My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 478: Jedi apprentice

"Because your fans have always been supportive?" Fang Ze asked carefully, watching Da Meow.

"Of course not," Da Meow said, holding his face, "I have always been able to hold myself back."

"I swear," Fang Ze said with three fingers. "This is the most disgusting sentence I have heard this year."

"Your human aesthetics are really strange." Big Meow shook his head and said, "In our world, the most beautiful cats recognized are orange cats, and cats like me who are fat but not greasy and have a fragrant fragrance are even more so. All other cats are envious. "

"Don't you think, do you mean braised pork in this sentence?" Fang Ze looked at Da Meow and said.

"I want you to control it, I want you to control it." Big Meow inexplicably angered Fangze, and then threw something from Fangze.

Fang Ze hurried to catch things, thinking that the big cat was a male cat, and there was no big aunt, how could he somehow lose his temper, while throwing the big cat to himself in his hands to see.

This is the hilt of a Jedi warrior, exactly like the movie.

Of course, the movie is fake, Fang Ze believes that this one in his hands is absolutely true to Luke.

Unfortunately, there is no force, otherwise you can see what color your lightsaber is.

"This is a gift from Luke." Big Meow returned to normal, and then said to Fang Ze, "because the guests here are two people, so there is a gift from Leia."

Da Meow said that he had thrown another kind of thing, Fang Ze held it in his hand, and found that it was a cuboid-shaped electronic device. I didn't know what it was used for.

"This is a wireless password cracker. As long as this thing is plugged into a computer or a socket, it will start to work, and then it can crack any electronic device connected to the network or connected to a power source."

"This is awesome." Fang Ze was happy when he heard Da Meow's explanation.

With this thing, can you just look at the resources in the cloud disks of those cloud disk big brothers?


Good idea.

Leia was indeed much smarter than Luke. Although Luke's Jedi came up with a very precious hilt, once Fang Ze learned the force, this thing would be the same as scrap iron. After learning about the science and technology level of Fang Ze's planet, Laiya immediately sent this thing that was a big killer for Fang Ze.

In this cyber age, leaks are common, but people are angry about their leaks and fantasizing that if they can snoop on others, would n’t they be either the greatest cyber criminals of all time or a Punishing evil and good warriors on the Internet.

And even if the network is isolated, it is useless, as long as the other party's device is connected to the circuit, the other party's password can be cracked through the circuit.

"By the way, Big Meow, is there any limit on the distance this **** can be used?"

"There is no distance limitation to use network cracking, but if you use circuit cracking, you need to insert the password **** on the same power line as the target device, and the distance must not exceed one kilometer."

"Okay." Fang Ze originally wanted to use this to steal top-secret materials stored on offline devices in other countries, but with this limitation, there was no way out. After all, the server that stores top-secret information will not let idlers and others close to one kilometer, let alone the same power line.

But even so, this password **** is a very useful thing.

"Since the gift is two, isn't this reward also two? You can choose two of the six reward options as your own reward."

"You think more about it," said Da Meow. "There is only one reward."

"Don't you really give me one less because I denied your face?"

"If the face value can be denied by outsiders, then there is no need to exist."

"If your skin can be pierced by others, then there is no such thing as cheeky in the world." Fang Ze learned a big meow and followed.

"I suddenly wanted to change the shoveler."

"Don't, don't. I'm kidding." Fang Ze quickly hugged Da Meow and said, "Our two such deep feelings, do you have the patience to find individual shovelers?"

"Well, forgive you once." Big Meow used Meow's claws to block Fang Ze's mouth from trying to kiss him, and then said, "The three remuneration options this time are all ability, the first ability is Leia After learning diplomatic skills, you can strive for the best conditions for your country in the cooperation between countries. "

"Pass, this is not considered." Fang Ze refused this option without thinking.

After all, he would definitely not be a diplomat.

"The second skill is to detect the human heart. After learning, when facing other intelligent creatures, you can acquire a small part of the other party ’s thinking, such as how much you like you ~ ~ the next action tendency and the like Yes, it can only be used once a day. "

This ability overlaps with Athena's vision, but it is more useful than Athena's vision. Fang Ze thought for a while, and asked what was the third ability of Da Meow.

"The third ability is the Jedi Apprentice, and immediately after being chosen, he becomes a Jedi Apprentice. You can use a small portion of the Force and activate the Jedi saber."

"I think about it." After the big cat finished talking, Fang Ze thought about it and finally made his own choice. "I chose the third, Jedi's apprentice."

"Ah, your IQ is online?" Diao Mei looked at Fang Ze and asked, "I thought you would choose the second one."

"The third ability allows me to get up to drink water in the middle of the night without getting out of bed. Why don't I choose the third one?" Fang Ze looked at the big meow and said.

"Okay." Big Meow covered his face with his paws. "I knew it was."

After Da Meow passed the power to Fang Ze, Fang Ze immediately closed his eyes and immediately felt the huge force in the universe.

However, because there is only one Jedi apprentice in the real world at present, the original force on the earth is very dark and light, and Fang Ze will not be tempted by darkness, even if he works hard. The Dark Force can't be seen at all.

Taking out the lightsaber that Luke gave him before, when Fang Ze was driven by the force, the lightsaber immediately emerged the blue laser blade.

This is too windy, Fang Ze thought about it, withdrew the original force, and chose to use the method developed by Luke, the original force combined with the internal force, to drive the original force with the internal force, and then drive the lightsaber, lightsaber What emerged was not the blue laser blade, but the nearly transparent laser blade.

However, although the color has changed, the power of the lightsaber has not changed. With a slight wave of Fang Ze, the corner of the sink was cut by the lightsaber.

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