My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 606: Let me teach you

But in fact, Fang Ze doesn't need to pretend that he is a novice, because his moves really seem to be beginner's moves, but the speed of climbing is weird, just slower than Chen Huahua..lā

"You are very talented." Chen Huahua looked back at Fang Ze without any accidents, and gave thumbs to Fang Ze. Then she speeded up climbing to maintain the dignity of her veteran.

Xi Fangze was afraid that she could easily make Chen Huahua misunderstand that she is an old hand posing as a cute pig and eating a tiger, so she did not speed up, but slowly and slowly climbed the rock.

"Brother." Fang Ze crawled for thirty seconds, and a 20-something guy greeted him beside him.

"Huh?" Fang Ze didn't know the origin of this person, and responded vaguely.

"Brothers make friends, my name is Ji Lin, how about you?"


"Brother, you are a novice, you have a problem with this action. Rock climbing is very tiring like this." After Ji Lin and Fang Ze exchanged their names, they acted like familiar words.

"It was just a short while ago." Fang Ze didn't know what this guy wanted to do, so he dealt with it casually. ..

"Will I teach you, it's free."

"No need." Fang Ze replied, and thought he might be a climbing coach who wanted to solicit, so he asked, "Are you a coach?"

"No. I am also a fan." To Fang Ze's surprise, Ji Lin denied the speculation, and then said to Fang Ze, "I'm here to see if my brother has an eye, so come and make friends. Don't think too , I wo n’t lie to anyone by cheating. "

Just like your passion, can I not think too much? Fang Ze murmured silently in his heart, and then said to Ji Lin, "I feel good about myself, I don't need others to teach."

但是 "But you are easily injured like this." Ji Lin suddenly raised a finger and pointed at a small rock on the left front of Fang Ze, "Don't grab that piece, it will fall off immediately."

Although Ji Jilin was speaking very quickly, Fang Ze had already held the rock when he spoke.

Then, Fang Ze kicked his legs smoothly and climbed higher with the help of this rock.

This is not scientific!

He followed Ji Lin, who was next to Fang Ze.

It is absolutely impossible for him to read wrong, let alone a small rock block that allows a person to climb, even if he stretches his hand, it will fall. How did Fangze grab this rock and climbed up.

The unbelieving Ji Lin turned aside, and then reached out and held the rock.

As a result, the rock was immediately caught by Ji Lin, and the pieces rolled down along the rock wall piece by piece. If Ji Lin is not a rock climbing veteran, he will surely fall.

I was lying down, and it was about to fall, but the guy was lucky just now, he was a little firm when he caught it, and it was n’t good when it was his turn.

Wu Jilin guessed why the rock was not caught by Fang Ze just now, and then quickly caught up with Fang Ze.

哪里 Where can he think of it, in fact, when Fang Ze just grabbed the rock, the rock was about to fall.

However, Fang Ze, who was so desperate that he wouldn't listen to other people's advice, forced the rock block back with the original force, and then pretended he was holding onto the rock.

"Brother, you're very lucky." Ji Lin chased Shangze and said, "I also tried that rock just now. If I didn't respond quickly, I would almost fall off and hit the wall.

"Oh." Fang Ze answered, and said to Ji Lin, "Brothers have something to say, you make me uncomfortable."

"What can I say," Ji Lin said with a smile, "I just like to teach some beginners how to climb."

"No, I don't think I'm learning anything faster."

既然 "Since we don't learn, let's chat." Ji Lin still did not give up the idea of ​​tangling Fang Ze, he continued, "Brother you come alone or with others."

"Someone else came."

"Oh." Ji Lin heard Fang Ze's answer, and then quickly asked, "I just saw you talking to a woman. Is that your girlfriend?"

"No, she is one of my sisters," Fang Ze replied.

"Then I made a deal with your friend." Ji Lin revealed his purpose, and then chased Shang Ze and said, "Brother, the first time I saw you, you felt that you had a fate with me. Why don't we face this How do Ibi worship the handle. By then you and I will be brothers. "

"You are neurotic." Fang Ze was made to cry and laugh with this Ji Lin. He looked at Chen Huahua, who was climbing in front with chest and ass. Even if he had a baby, he was jealous of 99% of women and turned to look at Ji Lin again, then said, " Is it true that when we two worshipped, you would ask me to introduce my sister to you. "

"Isn't this supposed to be," Ji Lin said with a smile, "I will introduce some friends to you at that time, everyone will play together."

"No need," Fang Ze said, "I look at you and you are not the right person."

"It's okay not to worship." Ji Lin knew that his attempt to know the beautiful hot beauty through Fangze was seen by the other side ~ ~ but he didn't give up easily, and chased the past again Fangze harassed. "My rock climbing experience is really rich. If you want to learn, I will give you all the effort at the bottom of the box. I will tell you that my ancestor was a family of Xi Wu, and I practiced the ancestral skills of my family. If you are willing to make a match, I will painfully teach you the light work of passing on men to women in my family. "

轻 "Light work?" Fang Ze turned to look at Ji Lin and said, "Does the light function of your ancestor let you run from below to the top with only one leg?"

兄弟 "Brothers, light work is the flexibility of training people, not as fantasy as written in the novel." Ji Lin said to Fang Ze, "You must not be misled by martial arts movies and novels."

"But I've really seen others go up the mountain with light work." Fang Zezhuang continued stupidly.

"It must be a wire hanging on the back." Ji Lin said without thinking.

My pretend heart is burning again.

Xi Fangze especially wanted to perform a piece of light work for Ji Lin lively, but unfortunately there was an acquaintance of Chen Huahua, Fang Ze was not easy to explain afterwards.

It makes sense to pretend to show to strangers. Acquaintances have always been compared.

听 As he listened to Ji Lin's endless words, he accelerated his climbing speed, but after a while, Fang Ze climbed into the rest area on the top of the rock wall.

"It's very fast." Chen Huahua was wiping the sweat on her face with a towel, and she saw Fang Ze climb up.

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