine beside the cola machine, and he quickly made a few large ice cubes , Put it in Coke.

"This cola doesn't seem to taste good in a fast food restaurant." Su Jie tasted.

"The colas in fast food restaurants are generally added with concentrated liquids, so the taste will be different." Fang Ze drank the drinks in the beverage machine here. The big bottles of cola were poured directly to save trouble, so the taste It's different from that in a fast food restaurant.

Several people talked for a while, because it was too late, everyone began to prepare to go back, changed their clothes, was about to leave the aisle, and suddenly heard a loud noise in the next swimming pool.

"It seems to be the voice of Sister Mingxin." Lu Yao said a moment.

The Turtle Fairy also remembered the good-looking female coach just now, so she proposed to look over, and everyone walked together without objection.

When Fang Ze passed by, I saw that almost everyone in the swimming class was around the locker room at this time. A manager and several staff members of the swimming pool were appeasing the female coach named Mingxin.

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