My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 6: Things reverse

On May 2nd, the second day of Conan's arrival, Tuesday.

Qi Fangze and Conan got up at eight o'clock in the morning, and then they were ready to go to Lu Chen's door by bike.

Knock at the door.

A tall man opened the door of the room, and Fang Ze estimated that the man's height was over one meter eighty-three.

"Fang Ze Xuedi?" The man asked, looking at Fang Ze.

"I said me." Fang Ze held out his hand to the man. "It's Mr. Lu Chen, I've seen your picture, and he's as handsome as a real person."

"Come in." Lu Chen listened to Fang Ze's flattery, and didn't say much, because he had listened to such words for a long time. Although his family is poor, God has given him a high-looking appearance.

Lu Fangze and Conan walked into Lu Chen's room. Lu Chen saw Conan, but didn't even ask. It is estimated that Conan was regarded as Fang Ze's brother.

Qi Fangze looked around the living room and found that many things had been packed.

"Hey, senior, do you not plan to return after going abroad? Why do you look like you are moving?"

"I want to come back, but I won't live here," Lu Chen said to Fang Ze, "I gave away this house, and I will buy a new house when I return."

Lu Chen's tone was relaxed, not at all like his wife who had just died.

Giving away?

Is it for Primary Three?

完整 A complete story immediately began to form in Fang Ze's mind.

Lu Chen, a poor family, successfully completed college with the support of Teacher Qingya, and then married Teacher Qingya as a wife for gratitude, but this kind of gratitude did not last long, so Lu Chen soon found a primary three and wanted to divorce. However, Teacher Qingya strongly disagreed. In the end, Lu Chen had to use anti-arrhythmic drugs, and spent three years poisoning Teacher Qingya. After the wife died, she gave the house to Xiaosan to please her.


Tong Fangze and Conan glanced at each other, and both felt that they were close to the truth.

"My notes are over there." Lu Chen pointed to a box and said to Fang Ze, "I haven't been willing to throw them away for so many years, it's cheap for you."

Qi Fangze walked over, opened the box and looked at it. There were more than a dozen notebooks in it, and one of them was opened, all of which were densely packed with words.

It seems that Lu Chen was indeed a good student at that time. Fang Ze did not take even one-tenth of Lu Chen's notes in the four years of this university. To be honest, if Lu Chen had no money at home, he would have been studying until he graduated with a PhD.

"That's right." Fang Ze asked Landing Chen as he picked up the box. "Senior, what are you doing abroad?"

"Invited to India to attend a medical seminar." Lu Chen said proudly.

"The senior is great."

"You will be able to achieve this achievement if you study hard in the future." Lu Chen's praise from Fangze was very satisfied.

I took the notes, and Fang Ze and Conan had no reason to stay here anymore. Fang Ze picked up the box containing the notes, thanked Lu Chen and went out.

In the elevator, Conan looked at Fang Ze and said, "I just made some interesting discoveries in Lu Chen's home just now."

"What did you find?" Fang Ze asked.

"I took a look at all corners of Lu Chen's house while you were chatting with Lu Chen, and did not find a photo of him and his wife."

"Is it already packed?"

"No," Conan continued, "I found a piece of glass in the trash and the bathroom found this."

Conan said that he had taken out a finger-sized piece of paper-like debris. Fang Ze took it and touched it, and found that the texture of the thing was exactly the same as the material of the photo.

"My wife just died, not only can't wait to move, but also smashed the photo frame, shredded the photo with the wife, and rushed into the toilet. How can he be considered a suspect?"

Qi Fangze originally wanted to throw away the box of notes, but after thinking about it, it is a pity to lose such serious notes, so he took the notes and took the bus to Conan and went to the clinic where Lu Chen worked.

This is a small private clinic called Pfizer Clinic. There was only a small reception room, a few medicine racks, and some beds. If this street was not very busy, Fang Ze would have thought he had entered the black clinic.

Such a small clinic has very few staff and no patients at all. When Fang Ze went in, there were only two nurses sitting and chatting.

"Buy medicine or see a doctor?" A nurse said to Fang Ze while smashing sunflower seeds.

He Fangze pulled Conan out decisively again. "My brother has a stomachache. Please give it to your doctor." Conan heard Fang Ze's words and immediately covered his stomach and pretended to be uncomfortable.

"If you see a doctor, go to the clinic on the opposite street." The nurse was afraid that Fang Ze didn't know the place, and gave Fang Ze a special route. The illness was delayed. "

"Aren't you a doctor here?" Fang Ze asked while looking at the two nurses. "I heard that there is a doctor here who has good medical skills."

"Doctor Lu has taken time off," said the nurse. "It may be a month after he returns."

If this is the case, Fang Ze and Conan have no choice but to go out and walk home.

I waited until the evening. Officer Li called and said that the investigation was clear. Let Fang Ze go to the police station.

Both Fang Ze and Conan hurried to the police station, but did not expect that besides Officer Li, Fang Ze, the president of the department where he was located, Mr. Jiang.

老 This old man has worked at Haiping Medical University for almost his entire life ~ ~ has high prestige at school, Fang Ze has only met him.

"It's your old truant boy, I said no one can report the case." The old man glared at Fang Ze and expressed great dissatisfaction.

"I'm not idle, I have the evidence to report the case." Fang Ze quickly sat down and said his latest investigation.

"Father, 呸, Dean Jiang, you think, Teacher Qingya just passed away. He went abroad and gave away the house. I wouldn't be Fang if there was no Primary Three."

"Then your surname is round." Father Jiang almost spit on Fang Ze's face, "You listen to the investigation results of Police Officer Li, and then talk. Your kid is shocked by the school. Now, people are not talking about Germany. If Lu Chen is reported by the police, I will tell you, even if it ’s okay, the whole thing will happen. When the rumors come together, your boy is a sinner! ”

"It's not that serious." Fang Ze said with a smile.

"First tell you the results of the investigation." Officer Li sat down and said to Fang Ze, "We asked their neighbors about their marital status and found that they were not good, but they were not bad, and they had no home. Violent situations have occurred. "

"Then what you said about chronic poison, this is what you dean Jiang will explain to you."

"Explain, what else do I explain." Dean Jiang's spit touched Fang Ze's face again. "Have you ever taken your kid's pharmacology class? Did the anti-arrhythmic medicine eat the dead and the hospital not find it? Do you think the doctors in the hospital are all blind like you! "

还有 "Also, we checked the records and found that Lu Chen didn't buy any anti-arrhythmic medicine at all." Police Officer Li beside him relentlessly filled the knife.

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