My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 764: Endless death

The big cat finished talking about the restoration of Baron Nash, and then talked about the shielding.

"Because Baron Nash of Valorland is very famous on Earth, once it appears in this world, it will definitely cause a sensation. So I will use the shielding mechanism on Baron Nash later."

"That is to say, Eri and the next guest who have not left may not be blocked?"

"Yes," Big Meow nodded, "but you don't have to worry too much about this issue."

Da Meow said to Fang Ze, "Although the next guest's popularity is also very high, but they are all in their teenage years, so don't worry about them being recognized."

"Okay, I see." Fang Ze was relieved a little, and then asked Da Meow, "Do you know where the egg is now? And how long is Baron Nash able to restore his strength to the point where I can't eliminate it?" To the point. "

"Baron Nash takes about two weeks or so to restore your strength to the point where you can't defeat it by any means. But if you ignore the lives of other people on the planet, you can throw Water Warcraft over and let him and Baron Nash fight slowly. It's estimated that after a monster has ruined more than half of North America, it will be able to determine the outcome. "

"North America?" Fang Ze heard the position of Baron Nash's egg from the big meow's words, and hurriedly asked, wouldn't you want to say that Baron Nash's egg is now in the United States.

"It's true," Da Meow said to Fang Ze. "I only knew it just after watching the news."

"What the hell? Watch the news?"

"Yes." Dameo took out Fang Ze's mobile phone flexibly, and then opened a news for Fang Ze to watch.

"The U.S. government has announced that it will publicly display a mysterious dome obtained in Australia."


Americans really don't die if they don't do anything.

Fang Ze originally thought that even if other forces got the egg left by Baron Nash, he would surely hide the egg in a research base in the desert to study slowly.

But never thought they actually showed the egg publicly. This is not fast enough to fear death.

"Is this good news?" Fang Ze said with tears and laughter at the big cat. "When Baron Nash emerges from the shell, the Americans will try to find out how strong Baron Nash was when we were young."

"That's right. I don't understand the grievances between you humans," Da Meow said to Fang Ze, "but the heat weapon has limited damage to Baron Nash. Such legendary creatures are not very harmful to heat weapons Concentrated attacks can defend well, and heal quickly while fighting. Only cold weapons, magic, pure power can cause him great damage. "

"I understand that when you say that." Fang Ze heard the words of Da Meow, and immediately understood that this should be a complement to some bugs in the plot after the League of Legends became a virtual world.

After all, the technology of hot weapons has been born in the Valoran continent, but most heroes are still using swords to fight. In order to justify this phenomenon, the virtual world can only add the ability of legendary creatures such as dragons not to fear hot weapons such as artillery.

This kind of thing is of course no problem on the mainland of Varoland. After all, there are piles of warriors on the mainland of Varoland. If the artillery can't blow up, slash it with a sword.

But in a world like Earth where everyone is basically using hot weapons, it is more tragic.

Therefore, the Americans really did a big death this time.

Once Baron Nash, Valoran's old dragon, appeared in New York, the most prosperous city in the United States may say goodbye to the United States from now on.

"By the way, today is Friday. Your guests should leave soon. I will pay you for the pick-up now. You can wait until the next week when the guests leave."

"No problem." Fang Ze nodded as soon as he thought he was about to face a legendary creature.

"This week's pick-up reward is two abilities and one item. The first ability is the blood of the white king. After getting the blood of the dragon king and white king in the dragon family, you will also get a random spiritual spirit (dragon) A kind of attack ability of medium dragons and mixed blood dragons, similar to skills.) "

After listening to Big Meow, Fang Ze considered it.

The first ability may sound good, but Fang Ze himself now has the blood of his son-in-law, and then merges into a blood of the White King. Even if he does not explode due to the conflict between the two blood, he must also consider it. After the blood vessels are fused, will they interfere with each other?

"The second one," he asked.

"The second ability is endless death. This was originally the effect of the Spiritual Judgment on Eri's clothing. Its role is to attach to any sword, and then when the sword cuts the enemy, this ability will prevent the enemy's wound from healing , Has been bleeding. "

This ability is amazing.

Fang Ze was a little bit emotional.

This ability is definitely the best ability to use when facing huge monsters like the previous tree demon or Baron Nash who is about to break out of the shell.

The reason why these huge monsters are so powerful is largely because of the vitality brought by their huge bodies.

But once you have this ability, you can cause the opposite side to continue bleeding, and then to death.

"Where's the next one?" Fang Ze made a firm decision in his heart. Unless the last option was very powerful, he had to choose this ability.

"The next reward is an item, a long sword Tian Congyun made of sharp bones on the tail of Hachi's serpent."

Tian Congyun's sword has appeared in the original works of the Dragon Clan. Although it can be regarded as a magic soldier, it does not have much ability ~ ~ is only very sharp.

So this reward is not only incomparable to the endless death, even the task of Bai Wang bloodline is not as good.

So Fang Ze made up his mind and said to the big cat, "Just choose the ability of endless death."

"Okay." Big Meow skipped and pressed Fang Ze's forehead, then said to Fang Ze, "Yes, by the way, remind you that the guests next week are a very famous brother. My brother is a good man Brother is not, you are ready to meet. "

After the big cat talked, he left, and Fang Ze thought about it for a while, then let it go.

After all, the main thing now is how to solve that Baron Nash.

Now that Americans have publicly exhibited Baron Nash's egg, Wang Cheng must have heard the news long ago.

And after such a long time, Wang Cheng still didn't inform himself about this matter, then the attitude of the country is worthwhile.

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