My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 518: The author himself explained

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This is the reason why the ancestors haven't spent it.

Fang Ze suddenly thought that this situation should be a typical case of poverty limiting imagination.

Ordinary people have no way to write ‘Jia Bu Jia, Bai Yu is a golden horse. ’Such riches can only be found in true power.

Some things, I have never seen, are really unthinkable.

For example, someone posted several photos taken on Facebook's headquarters. There are corridors for walks, small gardens and benches full of flowers and trees, neat lawns and hundreds of people nearby. Place for people to rest and eat.

Basically, it is a small park with a good environment.

Although the scenery is average, the person didn't go to the end after walking for more than ten minutes, which shows that the place is very large.


Then this is actually the top of Facebook20 building.

Now that there is an internet, you can know it. In the days of Cao Zhan, who built a garden on the top of the building. Outsiders who haven't seen the world can't even think of breaking their heads.

For example, in 1771, an Earl of Tsarist Russia found a German painter, hoping that he could draw a picture for a battle in Tsarist Russia. The picture mainly depicts that the ships of the Turkish army were blown up by Tsarist Russia .

After the German painter finished painting, the earl was not very satisfied with the painting, because the painter had not participated in the naval battle and could not paint the kind of burning after the warship was hit by artillery fire.

So the earl sent the painter to the port, blasted a ship directly in front of him, and said, ‘Look, that ’s it. ’

Not only can you imagine the happiness of rich people, you can't even write it.

Facing Cao Zhan's words, Fang Ze immediately became silent.

After all, although he has a net worth now, it is still a bit difficult to copy the scenes of Cao Fu's life.

The main reason is that now I want to hire someone to be a servant at home, the price is unimaginable. In Didu, a nanny who only looks at children will earn 30,000 to 40,000 a month, let alone hire a lot of servants.

Fang Ze was silent, Cao Zhan said the rise, criticized the content of the last forty times, then shook his head to close the book and asked Fang Ze. "If I take out the last forty times now, will I not lose it again?"

"No," Fang Ze said quickly. "But after you take it out, it's two different things whether you believe it or not."

"Believe it or not?" Cao Zhan was a little confused.

"Well, because Dream of the Red Mansion is too high in China, and it also feeds a lot of related scholars. In addition to studying your book, they also repeatedly explore the truth behind the Dream of the Red Mansion. It ’s like that. "

Fang Ze's words hesitated Cao Zhan, questioning has always been a human instinct.

This instinct is falsification for literati and bug hunting for players.

For example, you can't understand why some players are not fun to play and always try to find bugs in the game (except for Ubisoft players). Some writers have never stopped questioning whether the original author of the article is true.

After all, history is a little girl dressed up. As long as you can really find convincing evidence, you will soon become famous.

This is a very profitable thing without any cost. It is really worth doing. Anyway, as long as you dig deep, no one can find something wrong.

For example, in the last forty times, everyone generally said that it was a continuation of Gao Yan, but now because of too much doubt, this is no longer the case. The original story of Hong Lou Meng's original Gao Xun has also become Anonymous, Cheng Weiyuan, Gao Xun finishing.

But this matter is true. Because in the introduction of Cheng Yiben, co-authored by Gao Yong and Cheng Weiyuan, he also said it himself.

After the publication of his revised Dream of the Back Floor, he began to appear in the government as the first place in the palace test. If he were asked to compile forty times later in his later years, it might be different.

Knowing this, Cao Zhan became a little worried. He never expected that one day he would be questioned that his book was not written by himself.

However, Fang Ze advised him to relax, which of the four famous authors has not been questioned. It is because there are so many people studying the Dream of Red Mansions that there are many people questioning it, as long as he can prove that he is indeed himself.

Fang Ze took the book, scanned the QR code and paid, and was about to take Cao Zhan out to eat, and the boss happened to be back.

"Leader?" Fang Ze was about to say hello to the bookstore boss. When he looked up, he saw that the guide Jiang Shaohao, who had just seen a few days ago, was also here.

"Well, so clever." Jiang Shaohao and Fang Ze greeted, and then said enthusiastically, "I'm going to record a video explaining the Red House here, do you want to be a live audience."

"I haven't eaten yet." As soon as Fang Ze finished speaking, he saw Cao Zhan's interested eyes, so he changed his mouth and asked, "But if it's not long, it doesn't matter if you look at it for a while."

"It won't take much time to learn anything," Jiang Shaohao said, moving the table and stool out with the boss, and then setting up the camera.

"What kind of form do you have?" Fang Ze asked.

