My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 423: Riding a dragon

In fact, there are not many movies about dragons, and there are not many good-quality movies. Conna vowed for a while that the dragons were too fake, and she said she did not want to watch them.

The two were about to leave. Conna saw a few leaflets from other shops in this building on the coffee table in Yingwo's private room. Picking them up, Conna saw the leaflet of a hot pot restaurant at a glance.

"What is this?" Conna asked, pointing to the hot pot restaurant's flyer.

"Let me see." Fang Ze gave a glance at him, and then said to Conna, "This is a flyer of hot pot restaurant, do you know about hot pot?"

"I know. Kobayashi took me to the peony pot and it was delicious." Conna said, raising her hand to praise, "Hot pot is an extraordinary invention of human beings."

In addition to Huaxia, Neon also has hot pot, and it is not Huaxia's hot pot, but Neon's own hot pot. The peony pot that Conna said before is a type of neon hot pot. In plain words, it is pork hot pot.

The reason why it is called peony pot is because the main ingredient of hot pot is red and white pork, which is named after the peony flower in full bloom on the plate.

In addition to peony pot, there are cherry blossom pot and red leaf pot. Sakura hot pot is horse hotpot. The origin of the name is the reminiscent of cherry blossom petals after slicing horse meat.

The red leaf pot is a venison hot pot. From the poem of "Mountains stepping on red leaves, the deer sings the sad autumn sounds", the fasting meat monks use the red leaf as a secret word of venison with compassion.

In addition to these, there are hot pots named after legendary stories, and water casserole: Legend is that the Murakami Shuijun (pirates) of the Warring States Period will win before praying and eat morale. In addition to the local fish and shellfish and seaweed, octopus or octopus must be added, which symbolizes the meaning of "eat the enemy in all directions".

Of course, in Neon, the hotpot people like most is beef hotpot. Of course, beef hot pot is not called beef hot pot, but it is called by other names. The reason for this is because the neon people did not eat beef, because cattle have been an important neon transportation and farming tools since ancient times. The emperors of all ages banned eating beef. It was not until the end of Edo that this habit faded. Beef hot pot did not appear until the early Meiji period, but at that time people still tabooly called "beef hot pot", so it was generally called in secret.

After all, even Huaxia, for a long time, banned the consumption of such important farming tools as cattle, let alone a country such as Neon, which has less active cultivation.

I mentioned that the production of neon watermelons is small, and the local watermelons and fruits are expensive. In fact, the area where neon can grow fruits is too small.

Although watermelon is expensive, it is still cheaper than other fruits. If the production of watermelon is expanded, the prices of other fruits will rise.

In addition, neon hot pot is lamb-free, because neon pastures are rare. Even in big cities such as Tokyo, lamb is rarely available. If you want to eat lamb, you can get grassland pasture Go buy it in Hokkaido.

Therefore, although Cona has eaten hot pot, she has not eaten lamb.

There is no lamb in the hot pot, which is different from salted fish.

So Fang Ze decided to take Conna to eat lamb hotpot.

However, as soon as the two came out of the shadow nest, Fang Ze received a call from Lin Jingxuan.

"Brother-in-law, I found where the man with the last name Xu was, and I was going to stop him. Do you know anyone who can help me?

‘Where are you now? Fang Ze asked.

"In Lanping County, he has a warehouse here, and I blocked him here." Lin Jingxuan said.

"You are also a dreadful young man." Fang Ze knew that the blue screen was a small county town not far from the emperor. Because of the convenient roads, many companies set up warehouses there.

Fang Ze originally wanted to find someone to negotiate directly with Boss Xu, but did not expect Lin Jingxuan to go directly to the past.

In other people ’s territory, it ’s only blameless to be beaten. This kind of person with empty gloves and white wolf does n’t have a black heart and a hard heart. How can he make money?

Thinking of this, Fang Ze felt that it was necessary to rush over. In case Lin Jingxuan was beaten, Lin Xiaoxin was not easy to make a difference.

Thinking of this, Fang Ze could only turn to look at Conna, "Conna, we can't eat hot pot for the time being."

"It's okay not to eat at noon." Conna thought for a while and said, "Can I eat that evening?"

"I'm afraid it won't work at night," Fang Ze said. "Because I have something to do now, I have to go far away. It takes me a few hours to get there by car. When we get there, we will get things resolved and the night will pass. "

"Then let's hurry up." Conna said, "I can turn into a dragon and fly with you, so can we have hotpot at night."

Alas, riding a loli, alas, riding a dragon.

Fang Ze didn't expect such benefits, so he said to Conna, "If you fly directly, you can definitely eat hot pot at night ~ ~ But you have to remember to cast stealth spells, otherwise we will be Humans here are terrible to see. "

"Um." Conna raised her hand and agreed.

Fang Ze led Conna to a path with no one and no surveillance, only to see a flash of white light, a white dragon appeared on the street.

"Let's go now." Conna's voice appeared directly in Fang Ze's brain.

"Uh-huh." Fang Ze nodded fiercely, then looked at Kang Na's huge body, thinking about where to climb up, and then saw that Kang Na stretched out her claws, and kicked Fang Ze up.

"Kona, wait, this script doesn't seem right." Before Fang Ze had finished speaking, Kona had cast stealth spells and windproof spells, leading Fang Ze to fly from the air, and she didn't even care what Fang Ze wanted to climb. The intention on her back.

Okay, that's it.

Fang Ze, like a chick caught by an eagle, swayed in the air weakly in the wind.

Fortunately, he did not have too severe fear of heights, otherwise he would look down and absolutely scare himself.

But for a while, Conna had taken Fang Ze to a few thousand meters high.

Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and there was a signal, so he pointed to the direction of Lanping County, and signaled that Conna was flying towards this side.

In the past, using a mobile phone map always showed that the ground was not open enough, so the signal was not good. Now it ’s okay, it ’s absolutely empty, and the signal is good.

Just because it is too far from the ground, the location is not accurate enough.

After waiting for Fang Ze to determine the direction, Conna held Fang Ze in the direction of Lanping County like a missile. While Fang Ze admired the feeling of being overlooked from a height of 1,000 meters, an urgent news appeared on the Internet and was quickly forwarded by netizens.

Lanping County Storage Center, on fire!

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