My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 770: Wayne the Hunter

"I definitely didn't step back." Harrison heard the assistant's words and said with certainty, "Someone pulled me."

"Are you confused?" Emilia looked at Harrison and said, "No one is behind you at all."

"No, it's not a person, or an ordinary person." Harrison thought of it instantly, and after looking around, he didn't get anything, so he directly shouted into the air, "Mr. Hunter, just now Is it you? "

Harrison's shout didn't get any response, and even Emilia thought he was a bit nervous.

But just when Harrison really thought he was thinking wrong and was about to leave, a strange bird flew down from the top of the tree next to him and landed gently on the truck in front of Harrison. on.

"Mr. Demon Hunter?" Harrison asked the bird with a careful look.

The bird didn't speak, just nodded, but it also proved that this bird is not an ordinary bird.

"Harrison." Seeing this scene, even Emilia standing behind felt that what Harrison had said may be true, and the Demon Hunter was nearby.

After all, most birds have night blindness and can't see anything at night. Therefore, it is impossible for birds to come out at this time.

"Are you looking for a quiet place to talk to me?" Harrison didn't react much after seeing this strange bird nodded, and instantly realized that it was not a good place to talk on the side of the road. .

So Harrison picked up his luggage, and went on to their house with Emilia, and when they left, the strange bird flew up.

This made Harrison believe more and more about his guess.

There are no hotels in the town, but there is a vacant holiday villa. The owner of this villa is a fan of Harrison. When he heard that Harrison was about to come to this town, he lent the villa to him temporarily.

Opening the door of the villa, Harrison and Emilia walked into the villa with backpacks.

But to their surprise, although the little bird followed up with the villa, he still did not speak.

Harrison didn't know what to do for a moment. He opened the kitchen cabinet, took out two bottles of drinking water, unscrewed the vertical bottle, and said to the bird, "Would you like to drink some water?"

"I would be even happier if there was wine." A sudden voice sounded in the room, only to see the little bird who had come in with Harrison and Emilia suddenly turned into a hoodie People stood in the living room.

"The demon hunter!" Harrison listened to the familiar voice, looked at the familiar hoodie in front of him, and immediately recognized that this was the demon hunter he had met with him before.

"I think they have wine here, sir, please wait a moment." Harrison couldn't care that this was someone else's home, and hurriedly took out two bottles of wine from the refrigerator.

If you can invite the demon hunter to have a glass of wine, even if the owner of the villa knows it, it will be very happy.

"Live live." Harrison quietly shouted to Emilia as she walked towards the Demon Hunter.

"I opened it before we entered the room." Emilia blinked at Harrison, and then picked up her phone to let Harrison watch the live broadcast.

I saw in the chat box next to it, many viewers in the broadcast room were discussing the scene just like the transformation of Druid.

"No money for you, please." Harrison gave Amelia a thumbs up, then came to the demon hunter with a Portuguese wine.

"Dear Lord Demon Hunter, you saved me just now. At that time I felt like I was going to meet Death soon, but I was saved by a mysterious force. My first reaction was that you were nearby."

"You don't need to call it that respectful." The Lord Demon Hunter seemed to be meeting with Harrison for the second time, so he showed a lot of familiarity. "My name is Bruce Wayne. You can also call me Wayne."

"Bruce Wayne?" Harrison froze when he heard the Demon Hunter's claim.

"What's wrong." He took Master Wayne's name without any hesitation and watched Harrison pretend to be innocent.

"Um, your name is very similar to one of our superheroes in the United States," Harrison said. "So I was a little shocked just now."

"Superhero, what is that?"

"It's used to refer to some powerful (bone) human (gray) titles." Harrison really didn't know how to explain the Batman thing, so he opened the topic and asked Fang Ze, "Wayne Why are you here, sir, is there another giant monster nearby? "

"Of course not." Fang Ze replied, "Actually I came to find an egg I had lost before. But I couldn't find it, and I just saw you."

"An egg?" Harrison, after listening to His Majesty the Hunter, quickly took out his phone, retrieved a picture, and said to His Majesty the Hunter, "Is this egg?"

"Yes." Demon Hunter Wayne took a closer look at Harrison's phone and said, "Who painted it, it looks realistic."

"This is not a painting." Harrison heard that the egg taken away by the US government was lost by the demon hunter, and quickly said, "This is a shot from New York. This egg was brought to New York by the Americans. "

"Really?" The demon hunter seemed shocked when he heard Harrison's words ~ ~ But after the egg was lost, we asked the US government to help us find it. He said they didn't find it. "

Although Harrison was looking for a taunt to the demon hunter that the government was a liar, but because the live broadcast was now running, and he was afraid that he would be refused entry by the customs later, he closed his mouth.

"I'm sure this egg is now in New York, and the creature inside the egg is running out. It is a snake with many eyes. Do you know what the cub is?"

"That's not a pup of an animal," said Demon Hunter Wayne helplessly. "The egg was originally sealed with a monster named Nash. Because he is very powerful, we can't kill him, so we can only seal him. Get up. But I didn't expect that this egg was lost unfortunately when the tree demon was destroyed. "

"If this is the case, is that monster running out again? Is it dangerous?"

"In ancient times, this monster named Nash could easily destroy a country." Demon Hunter Wayne knocked on his head and said, "But he just broke through the seal, so there should be a long time to restore the original. Strength."

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