My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 643: Secretly good relationship 1

The astronomy hobby is a niche hobby, so once any place finds any results, in a few days, other astronomy enthusiasts around the world will soon know.

When other people thought that the special pattern found on the moon's surface was another hype of the media, such as the 51st area, the back of the moon, and so on, astronomers in various countries soon found this unusual The place.

The clearer astronomical telescope was moved out, and the enthusiasts observed this huge pattern more closely. Now it can be confirmed that this is definitely a pattern with special meaning, and it is likely not naturally formed.

Some experts, professors, immediately emailed the countries that have the ability to take pictures of the moon's surface, hoping that they could take a picture of this place and share the photos.

Because the huge pattern on the surface of the moon has been discovered by many people, the countries that have the ability to take pictures have no intention of hiding it. Soon, a research institution in a European country returned to the satellite based on the ideas shared by everyone. Immediately after the photos were posted on social networking sites, all astronomy enthusiasts could analyze them.

This is a very high resolution photo.

After zooming in, people discovered that what they saw before was not a huge pattern, but a combination of many patterns and characters.

People first discovered the Chinese flag and the American flag pattern.

It's too recognizable after all.

Then, immediately after they recognized the English in the pattern, after understanding the meaning in it, other Chinese people also successfully recognized their Chinese characters.

Chinese base on the moon wishes a happy birthday to the motherland.

The U.S. base on the moon congratulates China on its happy National Day.

Two lines of text were parsed.

The content, the amount, the content is more frightening than what they originally thought was the pattern left by the aliens.

After all, if such a huge pattern is left by an alien, it can be said to be very normal. After all, they have a high level of science and technology. After sneaking a look at the earth, they may graffiti the moon and the earth people for a joke.

But what is the situation with China and the United States, and why do they still have a base on the moon?

And others don't know yet!

You two countries, these days talking about a trade war, everyone thought that you would soon be hostile to each other.

But unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the two of you actually jointly established a base on the moon. Not only did we not share the relevant scientific and technological achievements, we didn't even know.

This is too much!

Faced with this matter, the United States and Huaxia knew earlier than ordinary people.

They took photos on the surface of the moon early, and then compared them, and it turned out that this was actually a string of Chinese characters and English.

Of course there are Chinese and American flags.

Seeing this resolved, the President of the United States and the big brother Hua Xia did the same thing.

Just ask the people next to you if the country really has such a special extraterrestrial base and you don't know.

After being identified by most linguists and astronomers, mainstream scientific journals and news media finally released a news.

Huaxia and the United States colluded to land on the moon. They have created humans on the moon and built a lunar base. The reason why the two countries hide from everyone is because they have to carry people from other countries and divide the earth equally.

Of course this is normal reporting.

Abnormal reports, such as watching the hot spots and news released by the masses themselves, are directly naked, and the United States and China are about to occupy the moon.

Of course, there are some strange points. For example, the aliens contacted Huaxia America and gave them a design that could land on the moon. Therefore, only Huaxia is very American who landed on the moon.

After all, this thing is so weird that most people don't know.

Not to mention ordinary people, even astronomy enthusiasts in other countries who feel something wrong are a bit wrong.

But they couldn't find anything wrong, proving that the two lines were not made by themselves.

Because Hua Xia usually has a low profile, this time the world pretended to be silly and confused.

The United States facing the front is uncomfortable. Other international loves dare not ask, but inquiries and protests from civil groups have been endless.

In some places, large-scale marches have been held to protest the United States' refusal to share the moon base, in violation of the public's right to know.

However, the United States does not have any bases in the moon, so naturally it cannot be shared. As a result, people have been detained with a lot of messy things. At that time, various matters such as the 51st district were also used to restate.

Originally, the United States wanted to draw other countries to sanction Huaxia. As a result, everyone thought that China and the United States were actually performing.

On the surface, there is a trade war, but in fact, the relationship in private is not good. Naturally, no one is willing to work for China in a silly way.

Of course, some countries are stationed in the United States with the exception of countries that control military power.

Of course, on the surface of the moon, the base station on the moon appeared, and Wang Cheng knew them the first time.

Wang Weilai wanted to ask Fang Ze, but when he thought about it, the big guys behind Fang Ze's mountains and seas would no longer be bored to run to the moon and draw.

So after a short trial, Fang Ze made a few laps and gave up.

This matter, like many others, has gradually become an unsolved mystery of the world, and humans can only try to find out the truth after large-scale activities on the surface of the moon.

Prior to this, Huaxia and the United States could not escape, and secretly joined forces to build a base on the surface of the moon and attacked.

Soon after the lunar incident, Fang Ze had seen at least thousands of works, but he still could not find the guest who came by illegally.

However, the optimized version of the play is difficult to make ~ ~ This originally was a web version of the game, Fang Ze originally intended to make a web version.

However, it was later discovered that the web version really limited the performance, and even if it did a good job, it still could not match the screen of the mobile game.

So after thinking about it for a while, Fang Ze made the web version of this game a training mode. That is, players can develop their own game characters on the webpage, such as brushing passed copies, learning skills, manufacturing items, buying and selling, and other operations that do not require screens and performance.

Then Fang Ze made the pc body of the game.

Although the game's body is optimized very well, because Fangze is loaded with too many things, the final volume is as high as more than forty G. The content of the game is equivalent to the God of Warrior version of the swordsman love III. Masterpiece.

Of course, this game's innate shortcomings caused Fang Ze to optimize it into a high-quality online game, not an epoch-making big production.

But such a game is enough for Fangze to open the game company's name with it.

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