My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 588: Delphi Riddle

"So what do you want," Voldemort said, pointing to his personal belongings that had been taken aside by Fang Ze. "All my things are with you. Take whatever you want as a mortgage."

"But the premise is that you haven't done anything on these things." Fang Ze picked up these things of Voldemort and found that nothing except Voldemort's wand and a pocket about half the width of the arm felt anything from above Traces of energy.

Fang Ze picked up the pocket and said to Voldemort, "What's this?"

"A space pocket for stray things."

Hearing Voldemort's words, Fang Ze remembered Hermione's small bag in the original book that could hold a lot of things. Although Voldemort was not the demon king at this time, the thing must be better than Hermione's bag.

So he tried to probe his original force into this pocket, but before the original force went deep, he felt a palpitation.

This thing is dangerous.

Fang Ze immediately withdrew his original force, and then asked Voldemort, "Is this pocket magical?"

"No, just a little curse." Voldemort was very disappointed that Fang Ze had not probed his spirit into his pocket. Of course, this little emotion was discovered by Fang Ze using Athena's vision.

"How to untie it?"

Voldemort heard Fang Ze's request, his eyes rolled, and he suddenly made a hoarse strange and extremely unpleasant, as if the sound of a poisonous snake exhaling, which scared Fang Ze.

"All right." After Voldemort finished, he pointed to the pocket of Fang Ze's hand and signaled that Fang Ze could be opened.

"Is it just a snake-like cavity?" Fang Ze tried it with the original force, and no longer felt palpitations, so he opened his pockets and used Athena's vision to detect it with all his strength to prevent other institutions.

"Yes." Voldemort acknowledged that he was talking about a **** that only Sarah Slytherin and his descendants would say.

"I am now more and more convinced that you know the future." Voldemort said to Fang Ze, "because there are not many people who know which language is the first time. You must have seen me from the future. This language? "

"Of course not." Fang Ze shook his head and said, "In the future, more than you will be a jerk."

"My family has other blood in this world ?!" Voldemort was really shocked this time.

Because in his cognition, this kind of language inherited from bloodline, in this generation, only his mother and uncle would speak Zerg. But one of the two had died, and the other had been framed by him in Azkaban and died.

"Actually, it's not necessarily the people in your clan that are from your family." Fang Ze casually observed the contents of Voldemort's pocket, and said casually, "For example."

"For example?" Voldemort eagerly wanted to know who was the one who could speak of a snake-like character in Fang Ze's mouth.

"Like not telling you," Fang Zepi said for a moment.

He had found what he wanted in Voldemort's space pocket, but in front of Voldemort, he showed nothing, only pretending to have satisfied his curiosity at a glance, and closed the pocket again.

"You can't do this." Voldemort came from the wizarding world, and the more powerful the wizard, the more he paid more attention to prophecy. Otherwise Voldemort would not run away to kill Harry Potter because of Trelawney's language.

So after deciding that Fang Ze might really know the future, Fang Ze's attitude became more moderate.

"So, tell me, what else on your body can threaten ordinary people, and I can tell you the identity of one of the two people in the future." Fang Ze stared at this Voldemort with the sight of Athena. Let Voldemort see the golden light in his eyes.

This is warning him that he has a way to know whether he is telling the truth or the truth.

"My robe," said Voldemort. "There is some magic on it, and I can use them at any time to launch them."

"Okay." After confirming that Voldemort was telling the truth, Fang Ze walked over and took off Voldemort's robe, leaving him no underwear. Throw Voldemort's robes into his space pocket, and he took a bath towel from the bathroom and put it on Voldemort's body.

Voldemort's body was slightly dry at this time, and it seems that the influence of making Horcruxes on him is not small.

"Okay, now you can tell me." Voldemort said to Fezawa.

"Dell Fieldel." Fang Ze said without looking up.

"Who is this? It sounds like a woman's name, who is his father and mother?" Voldemort became curious about this and his own surname.

"This is the next question, Mr. Voldemort." Fang Ze's method of leaking toothpaste generally annoyed Voldemort, but he couldn't help it.

If it is possible ~ ~ he will definitely use the soul to live out, drill the cheekbones, and let Fang Ze tell him all the secrets honestly, but now the wand is not in his hands.

Of course, even though Voldemort's wand is in hand, it is still a little difficult to deal with Fang Ze that has been prepared. After all, Fang Ze couldn't beat, and Voldemort could not perform the Phantom Pursuit in this completely strange world.

This is why he has been patient.

Smart people will not act recklessly without knowing what the opponent's hole cards are.

"Then what do you need me to do before you can answer my next question."

"Let's do this." Fang Ze gathered all Voldemort's stuff, including his wand, and said to Voldemort, "Every time you stay here safely and don't bother you, I will answer one of yours Question, how. "

"OK." Voldemort nodded. "The deal."

"Deal." After Fang Ze said this, the door of the hotel suite rang again.

"Boss, it's me." Qin Feng's voice came from the outside, and Fang Ze stepped forward to open the door, allowing Qin Feng, who was full of sweat on his forehead, to come in.

"Running?" Fang Ze asked, looking at Qin Feng's howl.

"Um." Qin Feng nodded heavily.

"Come here." Fang Ze sounded and instructed Qin Feng to follow him.

"Boss, is this?" When Qin Feng followed Fang Ze toward the coffee table, he saw Voldemort fixed on the wall by a broken arrow.

"Oh, one of my guests." Fang Ze answered truthfully.

The guests? !!

Qin Feng took a closer look at Voldemort wearing a bathrobe and fixed to the wall by a long arrow. He almost wanted to ask Boss Fang Ze if he had any special hobbies?

ps: The update is slow, but it will not owe it. There will be at least four chapters before twelve.

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