My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 652: She is the honey in despair

Chapter 652: She Is The Honey In Despair

For the Huaxia people, most of the feudal traditions have disappeared. But there are still some people who stubbornly cling to ancient ideas.

This kind of thing is not only at Haiping, but also in some famous areas, they still adhere to the traditional customs of their daughters not marrying.

Although Li Zihao did not understand Nie Xiaoqian.

But he can see that Nie Xiaoqian is the only thing in the eyes of Chen Jian that the family cannot take away from him.

After all, a female ghost, let alone Chen Jian's family, even before Li Zihao met Nie Xiaoqian, he didn't believe that there really were ghosts in this world, and what kind of demon world there was.

"Give me the car key!" Chen Jian ignored Nie Xiaoqian who told him not to do this, and reached out to Li Zihao for the key.

"Nie Xiaoqian." Li Zihao did not follow Chen Jian's words, but looked at Nie Xiaoqian, "If you really stay here, will there be a demon world invading the earth?"

"Yes," Nie Xiaoqian answered truthfully.

"How severe are the consequences?"

"By then, the tens of millions of ghosts that have been broken and not seen under the rule of the old demon in Montenegro will come to the world, and they will all feed on humans. Except for monks who have aura, ordinary people can do nothing about them. "

"What do you ask so much!" Chen Jian shouted at Li Zihao.

"I can't give you the key," Li Zihao said. "If the consequences are really that serious, I'm sorry, I think you should stay here now until Fangze arrives."

"Sorry for you!" Chen Jian was furious again! "What are you pretending to be here for me. Haven't you said that if you meet a woman who wants to live a lifetime, even if the world is against you, you will be with her."

"Yes, I said it." Li Zihao looked at Chen Jian and said, "But please remember it. The reason you care so much about Nie Xiaoqian is that you coward wants to resist his family, but he can't bear his own Chen family. Status, so they dare not be with others, and can only choose a female ghost that their parents cannot see. "

"You tell me again!"

"I said you're a coward!" Li Zihao and Chen Jianding were together. "The world of **** is against it. What do you want to do to destroy the world. You can't just ask everyone in the world to ask. If you have the courage to take your girlfriend to go high flying with you when you are in college, your parents can send someone to arrest you and go back! "

"It's all too cowardly for you! You can't bear to own everything, and you want to own more. Who in the world can own everything, ah! Tell me! If you want to own, you have to give up. Previously a coward, Now it ’s exciting, right? "

"You're right, I'm really a coward." Chen Jian burst into tears holding his head. "I heard a story. A traveler was chased by a wild elephant, and he could only try to hide in a well. Here, but there is a poisonous snake coiled under the well.

The traveller in a hurry reached out and grabbed a small branch above the entrance, stabilizing him in the air. But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he found that a mouse was eating the trunk, and the twigs would soon break.

Just before he was about to die, he saw a drop of honey on the leaves in front of him, so he forgot the wild elephant above, the poisonous snake below and the rat about to bite off the branch, stuck out his tongue, and concentrated on licking Dripping honey.

I'm holding this tree now, and Nie Xiaoqian is my drop of honey. I really don't know what to do. For me, the loss of Nie Xiaoqian has to change back to that cold masked self. But keeping Nie Xiaoqian, but also facing the destruction of the world, tell me what to do! "

"Or wait for Fang Ze to come, I believe Fang Ze will have a solution." Li Zihao relieved the city.

But he hadn't waited for Li Zihao to say anything. Suddenly, the sound of bullet loading sounded.

Chen Jian stood up with a pistol.

No one knows when he hid a Colt pistol that everyone usually keeps in the warehouse in the bedroom.


The pistol's insurance was opened. Chen Jian held the pistol, burst into tears, pointed at Li Zihao and said, "The key."

Li Zihao did not know if the monster invasion would actually happen. But as soon as Chen Jian shakes his hand, Li Zihao may not even have the chance to see the demon invasion.

So he said nothing, immediately threw the key to Chen Jian, and hurried to aside to prevent Chen Jian's fingers from shaking, accomplishing the achievement of killing his teammates in reality for the first time in his life.

"Sorry." Chen Jian picked up the key, held a pistol, and took the box containing Nie Xiaoqian's hand bones, and just left.

"Hey. What's wrong with you." After Chen Jian left with a pistol and drove away, a few friends who were looking away from the distance came over and asked Li Zihao. As a result, Chen Jian slept her, so that you can only run away with her sister ~ ~ After listening to these friends, Li Zihao pointed at the friend's head in a complicated mood and said, "You The brain hole is big, but not big enough. "

"What the **** is going on. This gun is moving, what a serious matter." Friends still feel inexplicable.

"Don't say this first." Li Zihao picked up the phone card that Chen Jianyu cut off on the ground, then looked at his friend and said, "Can you fix my phone card?"

"You have to find God. But have you stored the contact's mobile number in the calling card, so you can't make a call without a calling card."

"My pig brain!" Li Zihao patted his head, then grabbed a friend's cell phone, took out the phone card and plugged it into his cell phone.

Emperor Capital, Fang Ze was taking Wang Cheng, Kikyo's natal doll, and Qin Feng rushing to the demon management bureau by car.

Wang Cheng was brought because Fang Ze did find Nie Xiaoqian this time, all relying on the help of the state.

What the state does in front of the country, the state will not care, because the state does not contribute, but just rub the bottom. So there is no reason to care. This time, Fang Ze mobilized all the manpower in the four cities, so the country hopes to be able to confirm that what Ze said is true.

Otherwise, when Fang Ze returned from a circle in Australia, I said that I have saved the world. Does the country have to give Fang Ze a prize?

Even if you cheat money, you have to be a ppt!

So Fang Ze could only take Wang Cheng this time.

"You said that they are in Australia. Now I should immediately ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to arrange a flight to Australia so that you can reach Australia directly. Do you have anything to get back to you?"

Before Fang Ze had time to answer, his cell phone rang, so he said sorry, and then picked up the phone first.

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