"It's about the same as a hundred forums." Jiang Shaohao said as he directed the scene, "The owner of this bookstore is a Red Mansion enthusiast. After I heard that, I plan to let him record a Red Mansion teaching in this college. The video, then posted it online, can promote my educational institution, and it can also promote the bookstore. "


After Fang Ze understood, he went out and bought two loaves of bread. Then he and Cao Zhan sat in the audience with the other trustees, waiting for the bookstore owner to start talking about the Red Mansion.

To be honest, the level of the boss is still good. As an amateur, because he has been exposed to a lot of information throughout the year, many places are sound.

However, after all, it is not a professional researcher, and some mistakes are unavoidable.

So this caused Cao Zhan to be more and more unable to listen below.

After all, the person standing above was talking about his book, but it was full of mistakes, which made people uncomfortable. Scholars, their own works are treated in the same way as children. Your child is misunderstood. As a parent, you must insert a few words.

So Cao Zhan started to remind the bookstore owner what went wrong.

Although the bookstore owner has a good personality, Cao Zhan always points out the wrong place, and his heart is a little unpleasant. However, after all, Cao Zhan said it is reasonable. Some ancient people ’s habits also explained the truth, so he leaned down and said, “Why do you want to talk to the elderly, I learn?

The boss was kind, but Cao Zhan took it seriously and really stood up and said to the bookstore owner, "Well, let me tell you."

After Cao Zhan stood up, several employees at the scene were a little anxious, afraid to destroy this video, but Jiang Shaohao waved to others to leave it alone and let Cao Zhan talk.

He also knew the dream of the Red Mansion. Although it was only a half bottle of water, who knew what he said.

So Fangze ate bread and mineral water, and sat down to listen to the rising Cao Zhan talking about the red building one afternoon.

And not only the content of the first eighty times, but also the content of the last forty times.

Of course, Cao Zhan was talking about the original, but the audience at the scene thought he was relying on his own conjecture to tell the last forty times.

The bookstore owner sitting below was a little scornful, but as Cao Zhan talked more, his expression became more serious. And even many people who came to the bookstore to buy books, because Cao Zhan was so good at speaking, stopped at the same place.

"I'm finished." Cao Zhan talked for too long, because his body couldn't hold it, and it was finally over.

"Okay!" Hearing Cao Zhan's speech, Jiang Shaohao took the lead in applauding, and soon the applause went on.

"I didn't expect to meet a master here." Jiang Shaohao first rushed to shake hands with Cao Zhan, "I don't know where the master is."

"Currently at home."

"Before that," Jiang Shaohao asked unwillingly.

"Ahem." Fang Ze stepped up at this time, interrupting Jiang Shaohao. "Guide, the elder in my family has a bad health. I haven't eaten for a day today. Let us go back for dinner and talk later."

"Can you leave me a contact method, I would like to invite the elderly to give a few lectures on the Red House."

"Teacher, don't I have your contact information. We're talking back. I'm afraid the old man has a stomachache." Fang Ze and Jiang Shaohao hurriedly pulled Cao Zhan away.

The original author personally came to the stage to talk about the Red Mansion. Fang Ze was sure that this video will cause a lot of discussion in the red academia.

Even if no one knew that Cao Zhan was the same Cao Zhan ~ ~ But some of the ancients' habits, some rules of the big family, and the hidden rules of high society at that time.

Those things that people could n’t know afterwards, which Cao Zhan himself said, would definitely attract the attention of others.

This is like a senior official who has a senior official. It ’s okay to record a video for everyone about how we usually work and discuss. How are the powers distributed among the various departments? Why do some things that everyone cannot figure out do?

Then, the picture is too harmonious to dare to imagine.

In the evening, I found a tea restaurant and had a meal. Fang Ze saw that Cao Zhan was not very good. Knowing that he was too tired today, he let him rest early.

The next day Jiang Shaohao called and asked if he could ask Cao Zhan to record another video. However, they are now doing post-processing, and it is estimated that they will be released on the Internet in the next few days. I hope Fang Ze can pay attention to it at that time.

When Cao Zhan woke up, Fang Ze took Cao Zhan to eat on the first floor of the Demon Management Bureau, and said this. Cao Zhan thought about it but refused.

"It's a pity," Fang Ze said. "What is forty times behind the Red House? We may never know it forever."

"I can only stay here for five days. At this time alone, there is no way to write down the content of the forty times after the stone." Cao Zhan thought for a while and said, "And just like the landlord said before, If you really write it down, everyone will agree or disagree.


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