My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 528: happy New Year

Driving by car is a very interesting thing, especially when you are sitting next to you or your girlfriend, you will get double happiness.

However, because of the child Daenerys, Fang Ze and Lin Xiaoxin did not dare to be too close.

In fact, of the three people sitting in the car, in some ways, Daenerys was the most experienced. After all, she had even conceived the child.

"Teacher." Daenerys sat behind and asked Fang Ze, watching the car. "Why did the Spartak uprising fail?"

"Spartak uprising." After hearing Daenerys' words, Fang Ze saw that he was already on the highway and there were not many cars on the road, so he organized the language and answered for Daenerys while driving.

Although it was only a temporary idea to be a teacher to Daenerys, Fang Ze felt that since she promised to be a teacher, she still had to teach Dragon Mother something.

However, because the world of Song of Ice and Fire where Daenerys is located is equivalent to the era of the ancient West, the books Fang Ze found for Daenerys are historical and political books and records before the rise of European religion. Of course, it also includes the very classic book of contemplation by the ancient Roman emperor Marco Oleriu.

But Daenerys was not interested in such sermon books.

On the one hand, she didn't have the habit of reading. Although she was familiar with Huaxia's writing when she came to Huaxia, reading some books that needed thinking still made her a headache.

So during this time on the road, Daenerys read all ancient European history books, and found things she was interested in from history.

"Although the Spartak uprising began with the resistance of some gladiators, in the process of development, it did evolve into a great uprising that swept from below."

Fang Ze tried hard to recall the relevant history he had seen before. "But this grand uprising, although it reads an epic sense, is actually destined to fail. Because the insurgents did not have their own political platform, they also I just do n’t know what I ’m going to do, what goals I want to achieve, and what kind of purpose I want to achieve. It ’s also because of this, later in the uprising, the contradictions within the insurgent army will become more and more serious, resulting in being defeated by Rome.

"Oh." Daenerys snorted, wondering what she was thinking.

However, when Daenerys asked this question, Fang Ze thought of one thing. After leaving the grassland in the original book, Daenerys went to Slave Bend, liberated the slaves there, and had her own territory and power.

But in this process, Daenerys' method can only be described as ordinary. That is, a world without intelligence, such as a song of ice and fire, can make Daenerys successful.

In ancient China, Daenerys had died 800 times.

So Fang Ze turned his head and asked, "Daenerys, do you want to free your slave bending efforts, and then accept them to fight for you."

"Yes," Daenerys replied, "I don't think a slave system should exist."

"Slavery really shouldn't exist. But if you want to liberate slaves, what methods are you going to use?"

"When I get to the Slave Bend, I pretend to be willing to use any of my three dragons in exchange to get a group of slave fighters from the slave owner. Then at the trading scene, let Zhuo Geng take the shot. All slave owners are killed, so the slave bend will fall into my hands. "

Sure enough, it is the same as in the original drama.

Fang Ze patted his head to see a restaurant near the road. It also happened to be at the dinner point, so the parking signaled everyone to come down to eat, and just said while eating.

Because Lin Xiaoxin was blocked by the big meow from the memory of the song of ice and fire, Fang Ze and Daenerys couldn't understand what she really said.

But this is certainly not why she hasn't spoken.

The reason I watched Fang Ze and Daenerys discuss is because Lin Xiaoxin knows that when one of a pair of lovers brags in front of others, no matter how good his temper is, do n’t interrupt. Do n’t take it apart, just watch him pretend to be quiet.

As for what shouldn't be said, go home and deal with it, as long as you are a normal person, after you go home, you will recognize how to punish the wrong person.

This trick is commonly known as quietly watching him pretend to maintain emotional methods.

"I'll give you an example." Fang Ze told Daenerys, "If you feel poor and help him, do you think he will thank you?"

"Not necessarily." Daenerys knew that.

"That's right," Fang Ze said to Daenerys, "It's like a slave bend. You liberate those slaves, you will offend not only all the slave owners, but also some better mixed slaves. So you These slaves have been liberated, and these slaves may not have been loyal to you since then ~ ~ Some might still stab you in the back. "

"What should I do, teacher?" Daenerys asked.

"It's very simple. It is to help some more sturdy slaves with a sense of resistance first, to get them out of the captivity of their slave owners, and to start armed resistance.

Then when these slaves are about to be suppressed, you come forward and let these slaves ask you to take action. In this way, you can justify using your dragon to attack these slave owners and destroy a few of them.

In this way, once you get a lot of reliable slaves as your subordinates, and secondly, the other slave owners are not good enough to openly oppose you. "

"But the slave owner must be destroyed." Daenerys was still puzzled. "If you do as I do, I will only liberate a few slave owners."

"Eat every bite of rice. Although you have three dragons, these three dragons cannot always help you. Anyone must strengthen themselves at any time. So you can compromise with other slave owners first to liberate your control. Slaves, and strive to improve their standard of living. In this way, the slaves of other slave owners will envy those who have trusted you. When the slaves of other slave owners turn this envy into riots and ask you for help, you can It was justified to send troops. "

Fang Ze said to Daenerys, "Remember that at any time, don't take the initiative to release your kindness, because most people are cheap, and you won't cherish the help you get in vain. Only wait for them There is no way. You will only get their thanks when you ask for it. "

"I see." Daenerys nodded.

After eating enough and drinking enough, Fang Ze and the store asked for a dozen pounds of fresh-cut beef and pork, ready to be given to Zhuo Geng's three-headed dragon.

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