My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 513: surgery

"There are still some tumors next to the blood vessels, which are basically closed together." X said the chief surgeon. "There is no way to perform the operation. Stop the operation and study the plan after the end."

"I see." Several doctors next to the operating table also noticed this situation, and it was too dangerous to perform another operation. The identity of the elderly was more sensitive. Without confidence, no one would dare to continue the operation.

"Ready to close the wound." As soon as the doctor's order was given, Fang Ze, who had been watching on the sidelines, suddenly stood in front of the patient's wound, holding a scalpel that was not like metal at all.

"What are you doing ?!" The doctors at the scene were all stunned, and no one had expected that the young man who had seen the operation in the operating room silently for two days would suddenly make such a move.

But at this time, the scalpel held in Fang Ze's hand had penetrated into the patient's body. Even the people present were afraid to stop, after all, Fang Ze held the scalpel in his hand.

"You guys, don't move around." The surgeon came to Fang Ze's side. Although he felt the scalpel in Fang Ze's hand was strange, he couldn't care much about it. "The patient's tumor is pressed on the blood vessel. If you can't determine the position, if you don't pay attention, the scalpel will cut the blood vessel."

"Oh, that's okay, I see the blood vessels." Fang Ze replied, and then the scalpel in his hand waved gently.

This extremely reckless knife is different from the former surgeon's careful waving of the knife. Fang Ze's scalpel was simply inserted into the tumor regardless of outsiders' eyes.

"Prepare to stop bleeding." A doctor on the other side immediately shouted that he was convinced that Fang Ze's blood vessel would be cut if the knife was cut, and he could only prepare for bleeding in advance.

But what the doctor imagined never happened.

After Fang Ze's scalpel was pulled into the tumor, it was cut gently, and then all the tumors were miraculously removed. There was no problem with the blood vessels inside.

"Toothless forceps." Fang Ze reached out to the nurse beside him.

The nurse subconsciously handed over the sterilized tweezers that had already been prepared. When Fang Ze took the tweezers in his hand, the reaction came. The doctor who asked for the tweezers was not the surgeon.

Clipping the tumor out, Fang Ze was thinking that the pretense was over, and he should leave, but he heard the doctor at the side saying, "Wait, there are two tumors here."


At this moment, I switched to Fang Zeyi, but the doctor next to him didn't give Fang Zeduo a chance to sacrifice. "The two tumors here are not too big, so we were planning to wait until the next operation. I ’ll cut it again later, but let ’s do it together now. "

As a very experienced doctor who did not know how many operations were performed, the surgeon judged that the scalpel in Fang Ze's hand was not an ordinary scalpel.

Because according to the method, Fang Ze's knife did not have any bright spots at all, any of the students he brought were better than Fang Ze.

And according to the angle of the knife just now, there is no way to cut off the tumor anyway.

However, Fangze succeeded, and the scalpel seemed to be magically applied to remove the tumor completely, exactly like the legendary nano-robot separated the tumor from the blood vessels.

"Here." The chief surgeon didn't even consider for himself where Fang Ze's scalpel came from, and why it had such an effect. In the operating room, all his thinking was left to the surgery.

Now that Fang Ze can separate the tumor from the blood vessels, the other two tumors can be resected effortlessly.

Under the guidance of the chief surgeon, Fang Ze held the Chakra scalpel in his hand and waved the blade again to cut the tumor. Then the surgeon clamped out the tumor with toothless forceps.

From the shape of this tumor, at least three blades are needed to cut it off, while Fang Ze only used one blade.

This kind of physics teacher was able to jump out of the coffin board and tear the book before everyone's eyes, but no one spoke.

In a place like the operating room, if doctors are chatting and talking about something that has nothing to do with the surgery, then the patient can put his heart in his stomach.

There is no difficulty in keeping this operation, and there will be no problems.

However, if it is such a major operation that can cause life loss, everyone must ensure that the spirit is extremely concentrated, especially the few people in front of the operating table. They have no time to think about why Fang Ze can make such an antiphysical Operate it.

As long as all the tumors can be cut out now, everyone can go to sleep well tonight.

Chakra scalpel is not an entity. It can be split into nanometers under the control of Fang Ze, then penetrate the tumor, reach the junction of the tumor and normal organs, and then accurately peel all the tumors out.

This is the ideal surgical method, but unless humans make nanomedical robots, no one can do it.

However, Fang Ze did it with a Chakra scalpel. Although he did not see through it, the Chakra scalpel that was split out could automatically distinguish the difference between tumors and other organs ~ ~ and then completed under his control operating.

But this way, using chakra scalpels requires more effort. Even though Fang Ze had the mental strength of the original mechanics, he couldn't help leaving a drop of sweat on his forehead at this moment.

"Don't be nervous." The doctor next to the surgeon signaled the nurse to wipe the sweat of Fang Ze, and then explained the details of the tumor for Fang Ze's treatment.

Chakra waved down and all the tumors were removed again.

The surgeon pinched the tumor out, then nodded to the other doctors, "Start suture."

The operating room was busy again, and Fang Ze took a step back to prevent disturbing others. When Chakra's scalpel was placed in the dead corner of the sight below the operating table, he took it back.

"Surgery for the first time." The surgeon doctor looked at Fang Ze and rubbed his shoulders with his shoulders. "It will be fine in the future, and everyone will be nervous for the first time."

"I'm not nervous, just a little sense of accomplishment." Fang Ze exhaled, then changed his surgical gown and walked out of the operating room.

"Dr. Qin asked if you could leave a contact for him."

After Fang Ze changed into his white coat, a nurse chased out and said to Fang Ze.

Dr. Qin was the chief surgeon in the operating room. Fang Ze thought about it, left his contact details, and turned to leave the hospital. rw

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