My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 454: Flying Summer 1

Yes, this q7 has been running for less than an hour, and it will take up to ten minutes to lie down.

There is also no gas station nearby, and Fangze can only drive back to the county town to refuel, but this will delay a lot of time.

Fortunately, I brought Doudou pigeon before coming.

On the other hand, pointing at the map, he said to Xia Yike, "I'm driving across this road, can I get through?"

"I can't get through," Xia Yi said, shaking his head with certainty. "There is a mountain here. The reason why the road to the village has to go one more circle is because of this mountain."

"We don't have to go through the mountain, just to the foot of the mountain."

Fang Ze said that he stepped on the accelerator again, hit the steering wheel, let the car off the road, and ran straight to the village where Xia Yike's relatives lived in a straight line.

"Boss !!!" Xia Yike shouted while holding the chair to reduce the bumpy feeling caused by the car driving on uneven roads, "That mountain is not only high, but there is no mountain road, you drive to the foot of the mountain, How can we turn over! "

Fang Ze, who is really driving, has to concentrate on driving the car to avoid the small pit in front, so he has no extra energy to explain to Xia Yi, but simply said three words, "Fly over!"

"Boss !!" Xia Yi heard Fang Ze's words and shouted even more. "I'm Xia Yike, I'm not Xia Yige, I fly without wings!"

As soon as Xia Yike shouted, Fang Ze was driving to the foot of the mountain. He stepped on the brakes, stopped the car, and then turned to look at Hero on the back seat, and found that her eyes were still open. So he pointed at Doudou pigeon and said to Xia Yike, "You don't have wings, it has."

"Does the pigeon have anything to do with me?" Xia Yike still didn't understand what Fang Ze wanted to say.

"You come out first." Fang Ze opened the door and signaled Xia Yi to get off, and then stopped Doudou on his shoulder.

"Ride the Doudou pigeon now to your relatives' home. Take the ears of wheat and let the Doudou pigeons come back. Remember, the ears of wheat are to save lives, so you must be fast."

"It must be fast, I can understand it." Xia Yike said while suppressing his vomiting caused by the bumpy ride while riding the car, "But what's the matter with you letting me ride a pigeon in the past, the beans are so big." . "

Xia Yike said that the size of the Doudou pigeon was drawn with two fingers, and in order to prove that he was right, he moved his hand and wanted to put it in front of the Doudou pigeon, proving that Doudou pigeon is indeed Only so big.

But by the time Xia Yi's hand passed, Doudou pigeon had obeyed Fang Ze's order and turned into a huge pigeon that could carry a person to fly.

"Mama!" Xia Yike was shocked. She had never seen such a big pigeon since she was young!

"In a hurry, you can get the ears of wheat first, and I'll explain it to you later." Fang Ze said, grabbed Xia Yike, threw it on the back of Doudou pigeon, and then patted Doudou's ass, The pigeon carried Xia Yike to the forest side of the mountain.

At this time, Xia Yike, who was sitting on Doudou pigeon, was about to explode!

This is not the first time she has gone to heaven, after all, she has also flown many times before.

But this is really the first time in her life to ride a pigeon to heaven!

And this pigeon's method of taking off into a spiral flight.

So this is also her first spiral to heaven!

While directing the Doudou pigeon to fly, Xia Yi began to frantically try to fill the brain.

But helplessly her brain tonic ability was limited to romance, and the scene in front of her had completely exceeded her brain tonic ability.

What kind of **** loves her?

Although Doudou ’s flight speed is not fast, it is the village of Xia Yike ’s relatives when he crosses the mountain. If you calculate the straight distance, it is really not far. .

"Beans, go down, go down, and fly again and you will be seen." Xia Yike touched Doudou pigeon's neck, and signaled Doudou pigeon to hurry.

What if I flew over the village to let people see it?

Can Xia Yi become a Xia Yi pigeon?

Doudou pigeon found a haystack and landed down. When Xia Yi was able to get down from his back, it became a slap-sized gray pigeon again.

Xia Yike kept in mind that Fang Ze said that the ears of wheat were used to save lives, so he didn't delay and rushed all the way to the door of his relatives.

Relatives knew that Xia Yi could come over because he called early.

"Yike, did you drive here?" The uncle of a relative's house saw Xia Yike suddenly come in and asked curiously.

"No, they flew in." Xia Yike said panting.

"Haha, my sister wants to lie to me again." A child laughed. "People can't fly, our teacher said."

People can't fly, but pigeons can fly!

Xia Yike couldn't care much, so he reached for a small bag of wheat ears from the uncle.

The bag containing the ears of wheat was tied around the pigeon's neck, and Xia Yike patted Doudou pigeon to let him return quickly.

"It's still a carrier pigeon," said Uncle after he saw Doudou flying away. "There aren't many carrier pigeons now."

Because no one was carrying people when he went back, Doudou pigeon flew back quickly. Fang Ze, who had been standing outside the car for a long time, stretched out his hand and untied a small bag of wheat ears from Doudou ’s neck. In the car.

"Hello, wheat ears are here." Fang Ze hung the ears of wheat carefully around Herlo's neck, but for a long time no effect was seen, so he tried to tear off a bit of wheat ears and put them in Herro's mouth. in.

But for dozens of seconds, Hero opened her eyes again.

"Are you all right, Hero?" Fang Ze asked with concern.

"How can we be troublesome, we are the well-known savage wolf Herona." Heroine stretched a little, and her face began to return to normal gradually.

"Did you give us a wheat ear just now?"

"Just a bit ~ ~ Fang Ze said.

"Then you let it go," Hero said to Fang Ze, "I'm going out."

Fang Ze gave way, Hero got out of the car, stood on the wasteland, pointed to her ear and said to him, "Cover your ears."

Fang Ze didn't say anything, then Hero looked at the vast sky, and suddenly made a huge howl!

Huh! !! !!

The sound sounded at the foot of the mountain, and then gradually spread to all directions. People in all nearby villages heard the howling faintly.

"Why is there a cry of a wolf?" Because there was no car to go back, Xia Yike, who was temporarily staying at a relative's house, also heard the wolf howling from Hero, and looked at his relatives around him who suspected that someone had a Husky. Imitating the wolf, Xia Yi can think of the wolf ear of the lovely girl named Hero.

That's not it, the little girl is a wolf at all!

Where did I enter a special place run by rich gangsters, but into a monster nest!

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