My Inseparable House Guests

: Answer reader's questions from time to time

The main answer here is the question and answer for fans of qq reading. Because this function does not prompt on my phone, often when I see it, the question has been closed, so I will answer it here.

The first is to ask the total number of words in the novel. This is uncertain. If the number of followers has not fallen too much, I will keep writing. (Reluctant to refine the badge. "

The second one asked me whether it was a man or a woman, or a lily. I am male, love female, next.

The third asked when Fang Ze would applaud with Lin Xiaoxin. Answer: After marriage. (Fear of teaching bad kids too early)

The fourth is to ask the fan group number. I have posted it in the related work. The reason why I have not added it to the profile or sent it again is mainly because there are more young girls in the group. Miss Sister was chatting with me.

So the fan group number is 575580366.

The fifth question is a typo.

Please answer this well, because I don't have the manuscript (it's not easy to copy and review), so sometimes if the time is up, I will post it first and then change it again. This has caused some channels to fail to sync in real time, causing typos to persist.

Of course, it may be that the basics of elementary school are not solid (primary school spends time in love every day), so some chapters, even if I have changed it myself, will have typos.

But don't worry, there is a young lady who has been helping me to correct the typo, so she will change the manuscript and send it again.

As long as I start from tomorrow, I stick to the good habit of writing in advance every day, and there will be a lot of typos.

Believe me.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

(= Reading Yue)

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