My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 486: Electricity consumer

"Okay, don't be sad." The little boy saw the little girl's mood began to decline, and said, "You should go back to bed at this late hour, and I'm leaving."

"Where are you going to sleep?" Xiaoli asked worriedly looking at the little boy. "The dean mentioned you a few days ago and said he was afraid you would sleep on the street in the street."

"Well, I'm so talented," said the boy, convinced, "do you know what I ate tonight." The boy gestured, "I haven't seen such a big lobster, I ate it tonight That's it. I wanted to bring you a little bit, but because something left early, I didn't bring it to you. "

"Well then, remember to bring me next time," said the little girl, looking down.

"You know, you live here with peace of mind and wait for me to pick you up." The little boy jumped off the low wall and walked away.

Watching the little boy skilfully crossing the wall of the orphanage, the little girl also carefully stepped off the low wall and began to walk towards the orphanage dormitory.

Fang Ze, who was hiding on the other side, saw that the two children were a little far away, so he took Uncle Song out of his pocket and said to him, "Uncle Song, you followed the little girl just now and waited for her to fall asleep , Just steal something close to her. "

"No problem." Song Shu nodded and agreed, then shook his tail and disappeared into the night.

When Song Shu left, Fang Ze also took out the Shuren horn, and then followed the direction the little boy had left before.

Due to the severe haze, the emperor has been shouting greening, and many suburban areas are required to be used only for greening.

Although part of this land has become a golf course, there are still a few small trees.

The little boy who had left before carried his schoolbag, entered the grove, walked three or four hundred steps, and stopped in front of a tent.

This is a shabby and unusually-looking tent. Several places are obviously broken and barely covered by newspapers.

The little boy opened his schoolbag and Pikachu came out of it.

"Pikachu, we can only live here tonight," said the little boy to Pikachu.

"Pickup, Pip." Pikachu looked at the shabby tent and almost cried without grievance.

Although Pokémon originally lived in the wild, Pikachu has lived a comfortable life since following Xiaozhi, and has long forgotten what life in the wild is like.

Pokémon is also distinguished by status. For example, as a Pokémon, other Pokémon can only eat small and dark public feed, and Pikachu's feed is always customized.

And if it's in the city, Pikachu can even be served at the table, in addition to the feed, there are special side dishes, staple food, drinks. Occasionally Xiaozhi eats whatever he eats.

And because Pikachu has a soft spot for ketchup, sometimes he holds the bottle containing the ketchup and pours it into Xiaozhi's rice, so Xiaozhi won't get angry.

Therefore, some people suspect that the real heroine in the Pokémon world is actually Pikachu. After all, except for Pikachu, the woman next to Xiaozhi will change in every series of Pokémon.

"I can only wrong you first," said the little boy crouching beside Pikachu. "We will enter the city together tomorrow, find some bad guys, knock them down, and then rob the rich and the poor, so that we will have money."

"Oh." As soon as the little boy's words were finished, Fang Ze's voice appeared in the little boy's ear. "Can you tell who is the bad guy and who is the good guy?"

"Of course I ..." The boy answered three words subconsciously, and immediately got something wrong, and immediately turned around and shouted, "Who! Come out!"


The little boy answered with a slight whistle.

Because Fang Ze wasn't sure if Pikachu would hit him, it was safe to call the Shuren to play forward.

With the sound of the horn, the five big trees around the grove suddenly made a crunching sound.

Soon these big trees not only grew hands and feet, but also appeared in the middle of the branches.

Under the orders of Fang Ze, five giant treemen surrounded the place where the little boy was located, and their branches were connected to each other to form a defensive net.

"This, what is this!" The little boy looked at these tree people in shock, he had never seen a similar Pokémon in the Pokémon animation.

After confirming that this little clever Pokémon can no longer run away, Fang Ze pulled up his clothes hat and covered it on his head to become a villain.

"You are also the Rockets?" The little boy asked, looking at Fang Ze.

"No." Fang Ze said to the little boy. "Introduce yourself, Monster Administration Fang Ze. You have violated Article 46 of the National Monster Management Law, illegally raising wild monsters and Article 37, illegal There are two laws that enslave wild monsters to cause harm to others, and they need to come back to me for investigation. "

"Fool, fool!" The little boy shouted, "This is a Pokémon, not a monster, you fool!"

"Pokémon is just anime." Fang Ze said patiently. "The one in front of you is not a Pokémon, it's just a power consumer."

"Pika!" Pikachu was clearly angry when he heard Fang Ze calling himself a power consumer. But he was speechless and could only release thunder and lightning in protest.

But it's not indoors, there is no water on the ground, and there is a treeman between Fangze and Pikachu, so there is really no way for Pikachu to get Fangze.

Seeing the orc encirclement getting closer, the little boy took an art knife from his pocket and held it in his hand ~ ~ Watching Fang Ze and Shuren said, "If you come again, don't blame me You are welcome."

"You're welcome," Fang Ze teased the little boy. "You just have this electricity consumer. What can you do?"

"Pikapi!" Pikachu was very dissatisfied with what he was called a power consumer again. He jumped and slammed into a treeman, releasing 100,000 volts.

But the Treant was not afraid of thunder and lightning, Pikachu's ten volts just made the surface of his body scorched by electricity.

But as long as it does not burn, it will not pose a threat to the tree people.

However, Fang Ze can still try not to do it or choose not to do it. On one hand, it is too bullying to bully a child. On the other hand, Pikachu's strength has always been fascinating. It is logical to have had enough experience to become a skin **** and a god. The killing sound, the Buddha blocked the Buddha. But in practice, sometimes it is bullied by ordinary Pokémon, and sometimes when it bursts, even if the beast comes, it is useless.

Therefore, Fang Ze still intends to use some despicable little methods to let the little boy surrender on his own and talk to Pikachu himself to see if he wants to return to the world of Pokémon and avoid fighting with Pikachu to cause it to burst.

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