My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 592: Teddy dog

Although Fang Cheng didn't speak too clearly, Fang Ze had already understood what Fang Cheng wanted to express.

The old director was gone. The new director was airborne, not a native of Haiping. Not only did he not have connections in Haiping, he did not bring anyone when he came.

In this case, most of the people in the bureau are actually listeners.

After all, Fang Cheng has a background, strong ability, young age, and great potential for future development. Is it better to follow him than to this new director.

Therefore, if the new director wants to take power, he must first subdue Fang Cheng. However, after trying a few times, the new director found that not only did his various small moves have no effect, but instead played an opposite role, making the people in the bureau more and more alienated, so he changed his mind and prepared to let the above Relocate Fang Cheng.

However, Fang Cheng is the newly promoted deputy director. Even if it is a flat tone, he needs to be transferred to the other county seat or the county-level city authority. He has been promoted from second to first. of.

That's why the director called Fang Cheng back from the outside and asked him to receive the people from the National Security Bureau. When the matter was over, he thought that he might be able to transfer Fang Cheng with this credit.

"It's fine," Fang Ze said, "rather than being here as the number two leader, you might as well find a place as the number one leader, so it will rise quickly."

"It's easy to say. I have managed to train a group of people here and it's easy to use. It will rise faster than being a leader in other places. We are now the new director, transferred from other places? .Now, even if he has a great ability, he is idle without his available staff. "

"This is also true." Fang Ze heard that Fang Cheng had an idea in his heart, so he didn't say much.

The brothers talked for a while, and the bellflower on the side suddenly shouted, "Here it is."

"What's up?" Fang Chengzheng wondered, but Kikyo had turned around and took out his wooden bow and arrow from the car and ran towards the girl's dormitory.

"Wait for me." Fang Ze wasn't afraid that the bellflower would be injured by the little demon who had just obtained the jade of the four souls. .

Fang Ze and Kikyo are far better than ordinary people, so Fang Cheng couldn't keep up after a while.

"When did this boy become so powerful?" Fang Cheng thought in depression as he watched the distance between Fang Ze and himself farther and farther.

There is a fence next to the girl's dormitory building where the street where Fangze is located.

As soon as Fang Ze and Zijing raised their hands, they turned over.

At this time, they also saw a dark shadow leaping between the dormitory's balconies. Although it was not clear what the specific look was, it looked like a dog.

"The arrow of the seal!" Kikyo saw this dark shadow without thinking about it, and shot an arrow with Zishan Ling bow.

The speed of this sealed arrow was too fast, and Fang Ze did not expect that Kikyo could shoot an arrow with such a terrible speed with only a wooden attack.

Before his eyes could keep up, the dark shadow in the distance had been fixed on the wall of the girl's dormitory.

"Let's go up and see." Fang Ze saw that the movement that the two had just made was not great, so he jumped easily to the wall on the fifth floor with light work and found the dark shadow sealed by the bellflower.

It really is a dog.

After Fang Ze approached, he found that the black shadow was a brown Teddy dog, and the arrow of the seal shot through its right leg, holding it firmly on the wall. Fang Ze was about to reach out to catch it, but after seeing Fang Ze, the brown teddy barked suddenly, and then his body began to disappear slowly in place.

"Not good." Fang Ze felt that this Teddy was not as simple as they imagined, and was likely to be able to escape, so he thought about it, took out the Jedi saber, flew it and threw it.

The Chinese bellflower used the arrow of seal instead of the arrow of broken magic, mainly because this Teddy, who has the jade of four souls, did not do anything harmful to human beings, so he did not kill.

But I did not expect that this Teddy could still escape after hitting the seal arrow of the bellflower. If it really escapes this time, it will not be easy for Fang Ze to find him again. In the event that this Teddy becomes more powerful and evil after being eroded by the Four Souls' Jade, Fang Ze will also take part of the responsibility.

So he directly planned to kill and kill this Teddy here.

However, Fang Ze's shot was still slower. By the time the Jedi saber had been thrown, the body of Teddy had disappeared under the arrow of the seal.

Turn on Athena's vision, look around, Fang Ze can no longer find the figure of Teddy ~ ~ And the bellflower below, just looked around in confusion, and did not pursue It seemed that she did not find out where the Teddy had fled.

With this happening, Fang Ze had to go first and pull up the arrow of the seal. I just squeezed the seal between my hands, the dormitory in front of the arrow of the seal, the door between the dormitory and the balcony was opened. Wei Yanqin, wearing pajamas, walked to the balcony, and her face was right up to Fang Ze's face.

"The thief who stole underwear just now has been found by us, and I can give you a reply in a few days."

"Oh, okay, Comrade Police, you've worked hard." Wei Yanqin said stupidly, and then saw Fang Ze fluttering lightly, falling on the ground like a piece of paper, and then left .

The police comrades in the middle of the night are working hard. This sentence just came to Wei Weiqin's mind, and a girl with light sleep in the dormitory also woke up.

"Who are you talking to on the balcony?"

"And the police comrades handling the case." Wei Yanqin said as he returned to the dormitory and closed the door.

"You are so sleepy." The roommate heard Wei Yanqin's words and laughed. "We are on the fifth floor. Where do you talk to the police comrades?"

Yes indeed!

Hearing the words of his roommate, Wei Yanqin woke up instantly.

She was on the fifth floor just now. Her face was facing the policeman.

In other words, the policeman spoke to her on the fifth floor wall. And after speaking, I jumped directly from the fifth floor. This is simply Superman.

Thinking of this, Wei Yanqin quickly reopened the door between the dormitory and the balcony and rushed to the balcony, but at this time, nothing was visible.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

(= Reading Yue)

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