My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 450: Brain supplement

"That's right." Xia Yike took the card, asked for the password, and asked Fang Ze, "Boss, tell me your height and weight. I'll see what size clothes I need to buy."

"What do you ask me for my height and weight?" Fang Ze froze and didn't understand what Xia Yi meant.

As a normal male, of course he has no way to understand women's powerful brain tonic.

Most women, however, have the ability to see their favorite male celebrities take off their coats, and in their minds can make up for the ability to marry and have children with this celebrity and have a lifetime.

So Fang Ze didn't know that he just wanted to buy clothes, so Xia Yike had made up his own business as a ladies' lady.

"Ah, you didn't buy it for yourself." Xia Yike then realized that he was thinking wrong, and quickly pretended that nothing had happened.

This is too embarrassing.

"I bought it for a fifteen-year-old girl," Fang Ze told Xia Yike, "you just buy it according to the height and weight of an ordinary fifteen-year-old girl."

Fang Ze said, handing the car key to Xia Yike, "You drive and remember to buy it together."

"Okay." Xia Yike took the car key and turned out.

"What's wrong?" After seeing Xia Yike going out, several other people asked Fang Ze, "Why are you suddenly buying girls' clothes?"

"A guest is here." Fang Ze pointed to the second floor.

"Is it a monster?" A few people lighted up in front of them and wanted to go up to see it. After all, they hadn't seen a few monsters after joining the Monster Administration. "

"It's inconvenient now," Fang Ze said. "This guest is a wolf demon who is more than 800 years old. Because he has no experience of transformation, he came to us without clothes.

"That's it." Fang Ze said in his 800-year-old export, and the others were not interested.

After all, the monster is more than 800 years old and must be very old. Coupled with the clothes worn by 15-year-old girls, it means that the figure is also small.

Several people suddenly made up the image of an old grandma with a cane in their heads.

"Then we should call them seniors," said Lin Jingxuan. "Hello, seniors."

About half an hour later, Xia Yi, who went out to buy clothes, returned with a few bags.

"Tough work." Fang Ze took the packing bag, turned and walked upstairs.

"Ah, you're back." He Luo saw Fang Ze coming back, pointing at the empty fruit plate on the coffee table. "Your fruit is so delicious. Give us something good?"

"You put on your clothes first, and we can go downstairs to eat." Fang Ze opened the bags of clothes one by one and handed them to Hero.

"This is, inside. These are outside."

Xia Yike is more likely to do things. Two sets of clothes she bought, one with a strong girlish style, one with a little neutral, two different styles, Hero will always have a suit of. "

"What is this doing? I don't think it can be tied. Can you help our family?" Herod said to Fang Ze with a bra.

"You turn your back," Fang Ze said to Hero, "then align the recessed part in front of you with the protruding part, and I will tie it for you."

Herero listened to Fangze's words. After doing so, Fangze gently buckled the back buckle, and then took off both coats and let Hero choose.

To Fang Ze's surprise, Hero's choice turned out to be that strong girlish style of clothes.

Putting on the clothes and putting on the leather boots, Hero made a circle happily, happy like a girl in her 800s.

"Mr. Landlord," Hero said to Fang Ze, "I haven't known your name for so long. Tell us what?"

"My name is Fangze." Fangze said, "You can just call me by name."

"Mr. Landlord will call me by my name in the future, too." Hero said a sudden rebirth, opened the glass window, and pointed to the outside. "Mr. Fang Ze, the weather looks good outside, can we take a turn? Turn it? "

"Did you just say that you want to eat a fruit plate?"

"Eat out while eating," Hero said with a smile. "Why is the landlord as stupid as a stupid donkey?"

It's really been a long time since I heard such a retro curse.

Fang Ze shook his head, and then explained to Heluo the affairs of the demon management bureau, so that Hero should stop showing stuffing for a while.

The two walked to the first floor side by side. The old man who had been waiting for a long time waited for someone, without even looking at it. The title came first from the mouth, "I've seen seniors."

"Yeah, it makes us very shy to say this," Hero said with an eyebrow, and smiled unintentionally.


When the old three looked up, they found that the one standing in front of the three was a cute girl who looked only fifteen years old.

And most importantly, this girl has animal ears and tail!

Beast earmother!

Nuclear-level lethality.

Fang Ze introduced the three to Hero, and Hero also introduced herself.

The beautiful and unpretentious Beastheads soon gained the favor of the three.

"Mad," Lin Jingxuan said a moment later, ‘you lie to us. "

"How did I lie to you?"

"You said it was an 800-year-old senior."

"She's over 800 years old." Fang Ze said, "The younger can't be refined, and there will be regulations after the founding of the PRC. "

Fang Ze patted Lin Jingxuan on the shoulder and said, "Also, the age of the monster has nothing to do with its appearance. Last time, how old was the little dragon, Lolita?"

"How old are you?"

"Change thousands into thousands."

"This cute girl hasn't introduced us yet." Herod stepped forward in front of Xia Yike, who was sitting behind the counter. "Hello, what's your name?"

"My name is Xia Yike. 'Although Xia Yike seemed to answer Hero's question seriously on the surface, his heart had already turned over.

Herro bought the clothes she wore, and she recognized it at a glance.

Hero came down from the second floor, that is, until she bought her clothes, Hero on the second floor had no clothes to wear.

In addition, the beautiful girl in front of her is still wearing beast ears and a tail ~ ~ The truth of this fact is looming.

This so-called monster management board game shop is not a board game shop at all, but an abductive girl, disguised as a beast girl, and then for fun, an extremely evil group!

Xia Yi can deduce the truth of the matter, and can't believe that these people who look like dogs in front of him are so embarrassed in the ground.

And they also paid a lot of money to hire themselves over, shouldn't they also think of their mother!

Thinking of this, Xia Yike suddenly became nervous, I don't know if I should call the police immediately.


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