My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 530: Hurry up and call the police

"Women, this car is more than two million yuan." A Zhao of the car repair shop found that this car is really a rare high-end commercial vehicle in China. It's no wonder that a few of them didn't recognize it at first glance. They are really people who need this type of large commercial vehicle. They usually can't reach them, so they naturally don't know it.

"Dong Da!" A Zhao found out the price of the car, and immediately knew that it was in trouble. Those who can afford this kind of car definitely have the time and energy to slowly find the car and find out who stole it.

So A Zhao shouted to Dong Da immediately, "Your kid has stolen the wrong car. This car is more than 2 million yuan. Hurry and drive back."

"Open, I can't go back." To the surprise of Zhao, Dong Da, who had always been timid and cautious, did not immediately agree to Zhao's request to return the car, but refused in a trembling and surprised tone.

"The two of you brothers want to go to jail to develop chrysanthemums, we don't want to." Ah Zhao heard Dong Da's words and thought that Dong Da was blinded by money for a while. So I thought about where Dong Da and Dong Xiao stood, and wanted to force them to return the car.

However, walking closer, A Zhao found that Dong Da and Dong Xiao did not even care what they were talking about, but looked at the third brother's box that had just been removed from the car just now.

"Look at Mao, even if all the three boxes are filled with gold, you have to return the car today." A Zhao hurriedly walked over, while looking at the box, thinking To see what attracts the two.

"Dragon!" A Zhao shouted violently, and the rest of the car repair team also watched over.

"What's wrong." The other employees of the auto repair shop came over and saw the contents of the three boxes together.

To be precise, these are not three boxes, but three square iron cages. It was just because they were all covered with cloth that people thought they were three boxes.

"This head, this wing, this foot." A young man in the auto repair shop patted his thigh and shouted immediately, "I only lifted the monster hunter yesterday, and the dragon on the game has shrunk. That's it. This It's really a dragon. "

"There is no such thing as a dragon in this world." Although the people in the auto repair factory are not highly educated, they also understand that dragons are creatures made by others.

"Will someone have shaped the dog and made it like a dragon on purpose?" Another person in the auto repair factory just recently watched someone in Russia who turned the dog into a panda and asked others to take a photo and take a photo on the street, and then toll.

"Even if it was ten cosmetic surgeons from South Korea, we couldn't make the dog look like this." A Zhao swallowed with a spit.

Just as a few people were talking, Zhuo Geng, who was in a cage, realized that Fang Ze was not around, and finally vented the anger that had been kept in such a small place.

I saw it's mouth widened, first a roar, and then a long flame burst out.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhung when the Xiao Xiao who was facing Zhuo Geng didn't notice, his legs were directly sprayed by Zhuo Geng's flame and burned.

"Fire extinguisher!" A Zhao was clever and responded quickly. When I saw Dong Xiao was sprayed by flames, I hurried to the door of the garage and held a fire extinguisher to help Dong Xiao extinguish the flame on his leg.

When the flames cleared, everyone went to look at Dong Xiao's legs, and found that more than half of the pants had been burnt and scorched from above the shoes, and the skin was blackened, and they could clearly smell a flavour of meat.

Fortunately, Zhuo Geng is not too big, otherwise it is estimated that Dong Xiao would not want to keep his legs today.

"Brother, it hurts, it hurts!" Dong Xiao looked at Dong Da and made a cry.

"You bear it first." Although Dong Da had the intention to take Dong Xiao to the hospital now, he also knew that this situation was not the time to deal with Dong Xiao's injuries.

There is an example of Dong Xiao in front of you, and no one in this group ever suspects that the three dragons were shaped by other animals.

After all, no animal on the planet can breathe fire.

"A Zhao, what did you say just now, you want to return the car?" Dong Da quickly turned his head and said to A Zhao, "You are right, this car is to return quickly, otherwise I will be afraid of our brother His life is gone. "

"Slow!" A Zhao watched Dong Da even tried to lift the three dragon cages back into the car, and hurriedly yelled, "Can't this car be returned?"

"Don't you want money?" After listening to A Zhao's words, Dong Da returned the words that A Zhao had just said to him.

"If you do n’t go back, you still have life. If you go back, you will be completely dead." A Zhao quickly explained to several people. "If you think about these three little dragons, if they are national or some regular large-scale research laboratory, there must be an army Escort. No matter how bad it is, there must be special police to follow along. Dong Da, I asked you, when you stole a car, how many cars were found? "

"Those outsiders drove this car." Dong Da answered affirmatively.

"Yeah, they just drove this car! So think about it ~ ~ They must be trying to hide their eyes, and then they drove a car out."

"A Zhao, what do you mean by saying so much?" Dong Da still did not understand what A Zhao meant.

"I mean, these three dragons may be owned by unseen hidden forces, and this force is likely to be the opposite of our country. So once we return the car, they will choose to keep it secret. Kill us all. "

"You're talking like a novel." Several other people in the garage hadn't responded yet.

"It's like a novel." A Zhao looked at the crowd seriously, saying word by word, "Have you ever seen a dragon in reality? No. There is no relevant report from the country, so these people must be invisible." .If you think about it, they can make even dragons, and they certainly don't care about how many lives in their hands. After all, if we take a photo or record a video and then post it online, it is likely that the country will notice them . Think about the risks involved. If you say it is you, will you kill someone? "

"Yes." Several people around nodded and agreed with A Zhao's statement.

"That can't be returned yet, let's do it and run with the dragon?"

"Which way do you run?" A Zhao looked at the crowd in disappointment and said, "We call the police and dedicate these three dragons to the country!"

"That country won't kill us?" Dong Da asked stupidly.

"The two of your brothers usually have good brains. Why isn't it?" Ah Zhao explained quickly. "The owner of the three-headed dragon will kill us because we saw the dragon, and it is very likely that the dragon's existence was exposed online through videos and pictures. But we reported to the country, does the country have this demand?"

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