My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 772: I am God

And Huaxia, such an ancient civilization that has never been passed down, naturally records this aspect of history.

Judging from the situation where demon hunters and warriors appeared in Huaxia before, it may be that Huaxia is deeper than anyone else in terms of supernatural abilities.

In retrospect, is the reason why the Huaxia heritage has not been interrupted because the country has supernatural forces behind it?

Before Fang Ze had time to return to China, the country headed by the United States began to collectively attack China, saying that China had concealed many secrets from the world for its selfish desire, and required China to hand over all the information about the guardians of human civilization.

After all, don't care if the demon hunter is really telling the truth, as long as you have the opportunity, you can touch the porcelain Huaxia very skillfully.

For the United States, this method of touching porcelain is more reliable than accusing Huaxia of attacking their embassy with ultrasonic weapons.

But Huaxia Huaxia originally completed this plan with Fangze, so how could it not be expected that this result would naturally remain silent until Baron Nash turned upside down in New York.

Sunday, Egypt, inside a magnificent pyramid.

"The front is Pharaoh's graveyard." A tour guide was explaining tourism knowledge to tourists who came here, and all the tourists who followed her suddenly exclaimed.

"Please keep quiet." The tour guide shouted subconsciously, at this time a tourist pointed at the coffin of Pharaoh in front of the tour guide and said, "That coffin seems to be opened."

"How is it possible." The guide thought to himself that the bones of the Pharaoh in the coffin had long been transported to the museum by Europeans, and even scammers could only lie in European museums. Instead of a fake coffin.

But when the tour guide looked at the coffin, they found that the originally sealed coffin board seemed to be slowly being removed by something.


A loud noise accompanied the screams of tourists, and a person who seemed to be made of sand stood up from the coffin.

"Damn, who replaced me with a coffin board and took my body away, so I could only make a body out of sand."

The roar of the Sharen does not know which country's language is used, but the magic is that no matter what the country is, they can understand the words of the Sharen.

Just as the tour guide wanted to turn around and run away, the resurrected sand man grabbed the tour guide, then rolled it gently, and rolled him to his eyes. "Tell me where my coffin and body have gone."

"They are in France." The guide was screamed in fright.

After all, in historical records, the Pharaohs were not good people, and murder would never be softened.

"Where is that." The pharaoh made of sand did not know where France was, and asked the tour guide a few more words, until the tour guide trembled and gave him a scientific look at European history. local.

"It's too far away," the Sharen complained, and then whispered to himself, "Forget it, go to your body after attending the meeting."

When the sand man finished speaking, it turned into a mad sand that rolled out of the pyramid from the pyramid, so that more people saw him.

Not long after the news of the Saudis appeared in Egypt, a big news broke out in Greece.

When people were filming the ancient city, they found a woman wearing a warrior costume flying over the sky on a huge dove, and the direction of the flight was exactly Huaxia.

News after news is silently proving that what the Demon Hunter said to Harrison in Australia was true.

There is really such a guardian of civilization in human history, and Huaxia, an ancient country, has always shouldered the responsibility of protecting human civilization.

Although in the eyes of other countries, Huaxia is to monopolize the guardians of civilization.

On Sunday afternoon, when Fang Ze flew back to the imperial capital on a plane arranged by the state, Wang Cheng's phone number was called.

"Now the net is ready. It's a mess in New York. But why has Baron Nash been doing nothing until now? Now the United States is putting a lot of pressure on the country, and we all put the treasure on Baron Nash."

"I'm a little strange about Baron Nash," Fang Zeer said, "It should have been with the US military in New York for a few days now, but it has never disappeared and it has no idea where to hide.

But it doesn't matter. With the restoration of strength, Baron Nash will not only get bigger and bigger, but also need more and more electricity. There are always times when he can't hide it. "

As Fang Ze said, he went into the toilet of the airport and prepared to go to the toilet.

But the strange thing is, the toilet here doesn't know when there is an extra door, which needs to be opened by Fang Ze to enter.

Fang Ze originally wanted to push in the door directly, but her eyes slanted, but she saw a shadow in the upper door slit.

"I have something to do, and I'll talk to you later." Fang Ze hung up Wang Cheng's phone, and then pretended to open the door of the toilet as if nothing had been found.

When Fangze opened the door, a bucket full of water tilted and smashed towards Fangze. From a perspective, the bucket was deliberately placed on the door of the toilet, and was intentionally tampered with when the person pushed it away.

"Unexpected surprise!" As the bucket was about to hit Fang Ze's head, a 13- or 4-year-old fart child struggling to comb his hair like an adult also jumped out of a compartment in the toilet and faced Fang Ze shouted.

"It was a surprise indeed." Fang Ze snapped his fingers as the bucket was about to hit him ~ ~ I saw that the bucket that was about to hit Fang Ze's head flew to the little fart instantly. On his head, and then a bucket full of water instantly poured this little fart child into a cool heart, his heart fluttered.

"Happy or not." Fang Ze looked at the little fart forced by a bucket of water and walked over to squat in front of him and asked.

"You, how dare you tease a god!" After shouting for a while, the little fart suddenly shouted at Fangze.

"You will be beaten if you talk like this." Fang Ze had already guessed the identity of the little fart boy.

Although I was a little surprised at why my brother who was supposed to be here was not here, it was fun to bully my brother at this time.

"I am a god, no one dares to hit me." Xiao Fang looked at Fang Ze and continued to shout hard.

"If you really think so, stay away from someone who is green all over."

Fang Ze looked at this little fart boy and remembered that after many years, he told the Hulk Bruce Banner that I was a god, and the classic scene of being violent by Banner.

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