My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 537: There will be more guests next week

"Is there no way to hurt me?" Fang Ze hurriedly asked, "The flame here is a single ordinary flame, or the ultra-high-temperature flames in industrial production."

"It does not include ultra-high-temperature flames containing huge energy, but it is not just ordinary flames, including volcanic magma, which can certainly resist it. As long as you don't stand under the rocket launcher to die, it is generally fine. Meow lazily explained to Fang Ze.

Although the explanation is not too clear, this ability is indeed difficult to grade.

It can only be said that as long as it is not deliberately relying on the ability of the unburnt to die, there is no problem.

Open the bottle containing the blood of the unburnt person, while Fang Ze was still there, even if he drank the sequelae of this drink, someone could rescue him, so he immediately drank the blood of the unburned person.

The blood of the unburnt bottle smelled very stink, but fortunately there was only a small bottle, which soon all entered Fang Ze's mouth, and then dipped into Fang Ze's blood.

"So warm." Although Hai Ping was colder at this time, Fang Ze felt his blood turned into a warm current, flowing constantly in his body.

"But why is this potion so smelly? Drinking it tastes like human blood."

"Are you stupid?" Da Meow said squintingly at Fang Ze. "Du told you, this is the blood of the unburned. Think about it, who is the unburned?"

"Who else can it be, Dragon Mother."

"Yes, this is the essence of Dragon Mother." Da Meow said for granted.

"Wait, you can tell whether it's sperm or menstrual blood."

"What's in your head?" Da Meow said he was too lazy to answer Fang Ze's idiot question.

"Tell me clearly." Fangze pulled the big cat, trying to figure out whether this essence was fine or classic.

After all, he had read a novel before, and the protagonist on it had the menstrual blood when a strong female dragon **** came to the aunt. At the time, Fang Ze also laughed and said that if he was the protagonist, he would not drink if he was killed.

However, I did not expect that Tiandao is a good reincarnation, and I will have such an encounter someday.

"It's fine! The one you shoot every day!" Da Mei was really impatient with Fang Ze, so he explained it to Fang Ze.

"Oh, that's fine." Fang Zechang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Um, I'm really incapable of telling you." Da Meow said to Fang Ze, "Let's quickly choose the three abilities to be solved."

"Well, you said." Fang Ze, who was in a good mood, sat patiently on the sofa and listened to the big meow talking about the reward this time.

"The first ability is the dream dragon. Members of the Taglian family that the dragon mother Daenerys belongs to will always dream about dragons. And the ability I give you is to make you dream, and then In the dream, communicate the dragons and dragon gods of thousands of planes in an attempt to obtain their gifts. "

"In other words, this ability is actually buying a lottery ticket. Can you win two prizes?"

"Almost the meaning. But the big meow produced must be a boutique. The reward I gave you for this dream dragon is very high. Because which dragon dare not sell me a big face, so they ask you Regarding my smell, maybe I'm excited, I'll give you a bucket of dragon blood for you to play with. "

"Are you so bragging about yourself?" Fang Ze looked at Da Meow silently.

"I wouldn't have been so nice to you if you were not my **** officer."

"Then I will be more dedicated to serving your old man in the future." Fang Ze sold sackcloth in his heart and smiled.

"The second ability is the Legion Command. After obtaining it, you will have the ability to command an ancient army of 100,000 people or more, with a force of 1,000 or more. The combat level is probably similar to the more famous commander in ancient times."

"Although it sounds great, I also have to be able to find such an army of 100,000 people to command me on the current earth." Fang Ze didn't think about it, so he didn't consider this ability.

"The third one is in the middle of the room," said Big Meow. "You know the effect, so I don't have to explain much, for fear of being harmonious."

"Fang Zhongshu ?!" Fang Ze asked with a stunned look at Da Meow, "Wait, every reward has something to do with the guests who come. So why does Dragon Mother have a relationship with Fang Zhongshu. If it is Here is Huangdi. You gave me this ability, which is normal. What does Dragon Mother have to do with Fang Zhongshu? "

"It's written in the original book, but you don't know it." Big Meow said something in the original song of "A Song of Ice and Fire" "At first Dani was afraid of her husband, Zhuo, but as she and her maid Doria She loved Zhuo Ge more and more, and she no longer feared the Dothraki. "

"It sounds terrible," Fang Ze moved with a touch of his chin.

The real man should be brave and wary everywhere.

If you can learn how to use Fangzhongshu, maybe you can let Lin Xiaoxin stay at home and be happy or irritable every day ~ ~ Fang Ze just promised to come down, but suddenly thought that the blood of the unburned person was just pitted One, so he asked carefully, "This room surgery is for men."

"This fangzhongshu is the one that Dragon Mother has learned. Do you understand if it is used by men. I am not a human. I don't know which weird and weird patterns are."


Fang Ze heard Da Meow saying that, in all likelihood, this room surgery is for women.

If it is a book, you can give it to Lin Xiaoxin with a thick face.

But this is ability.

A big man who got a house surgery that a woman can learn, is he going to go to a **** bar to be a duck?

"I choose Menglong." For his own chrysanthemum, Fang Ze decisively chose Menglong to bet his luck.

"Well, okay." After listening to Fang Ze's choice, Da Meow jumped directly from the cat stand and gave Fang Ze this ability.

"Menglong is a one-time ability. It will be activated when you sleep tonight. You can sleep to know what you have gained. So you can't see it now." Asked, "The guest from next week sneaks ahead."

"Um, guests from next week." After hearing the words of Fang Ze, Da Meow suddenly looked up and looked up.

Seeing this action of Da Meow, Fang Ze predicted that the guests coming next week would be very troublesome. Sure enough, when Da Meow turned his head to Fang Ze again, he slowly said, "The guest next week is indeed Very troublesome, mainly because there are more people. "

"How many?" Fang Ze looked at Da Meow and asked, "If it's all human, I can borrow the house of Lao Bo and Xiao Hei."

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