My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 534: Can't figure it out

Many funny movies have such a scene.

When the protagonist arrived at a place, he opened the door and found a group of people pointing at him with a gun.

Although this is a very old funny terrier, it is really funny. Fang Ze himself laughed every time he saw it.

But if this happened to him, Fang Ze couldn't laugh.

The SWAT team came very promptly.

After Director Liu rushed out, although Fang Ze followed in time, the special police team outside at this time had completed the deployment.

So as soon as Fang Ze went out, he found a row of guns facing him.

"Get down and hold your head with both hands!"

This time, Director Liu cannot be pursued.

Fang Ze himself hasn't figured out how things have become what they are now.

The policemen outside came here to arrest the car thieves in the garage. However, this group of car thieves, like the mentally retarded, not only helped the police talk, but also made rumors that Fang Ze had a gun himself, in order to attract the attention of the police.

Do they think they did not squat long enough when they squatted in jail?

"Myself, misunderstanding." Fang Ze said to the police in front of him.

"Raise your hands, hold your head, and lie on the ground." The opposite police was still a certain distance from Fang Ze, so they did not hear Fang Ze clearly.

However, even after listening clearly, it is estimated that the special policemen cannot believe what Fang Ze said.

Although there is very little domestic experience in dealing with criminals with guns, it is because they are rarely seen that they will respond with the most prudent attitude.

"I'm really my own person." Fang Ze helplessly reached into his pocket to get his National Security Bureau's certificate.

But with such a stretch of hand, the special policemen who were watching the movement of Fang Ze nervously thought that Fang Ze was drawing a gun and preparing to charge.


A nervous special policeman flicked his fingers and pulled the trigger because of Fang Ze's movement.

The speed of the bullet is faster than the sound.

So if Fang Ze starts to dodge and defend when he hears the sound of the bullet, he must be cold.

Fortunately, Fang Ze has been driving Athena after leaving the garage.

Super observation power gave Fang Ze enough reaction time.

At the same time, because he was afraid that he might accidentally lose the hilt of the Jedi saber, Fang Ze kept the hilt of the Jedi saber with his wallet.

With these two foundations, the stalk of the Jedi saber in the pocket of Fangze's underwear jumped into his hand at the moment when the swat police shot.

There is a very classic picture in the Star Wars movie. Whenever someone shoots at the Jedi, the Jedi can just hit his lightsaber and let all the bullets hit the lightsaber and then shoot out.

It was too unscientific to have this picture before Maezawa. Just like the legendary 100% empty-handed white blade, it is a causal ability, that is, a 100% sword blade bullet.

But Fang Ze now especially thanks the Jedi Samurai lightsaber for the effect of this 100% sword-blade bullet.

This bullet that originally shot Ciang's thigh, when Fang Ze held his sword in his arms and activated the blade, used a physical action that could kill Apple with an apple and automatically fly the belt. In the hands of Fang Ze's Jedi saber.

The bullet was split into two halves in an instant and fell weakly from the air.

Fang Ze's other hand stretched out, just holding the bullet that was split in half.

At this time, the sound of the bullets firing out of the barrel also reached everyone's ears.

"Who fired the gun?" As soon as the captain of the SWAT team spoke, Fang Ze was still standing there, just like anyone else.

Because the blade of the Jedi saber that was stimulated by internal force was transparent, and the upper hand was holding the hilt in the clothes to activate the lightsaber, everyone in the room thought the gun was short.

"Myself." Fang Ze was afraid that the special police would fire again, throwing his credentials while yelling.

Under the control of Fang Ze, the small document just fell in front of the captain. The special police captain picked up the document and turned it over to see it.

The seven words of the Ministry of National Security of China.

Huaxia, to be precise, does not have the National Security Bureau, because the National Security Bureau is a misinformation of the people.

Such an important institution is, of course, ministerial.

"Alert on the spot, no one is allowed to shoot without my order." The captain issued an order, and then went behind with the document and discussed the matter with Director Liu and the Chief Secretary.

Of course, no proof of identity can be relied upon solely for identification. After all, ordinary documents can be forged, and this very rare document has no way for ordinary people to tell whether it is true.

A few people discussed it, because no one at the scene was able to contact the National Security Bureau at the level, so they could only call the above and let the above contact the National Security Bureau to find out if this person was there.

Fang Ze's file was specially greeted by the high-level state and added to the National Security Bureau, so the person in the file department of the National Security Bureau is very familiar with Fang Ze ~ ~ Respond quickly to check the person and send Fang Ze photo.

Although the ID photo is generally the ugliest look of myself, Fang Ze's ID photo was taken in the past few days, so it is easy to compare them out. The two are one person.

"Don't you say that the opposite is a group of car thieves with guns, how is it related to the National Security Bureau?" After the captain of the party found out Fang Ze's identity, he signaled the special police around him to be on the spot and let Fang Ze come over Asked while staring at Director Liu.

Director Liu carefully recalled the scene when he went in, and found that Fang Ze did not belong to another group of people in the garage.

However, the point is.

After they entered, the other group not only recognized themselves as police officers, but also enthusiastically told them to run.

This does not seem to be a bad person!

Director Liu was completely dizzy and didn't know how to answer. But what stunned him was still behind.

After the special police officers confirmed Fang Ze's identity, during the period when Fang Ze came over, a police motorcycle also drove over.

The two policemen on this police motorcycle were A Zhao and the police they called. Although it came a little late, the alarm narrative was too exaggerated.

But two dutiful police officers arrived.

But when the two policemen came over, they were dumbfounded.

What is the situation in this battle.

Rows of real ammunition and airtight encircles, what's the matter?

Is there a top bandit in our town? It's worth entertaining like this. I have never heard of it.

Could it be a gangster coming from elsewhere? However, the police and special police here seem to be local. They are not transferred from other places. If the robbers come from outside, they must have colleagues from outside to act together.

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