My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 469: 重 Alien self-respect

"This idea can be there." Fang Ze was also thinking because of Luke's imagination.

Whether it is the original force or the internal force, it is a manifestation of energy. If you have less energy, everyone will play qigong, if you have more energy, you will play the Force, or if you want to cultivate a fairy.

So if the Force learns how to use the internal force, it is a good idea to store a part of the Force in the body and then use the Force in the Body to mobilize the Force outside the body.

And even if it is impossible to mobilize the force outside the body, simply storing the force in the body and using it when needed, it can definitely hide the senses of others and use it as a trick.

As for whether it would be too groundbreaking and lead to the incident, Fang Ze didn't worry about it.

After all, Luke will definitely be a little mouse. This guy has the protagonist's halo to protect him.

So after Fangze and Luke arrived at the Demon Administration Bureau, Fangze told Luke about the method of cultivating qi and the exercises of qigong.

Although Luke, like Fang Ze, has no inherent sense of vitality, his talent on the Force is absolutely unparalleled. After a while, he uses the Force to imitate a sense of Force in the body.

After having dinner in the evening, Luke and Leia met again, at least on the surface, they restored the former close relationship. After all, they are different from the peaceful generation that Huaxia grew up in. There is no guarantee of survival. They may be bombed into space by the Imperial Army at any time. Therefore, it is not very important to look at emotional issues. Love is much more reliable.

In the evening, Fang Ze and Luke discussed some of the forces mimicking Qigong. Lin Yun and Ding Yi brought people directly to Fang Ze.

"Where did you get those formulas and theories?" Ding Yi asked Fang Ze when she came up, and she no longer had the same temperament as the wise person who looked at him when she met her last time. A look of frustration and excitement.

"Go upstairs." Fang Ze motioned to Ding Yi, and Lin Yun and the scientists they sent over this time went to the second floor of the Demonstration Administration.

"This is Ms. Leia." Fang Ze introduced to several scientists, "She is an interstellar friend and is very interested in some things in our country. In the field. "

"Interstellar friends?" Lin Yun and Ding Yi stared at each other in surprise, although they had guessed that this might be the case before they came, but when humans really came into contact with humanoid planets other than themselves for the first time When I was a creature, I couldn't suppress my excitement.

"Did you bring the party history expert you brought?" Fang Ze whispered to Lin Yun.

"No," Lin Yun said, taking out his mobile phone and said, "I'm calling now."

"No need," Leia said softly. "It's okay to discuss these tomorrow. Let's get to know each other now."

As the leader of the rebel army, Leia's diplomatic skills are absolutely high, so Fang Ze is not worried about the exchange between Leia and the academy.

And before that, Fang Ze had told Leia to conceal his origins, so when the two sides exchanged, they would only limit the scope of the exchange to science. Do n’t worry about Ding Yi, they judge Lea through Leia Ya is from the Star Wars story.

"Then you can communicate." Fang Ze glanced at the two sides, patted his palms, and Uncle Song ran over.

"You're in charge of entertaining guests here. I still have something to do when I go down."

"Okay, no problem." Uncle Song sketched an ok jewelry, saying that this matter was OK.

Looking at the eyes of everyone in surprise looking at Uncle Song, Fang Ze smiled slightly and explained nothing, so he went downstairs.

Although Li Yang's self-respect is a derogatory term, this method is really easy to use. Its essence is to monopolize communication channels.

If you can control more than half of the search engine market, you can do what you want, and lie to the dead.

If you can control more than half of the video game sales market, you can make money lying down like steam.

If you can control more than half of the energy market, you can go up and down like an oil company.

Once the channel is monopolized, as long as there is no one that can replace you, you can really do whatever you want.

Fang Ze also arranged this idea for Leia to meet with the academy.

Tell these big guys that I have channels to contact aliens. If something goes wrong in the future, you have to carry it for me, unless you can find other channels to contact aliens.

Lin Yun invited many big brothers to join Fangze's association before. In fact, he is also telling Fangze one thing. The kindness you gave us so much information last time, we will not investigate the source and will also protect you. But the premise is that the validity of this asylum depends on whether it can bring more benefits to the institute.

Scientists are a very simple group of people, they only talk about logic and data.

If someone in this world really has a specific function, and only one person owns it, then the scientists will not study this person in slices, but first supply it as an uncle, and then carefully check the body data and draw a little blood, Get a little hair for proper research.

After all, there is only one experimental subject. Who dares to break it and everyone will not have to experiment afterwards, and their brains will be rotten.

Fang Ze believes that from now on, he will also become the uncle of the academy in a sense.

Anyway, this family alone ~ ~ You have the ability to find someone else.

In the future, with the backing of such a research institute, Fangze could really be a salted fish.

Fang Ze stretched his waist and went to the first floor to discuss Luke's imitation of Qigong.

I have to say that Luke is indeed a member of the Skywalker family. In just one night, the sense of force in his body has begun to run slowly.

"How do you feel?" Fang Ze asked Luke, "Is the power of the Force much better than before?"

"There is no obvious change in the use of the Force," Luke said, shaking his head. "But he has improved his mastery significantly."

"Be specific."

"The Jedi was previously tempted by darkness, mainly because my ability to master was too huge, and it was easy to lose myself, but after I cultivated a sense of force in the body, my mastery of myself has greatly improved , Even if you control the powerful force in the future, it is not easy to lose yourself. "

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