My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 576: Ignore

Of course, Wang Cheng's invitation to the discerning people can be seen that he hopes that Zhenguo can give pointers on scientific and technological issues. If he is willing to donate one or two technologies, it is even better.

If Zhen Guo stays in this world for a long time, Fang Ze would not mind Zhen Guo helping the country solve some scientific and technological problems.

But the problem is that as a front-line mech warrior, Zhen Guo is not a scientific researcher, so he only knows how to use many things, but he doesn't know how to make them.

Therefore, at most Zhen Guo told the country how to fight future space wars and how to use warships and mechs. He knew nothing else.

The difference in science and technology between the two worlds is too far away.

This is equivalent to throwing a modern person into the Bronze Age, which may promote the rapid development of some science and technology, but it is not helpful in large aspects.

So after Fang Ze and Zhen Guo explained the situation, Wang Chengcheng showed a disappointed expression.

However, he still asked Wang Cheng several questions.

For example, in their world, what kind of power is used by space warships that can easily fly out of the atmosphere, and what is the future energy structure of the world.

Because Fang Ze is an layman, I do n’t know how these words are only a few words. How much can a few sentences answer help the country? However, it seems that Wang Cheng pays more and more attention to the eyes of the recording pen on the table. It is estimated that in the end The effect that can be achieved is not small.

After all, in the 1999 world where Zhenuo is located, the technology tree is suitable for the current earth. It also wants to be perfected. Unlike the Leia brothers and sisters who came from the world of Star Wars last time, the technology tree point is too Partial.

Because Fang Ze still wanted to make a video with Zhen Guo, when approaching noon, Fang Ze could only drive out Wang Cheng who did not want to leave, and he and Zhen Guo cut out all the remaining videos.

In May 1999, the landing war on the quiet surface of the moon began. This battle, which was originally thought to be a victory, was at the time of landing. Because the countries thought that the battle with the Sabies would end victoriously, they began to retain their strength. Failure to have the ability to get a bigger piece of cake after the war is over.

The Sabies accurately grasped the coordination errors of the Allied Earth Forces, which caused the landing forces to be separated and then wiped out.

Although this battle failed, it also sounded the alarm for the top leaders of the nations of the earth.

The Sabies haven't left yet, don't think that the war will win in the end.

So in the Amazon battle at the end of May, the countries cooperated perfectly and eliminated the Sabi forces entangled in South America.

Immediately after that, the Allied Forces of the Earth attacked the Moon again in early June, and launched a lunar recapture operation.

Many people died in this battle, including Gu Yan, who had stayed in the back, but reached the front because of insufficient staff.

Fang Ze originally thought that the Zhenhui Congress had self-interested, and a complete clip of Gu Xi's sacrifice video was added to the video.

However, Zhen Guo did not do this. He just introduced Gu Ji's wrong sacrifice on the moon in the video, and gave a flashing shot, allowing Gu Ji and other sacrificed comrades to leave only a brief picture. In the video.

The success of the recapture mission on the moon caused the Sabbits to completely lose their ability to attack the earth again. Therefore, in mid-June, the Allied Earth forces attacked the neon islands and eliminated the last Sabbits still on the earth.

By early July, there would never be any surviving Sabbits on Earth.

And the victory of the Mars offensive and defensive battle on August 1, 1999 also let humans know the end of the death squadron that was sent to Mars.

This dare-dead fleet did not evacuate according to the original plan after the initial destruction of the Sabie Star space base. Instead, it continued to destroy on Mars and fight to the last person.

And what they have achieved is that the Sabies have lost the ability to make a mechanical army for a full four months!

It is because of these four months that humans have completed this epic comeback.

Therefore, Fang Ze and Zhen Guo are doing a full feature video of the 1999 Earth Defense War, and they also made a special biography, which is about this legendary fleet.

On Friday afternoon, Zhen Guo watched Fang Ze upload the last biography to the Internet, and returned to his world with peace of mind.

"Hoo." Fang Ze yawned, and even though he was as strong as himself, he felt sleepy for staying up late in the past few days.

"Well!" Knocked on the door, Fang Ze knew that Wang Cheng was here, so he opened the door and told Wang Cheng Zhenguo had left.

"Go away so soon?" Wang Cheng was a little disappointed, after all, he still wanted to get more knowledge from Wang Cheng.

"People are just here on vacation, but they are not here to work. They will definitely go back after the vacation." Fang Ze yawned and asked Wang Chengdao. "In other words, you have decided how to respond to the videos I uploaded."

"What the responder is doing, this kind of thing, let alone the country respond, just a little bit of a statement will be interpreted by many people. So although the final plan has not come out, it must be ignored ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ the original impact is limited to certain groups, so as long as the country ignores it and the folks are tired, the discussion is over. "

"Sure enough to ignore is the last way to deal with things?" Fang Ze suddenly thought of something that happened on the Internet before.

"After all, this can only be the case. The quality of the videos you posted is too good. We have no way to explain it in other ways. It will be beaten by folk technical staff, but it will cause a wider discussion. So simply Ignore it, so people will think that this is just a fantasy of a few conspiracy theorists. "

Wang Cheng doesn't seem to be too concerned about the impact of video. After all, he has now determined that the video is about another planet. The video will not have any impact on the world. At most, it will make netizens play more realistically in the future.

And even if the video is circulated abroad and found to be strange by other countries, as long as the country protects Fang Ze's personal information, they have no way to figure out who posted the video for what purpose, and can only choose to ignore it.

You can't take this to say that Huaxia is engaged in any conspiracy. After all, the fool can see that the technology in the video is too much beyond the current earth.

It belongs to the concept of the ancient people watching the modern city. It is very good to look at it. It is impossible to learn.

"Then I will rest assured." After Fang Ze heard Wang Cheng's words, he urged Wang Cheng to leave quickly, and he was really doze off.

As soon as Wang Cheng was gone, as soon as Fang Ze turned around, he found that Daomeo's home or he was lying on the sofa watching him.

"Can you let me sleep first, and then we will discuss the matter of remuneration." Fang Ze said lethargically.

(End of this chapter) * fo *

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

(= Reading Yue)

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