My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 608: Royal Sword

In this strange world, Yasuo did not worry about encountering any danger.

It wasn't that he was arrogant enough to think that no one could defeat him, but that he didn't think he would fall down easily until he found the truth about the death of the elders.

之前 Before the war that should change everything, the name Sword Sword Oyasuo represents a talented apprentice in the sword art dojo, the only student among his peers who has mastered the legendary sword sword art. All Ionians believe that Yasuo will become a shining hero of Ionian.

Actually, he thought so too.

But everything changed because of a war.

He can clearly recall every detail of the war of Noxus invasion of Ionia.

Stinging on the battlefield, he was ordered to protect a very important elder of Ionia. Although this mission is friendly to a new soldier entering the battlefield, it is also a manifestation of Ionian's high-level trust in his strength. But the young Yasuo didn't like the task.

He believes that real heroes should kill enemies on the battlefield to reflect their value, rather than stay behind to protect others.

The sword in his hand was always used to attack. Every time you draw a sword, you should go forward.

So, after discovering an excellent opportunity to reverse the situation on the battlefield. Yasuo believes that as long as he joins himself at this time, the situation on the battlefield will instantly reverse.

A hero is a person who can seize opportunities that others cannot.

Alas, he left the elders and went into battle.

This war was finally won.

He did what a hero can do. But he hasn't waited for him to enjoy the joy. When he returned to the elder, he found that the elder was dead.

I died of Royal Wind Sword Art.

The entire Ionian sword, which can only be used by him.

He is wanted by his home country. The charges were for negligence and murder of the elders.

At this time, the truth is no longer important. The death of the elder requires someone to take on this responsibility. Even if someone believes that Yasuo will not betray his country, it is not evidence.

Yasuo embarked on a wandering journey in search of the truth. While searching for another person in the world who can use the Royal Wind Sword Art, he constantly fights against his former classmates.

Then, he killed his own younger brother, Yong En.

Tears were no longer important at this time, and the truth became the obsession in Yasuo's heart.

He knew the news when he was most desperate. The command of Noxus once praised a soldier named Rui Wen. This soldier once released a move with the power of wind on the battlefield.

I learned that Yasuo had the opportunity to go to another world before he started. He decided to take a good rest in the realm, and then went to Noxus in the best state to find Ruiwen.

But unexpectedly, when he came to the realm and opened his eyes, Yasuo saw a person in front of him.

Noxus soldier, Rui Wen!

The chase begins!

Cut before stepping!

With a rock, Ji Yasuo jumped up instantly, approaching Rui Wen's back quickly, and then the sword in his hand suddenly fell off!

The dance of dying wings.

Rui Wen, who was fleeing forward, twisted her body into an incredible angle and avoided Yasuo's attack.

"Why did you run away?" Yasuo shouted to Rui Wen, "People always face their old accounts, Rui Wen. Tell me if you killed the elder."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Rui Wen was wearing a worn armor. In appearance, she was more like a homeless person.

"Sword of Royal Wind!" Yasuo said, "Show me your sword of Royal Wind."

"I won't have any Royal Sword Art, because I don't have a sword at all." Rui Wen escaped faster.

她 She is unfamiliar with this place, so she dare not change lanes easily, in case Yasuo gets stuck in the dead end, she can only keep running towards the mountain.

"It is a joke that the best soldier in Noxus said that he did not have a sword." Yasuo believed that Rui Wen was evading responsibility and the speed of pursuit was happier.

Tong Ruiwen once again used the dance of the wings to jump over a cliff, and then she found that in front of herself, there was a huge sea of ​​people!


Qi Ruiwen found that these people did not have any weapons in their hands, they should be ordinary civilians. Once you are caught up here by the strangely appearing thug behind you, it is likely to hurt these civilians.

Responsibility prompted Rui Wen to make an extremely dangerous decision.

As soon as she stepped on the tree, she changed direction in the air and jumped towards the extremely empty field, which had no idea why it was surrounded by people.

Looks like a ring?

Yan Yasuo followed behind Rui Wen, far more clearly than Rui Wen.

She had originally thought that a soldier from the country of Noxus, known for her cruelty and blood, would get into the crowd, so that she would not throw a sword at herself. But I did not expect the other party to jump over a ring.

I want to choose here to fight myself.

Funny Noxus.

Ji Yasuo kept pace with Rui Wen without hesitation.

"What are these things?" Ning Haitao complained to Gu Yan next to him. "I used to watch Yilin Xiaoxianzi Wujian online ~ ~ I thought there was really martial art in this world. That's why I'm so far away to see the competition. But these people are one by one. What's the difference between a liar and a boxer?

"Maybe I'm afraid that the fight really hurts each other, so now it's a fight of a performance nature." Gu Yan glanced at the ring and saw it was very ugly. It is said that they were two people from a famous martial artist somewhere, holding back Did not talk with Ning Haitao.

"But this act is too fake." Ning Haitao suddenly pointed to the platform, "Look."

Gu Guyou looked up in the direction of Ning Haitao's toilet paper, and found that at this time an old martial artist who looked at the age of 70 or 80 was making a move like Taijiquan.

Then the strong martial artist in his 30s suddenly made an extremely exaggerated pose, showing that he was shot, and then kicked his legs on the ground, and the whole person suddenly fell back on the ground. And rolled a few rolls out of the ring.

"Congratulations to Master Chen from Hongshan Bagua Wuguan for winning." The host on the side saw the result and immediately shouted passionately. "Master Chen from Hongshan Bagua Wuguan defeated his opponent. Master Chen this year though He is over 80 years old, but he still keeps his physical strength the same as that of a guy in his 20s or 30s through his unremitting daily exercise. He just proved himself by defeating his opponent ’s qigong Taijiquan! Let Let us all warmly cheer for him. "

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