My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 532: 80 mother can have

Director Liu, who is nearly forty years old, has gone through a lot of things. Therefore, he knows that when everything matters about political achievements, he would rather be vain than make mistakes.

Everything must be stable.

Because he was afraid that the people in the garage would jump over the wall and drive to punch the card, Director Liu first ordered his men to form a perimeter circle around them, arrange the belt reduction, and then waited until everything was arranged. Everyone hits the net, and one must not be missed, or unnecessary casualties in the process.

However, Director Liu himself did not expect that because of the appearance of the three dragons, the nervousness of A Zhao and other people in the car repair shop was tense, and he kept holding a telescope to observe the surroundings.

Observing this way, naturally, the plainclothes that Commissioner Liu sent to investigate the depot were found.

So when Director Liu was carrying the police and preparing to make an arrest, he only heard the loudspeaker in the garage repaired suddenly.

"People outside listen, we have guns, don't mess around. If you really want to get your things back, send someone to negotiate."

There is a gun!

The policemen, who were not too nervous, were all tense when they heard Ah Zhao shouting through a loudspeaker.

They never thought that a few car thieves had guns in their hands!

"Director Liu, what to do now." The police captain next to him looked at Director Liu and asked.

Although many people came this time, they did not have a gun.

After all, domestic regulations on the use of guns by police are relatively cumbersome. Therefore, the policemen in the town usually do not carry guns. One is to use a lot, and the other is to have trouble if they lose it. And even if there is no loss, there is no police who dare to shoot in occasions where shooting is needed. After all, unless the opponent also has a gun, the police will shoot at will.

Therefore, the police's guns are generally locked, and no one usually applies for this gadget.

So when A Zhao shouted that they had a gun, Director Liu stopped all over.

Although I don't know what gun is opposite, but even if it is a soil gun, whoever hits it will be a trouble.

"Hurry up and call the chief commissioner and talk about the situation here and let the chief commissioner apply for the armed police to come and help."

"Liu Bureau, do you need such trouble?" Someone was puzzled.

"If the other party really has a powerful rifle, which colleague has sacrificed it, you and I can't bear this responsibility." Director Liu seemed to be a stable group, but in fact he was still a little flustered.

After all, he had never encountered such a thing. The person he arranged was not only revealed in advance, but the other party also clamored for a gun in his hand.

"The other party said that they had a gun, but did not say that we should prepare a vehicle for them to run away, but let us get in there. I guess the people inside usually have some more serious criminal acts besides stealing cars. They are most likely to be Black eats another group of people and treats us like that. "

Director Liu said to the crowd, "So I think we can send someone in, pretend to be the guy in the car, and test whether the other party has a gun. Who will go?"

Director Liu had finished speaking, and the people present were silent.

If the opponent really has a gun in hand, the person who entered it will say something wrong, and the outcome will not be too good.

"Party members stand up." Director Liu shouted something very obvious when no one was going.

Although there is no mandatory requirement for the police to be party members, as long as they have a few years of professional age, they basically have joined the party.

Director Liu shouted, the scene was still tonight's Kangqiao, and no one spoke.

Director Liu saw that no one was moving. He gritted his teeth and thought for a moment. With a hard heart, he took off his hat and clothes and gave it to the others. He shouted, "I'm going."

"Azhao, do you say we can scare each other?" At the moment, the car repair shop was empty. For safety reasons, including the cage containing three dragons, and everyone had come to the car repair shop.

"Should be able to drag it for a while." A Zhao looked at the mobile phone and said, "I said we have a gun, they will definitely hesitate, delay a little time, until the police arrive, I don't believe the police came, they dare to do it.

"So fortunately the police haven't arrived yet, or you'll be dead." A man's voice suddenly came from behind A Zhao, and A Zhao turned his head, but now he doesn't know when to stand behind him. the man.

This man was Fangze who finally came over.

To be honest, if not for a bunch of police cars parked around the garage, Fangze could come faster.

Not good enough. Before the police attacked the garage, Fangze rushed in from behind the garage with his lonely effort.

"Who are you!" A Zhao, Dong Da and Dong Xiao brothers asked Fang Ze in horror.

"You took my stuff ~ ~ and asked who I am." Fang Ze ignored the three, walked directly between them, walked to the front of the cage holding the three little dragons, checked it again, The cage had not been opened, so I was relieved.

"Did you take photos or videos?" Fang Ze checked the cage and turned to the three to ask.

"No, no," A Zhao said as he tried to retreat and escape, but before he ran a few steps, Fang Ze was given his place by using gold binding.

The two brothers, Dong Da and Dong Xiao, saw A Zhao's situation and dared not even run. They could only stand where they were. The master of the three-headed dragon was definitely a legendary martial art master alive. An immortal, otherwise it would not be possible to possess such magical abilities.

If you are alive, you have to counsel.

So Dong Da and Dong Xiao's brothers even knelt down, taught his cell phone to Fang Ze to check, and begged Fang Ze not to kill them.

"Look at how obedient people are." Fang Ze took Dong Da and Dong Xiao's mobile phones, and then used the thunder circuit to invite thunder and lightning to completely destroy the two phones into slag.

"Daxian." Dong Da saw that Fang Ze didn't mean to break his mouth, and dared to kneel down and scratch his head. "We promise not to say anything, so let us go."

"Your line is quite new." Fangze said to Dong Da as he controlled the Force and packed three iron cages back into the car. "According to the drama, you shouldn't say you have eight A ten-year-old mother, is there a three-year-old child? "

"Ah." Dong Da froze when he heard Fang Ze's words, thinking for a long time before he said weakly, "Eighty mothers can have them, but our brothers are not married yet, so there are no children."

"Um, this is really a sad story."

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