My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 648: My wife is a female ghost

"I see." The man said a word to the air with a smile, then put the cup on the table.

It's strange.

Fang Ze looked at the empty room. To be honest, if the water glass had not floated by himself just now, he must think that this man was suffering from hysteria.

The man stayed in the living room for a while and then walked to the bedroom. Fang Ze looked at the living room without anyone, and could not feel the existence of any ghosts, so he flew out of his hiding place, and went from the window to the bedroom window.

"Fleshy, you opened the window for me again." The man saw the open window and talked as he walked towards the window. "I don't feel the room smelly, now I can talk about hygiene. Why do you keep opening windows? "

Then the man closed the window, and Fangze happened to fly in along the gap in the window.

"Well, there is a bird." The man saw Fang Ze turned into a jingwei bird, before he could say anything, he just saw that previous notebook floated in front of the man, and wrote a series of words.

"The window wasn't opened by you, it was this bird." The man looked at Fang Ze's Jing Wei bird in surprise, and it seemed that the invisible existence had communicated with the man on the notebook through writing.

However, the flesh in the man's mouth was really Nie Xiaoqian? Fang Ze had a hint of doubt in his mind.

If it was Nie Xiaoqian, Fang Ze would have sensed the existence of the distance contract. And Nie Xiaoqian will also feel the arrival of Fang Ze, it is impossible to discuss the matter about Fang Ze with this man without hiding.

Fangze dodged the man's hand, and the man did not continue to try to catch Fangze, but left Fangze to stay on top of their cabinet.

"Well, I smoke." The man opened his drawer and found that the smoke in the drawer was gone. "Wife, where did you hide my cigarette?"

The answer to the man was a paper ball thrown over.

"Fleshy, wife." The man flattered and said to the air, "I'll just smoke one, and if so, I'll smoke a cigarette. I'm so tired today, I didn't smoke in the company, so I'll smoke one . "

"Hum." After three or four minutes, a piece of paper with the words on it was flying over.

"Really just give a cigarette." The man looked at the paper flying over with a frown, but when he saw it, he saw that the paper was going to fly back, so he quickly caught it.

"One for one." The man gave a smirk, then looked at the remains in the bedroom. "Fleshy, I'm thinking about changing this photo to color these days. Although you have become a ghost now, you still stay with me, so it's a bit unlucky to put black and white."

The man's words caused the consent of the invisible being. She hurriedly wrote in her notebook, "Remember to choose the best one."

"Okay, I know. I'll find someone for you at that time." The man nodded and said, "Chen Er said that you can exist for decades. By that time, I guess you are still there. So you must Remember to ask your brother's son to give me a colored photo and put it next to your photo. "

Chen Geer

Fang Ze finally got the information he wanted to know from the man's mouth.

In other words, that invisible existence is actually the man's wife. It should have completely died out, but someone helped him convert her deceased wife into a ghost, so that her wife could continue to accompany him with a ghost attitude.

No wonder you can't feel the distance contract, because the man's wife is not disguised by Nie Xiaoqian.

Brother Chen.

Fang Ze thought for a while, flew his wings and then opened the window with the force, and flew out.

"Well, this little bird will really open the window, isn't it a little strange?" The man murmured while watching Fang Ze flying away.

Fly back to the car, Qin Feng sitting in the driver's seat was talking to the figure of Kikyo, and when he saw Fang Ze coming, he opened the window of the car and let Fang Ze fly in.

"Boss, how?" Qin Feng turned to Fang Ze and asked.

"Don't turn your head and let me put on my clothes," Fang Ze said, changing back to his own body, then put on his clothes, and said to the figure of Kikyo, "you go up with me."

The puppet couldn't speak, just nodded, and followed Fangze to the residential building.

"She turned out to be so indifferent to her boss," said Qin Feng, looking at the bellflower doll that left with Fang Ze.

When he came to the door of the man's house, Fang Ze opened the document and took a look. He knew that the man was Huang Zhiyu, and his deceased wife's name was Fang Yunyun. Because he was slightly fat, he had an outsider during his college dormitory Called flesh.

Knock on the door.

Three minutes later, Huang Zhiyu opened the door.

"You are." Huang Zhiyu glanced at the famous figure of the bellflower in a witch costume, and my heart beat for a moment ~ ~ We are in a special department. Fang Ze took out his demon management bureau's certificate to give the other a glance, then put it back in his pocket.

"Special departments." Huang Zhiyu stuttered suddenly. "Well, you are deceiving people. I have never heard of any special department in the country. You want to deceive people to go elsewhere."

Huang Zhiyu said that he wanted to close the door, but Fang Ze reached out and blocked the door.

"We just wanted to ask you something, not to trouble your wife. Please cooperate." Fang Ze also had a good opinion of this infatuated man, so he didn't say too much, just waved Wave the file, "We only came to you after we had a very detailed understanding of you. I hope you can let us in and talk to you."

"I don't have any money at home, so you can lie to someone else." Huang Zhiyu heard Fang Ze's words and insisted on closing the door, but Fang Ze went on to say, "The bird you saw in the bedroom before was We send it over. "

Huang Zhiyu's closing motion stopped.

Fang Ze can say this, he must know all the actions and conversations he had in the bedroom just now.

He tilted his head and found that only Fang Ze and the woman in the witch's costume came, so he thought about it, opened the door, and said, "You come in then."

Entering the room, Fang Ze and Kikyo's natal dolls sat on the sofa in the living room. Then Fang Ze opened Huang Zhiyu's file in his hand and gave Huang Zhiyu a look.

Looking at the files, from primary school to university, to work, all the life resumes and evaluations of teachers, friends, and supervisors, Huang Zhiyu knew that even if the two in front of him were not even members of the special government department, he could not provoke It can't be avoided.

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