My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 590: Resources are not enough

"That's it." The security guard at Fengyang Women's Vocational College pointed at the other girls in the front of the girl's dormitory building.

"Are all girls living in this dormitory building?" Fang Ze asked curiously while looking at the dormitory building.

"Buildings 1 to 3 are all girls, boys are on the first to third floors, and the others are girls," said the security guard.

"Isn't this women's college here, why are there any boys living here?" Fang Cheng asked curiously.

"In the past, our school did only recruit girls. However, in recent years, the students have not been very good, so it has begun to recruit boys. However, the number is not large, and the total is less than two hundred."

"Then the underwear you lost in your girls' dormitory may have been done by the boys in your school."

"We have doubted this." The security guard replied after hearing Fang Cheng's words. "But our school is a closed school. Except Saturdays and Sundays, we are not allowed to go out. We check the dormitory every night to prevent students from sneaking out. After the incident, we also asked the student union who checked the dormitory last night Members, they all said that the boys were all staying in the dormitory last night. "

The security guard said as he led Fang Ze to the boys' dormitory in Building 4. "Because of the fear of thieves, we have installed anti-theft nets on the first and second floors of Buildings 1 to 4. So this is also the case where no one reported that their underwear was missing last night. There is an electronic door installed between the third and fourth floors of the fourth building. Every night, the host will close the electronic door. That is to say, if there is a boy last night after we check the dormitory, we sneak out It is impossible to commit crimes from the third floor to the fourth floor. Not to mention that the underwear lost in the fourth floor is a dormitory on the sixth floor. The underwear lost in the third floor is on the fourth floor, and the underwear lost in the second floor is On the third floor,"

"That is to say, connecting the dormitories with missing underwear is actually a slash?"

"Yes." Before the security guard had time to speak, a female voice came from behind Fang Ze and others.

"You are." Fang Ze turned his head and found out that this was a girl who was quite a royal lady, not more than 25 years old.

"I am the student council of this school. My name is Wei Yanqin. Hello Comrade Police."

"Hello." Fang Ze nodded slightly and said hello. Then he asked Wei Weiqin, "Did your school have this phenomenon before?"

"Nothing at all," Wei Yanqin said decisively, shaking his head. "Comrade police, don't think about committing crimes inside us. The boys in our school really don't do such things, they must be outsiders."

"Are you so sure?" Fang Ze heard Wei Yanqin's words and thought to himself, is it because the school has too few boys and closed management, so girls are generally more protective of boys?

its not right. When I was studying, because it was a medical school, there were far fewer boys than girls, so why did n’t there be such benefits. Could it be that the girls in the medical school watch the corpses and planing videos every day, and don't feel the boys?

Before Fang Ze had time to say something about Wei Yiqin's words, he saw that Wei Yiqin did a pouting gesture, as if to signal Fang Ze to look to the right.

So Fang Ze looked at it, and then he saw that there were two boys on the right side, walking hand in hand in the direction of the dormitory.

"Originally there are few resources. These guys are still digesting internally. Comrade police, do you think it might be theirs?"

"Um. It's really impossible." Fang Ze didn't know what to say now.

"Would you like to go upstairs?" Among the policemen Wei Weiqin had seen, only Fang Ze and a woman were wearing casual clothes, while the other police officers were all wearing police uniforms, thinking that Fang Ze was in charge. . Although it looks a bit too young. "

"Don't hurry to go upstairs first." Fang Ze turned to look at the bellflower on the side, and whispered to her, "Did you feel any special smell?"

"Yes," Kikyo nodded, then said, "But it's very light. If you come a little later, these odors will disappear completely."

After hearing the words of Kikyo, Fang Ze was certain that the theft of the underwear was indeed related to the Four Souls' Jade, so he turned to Fang Cheng for advice, "Should we go and see behind the building first?"

"You want to see if there is any connection between these dormitories that have lost their underwear." Fang Cheng heard what Fang Ze said. After thinking about it, he really needed to take a look at it, because the seemingly ordinary underwear theft case, the truth behind it It's a bit confusing indeed.

It stands to reason that with such strict protection measures, even if a thief with a high ability really turns over to the third floor and the fourth floor, at most he can only steal one or two people's underwear. But this theft involved four girls and seven girls.

Unless it is a gang committing a crime, this is unlikely to happen.

However, if there are gangs committing such a thing, it can only be said that the reality is far more exciting than that.

Several people walked to the back of the building, determined the location of the stolen dormitory, and found that it was really a diagonal straight line.

"From this route, the thief should start obliquely upwards from the first floor. From the first floor to the sixth floor of the fourth floor, during the period except for the five-story dormitory, there was no underwear for drying. Stolen, other dormitories on this slash were stolen. "

"Looking at it this way, the thief may be a person. However, the balcony here is very far away from the balcony. If this person really stole something without using any tools ~ ~, his ability, I'm afraid it's better than the professional athletes who have been trained. "Fang Cheng sighed while looking at this slash.

"It may not be human," Fang Ze said casually, then turned to Wei Yanqin, "You and the girls in these dormitories now, we have to go up to check and let them collect everything. "

"Okay." Wei Qinqin heard Fang Ze's words, and hurriedly started to call. Fang Cheng looked at Fang Ze with a strange look and asked, "You said just now that it might not be human, what does it mean?"

"Explain back." Fang Ze patted Fang Cheng's shoulder, not intending to say this. This made Fang Cheng a little unhappy. Hey, now this kid is also pretending to be mysterious with me.

The girls' dormitory is not very attractive to Fang Ze. When he was studying, he didn't know what the school leaders thought and asked him to check the sanitary condition of the girl's dormitory for a while, so Fang Ze was also a regular visitor to the girl's dormitory.

Apart from occasionally seeing some pretty girls in pajamas, there are no other benefits. Compared with boys 'dormitories, girls' dormitories have the characteristics of more clothes, more shoes, and more dolls, in addition to being cleaner.

ps: In a blink of an eye in March, salted fish has been out for another ten days.

So I can't stand it. Tomorrow will be six, and the update time is two chapters at four in the afternoon, seven in the evening, and eleven at night. Then from the day after tomorrow, two chapters will be updated each day at 4 pm and 11 pm.

In addition, I read qq today, there are many questions from fans, because I did not prompt here, so I did not answer the question and closed. If you have any questions, you can say in the book review, I will write a separate chapter tomorrow to make a reply.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

(= Reading Yue)

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