My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 779: Disappearing electricity

The multi-eyed snake monster that fled from the exhibition hall appeared again because it was broadcast live by several major TV stations, so not only Americans are sitting in front of the TV watching the progress of the situation, but also people in other countries in the world who have channels are also on TV and Watch this unprecedented live broadcast online.

But at the most critical moment when Guanghua was soaring into the sky, the major TV stations suddenly seemed like unscrupulous authors trained in the chapter-breaking class, but they were broken at the critical moment!

Yes, it was disconnected. At the same time, no matter which TV station, the live signal was instantly interrupted, and it could no longer be connected.

Could it be that the US government has cut off the live signal?

Suddenly, people put their skeptical eyes first on the US government.

But then it was discovered that some of the anchors who lived close to the Manfreds' family and rushed over early to take the mobile phone live broadcast at the same time also broke off.

As people around the world were anxiously searching for the truth, the American soldiers who were standing in front of Baron Nash were also aggressive.

Because at the moment when the sky pillars of light rose, all the electronic devices on them lost their effect at the same time.

"What's going on!" The commander looked at the electronic communication equipment that had been de-energized, and yelled at the soldiers. "Why is there no power suddenly?"

"Report to the sir, all of our electronic equipment, including the backup battery, is out of power!" After a simple inspection, the soldiers found that not only the electronic communication equipment was powered off, but all the equipment that needed electricity, in Work stopped at the same time.

The reason for all this is not the failure of the equipment, but the lack of power.

Not only on the ground, but at this time several helicopters flying in the sky also began to make emergency landings around them. It seems that the same problem occurred.

"There is something wrong with this beam of light!" The commander suddenly realized why the monster had disappeared since its birth, because it was waiting for this moment.

To make matters worse, no one knows how far this beam of light is.

You know, Wall Street is also in New York.

If Wall Street also loses power because of this beam of light, for the global financial markets, it will be a shock that is no less than a nuclear bomb.

"Set fire to this monster!" When the commander thought of it, he immediately ordered the soldiers, and instructed the liaison officer to quickly find a car that had not turned off and drove to the nearest military base to check it. There is no electricity.

Upon receiving the command of the chief, the soldiers immediately acted, and no matter whether it was a rich area or not, they all took out all the equipment that could now be activated and set fire to Baron Nash.

Bullets from the machine gun's tongue and rockets with tails smashed mercilessly on Baron Nash.

But the point of attack was almost tickling to Baron Nash, and he couldn't hurt him at all.

The humans here have only this little ability.

Baron Nash looked at the busy American soldier and suddenly felt that he might have been a little too cautious before.

But now it doesn't matter anymore, he sprayed a mouthful of corrosive green liquid and smashed into the middle of an armored vehicle.

I saw that these sturdy armored vehicles began to corrode like paper, and with good luck, half of the body was left, and bad luck disappeared directly from the road.

And the person sprayed by Baron Nash's saliva, no matter how much a drop of acid he touched, would immediately fall to the ground.

Baron Nash only took a few spits, and the American soldiers present basically lost their fighting ability, and gave up one by one to continue the attack.

The commander was fortunate not to be killed in the first round of Baron Nash's attack, but he looked at everything in front of him, and for a moment did not know how to give orders.

"Walk, everyone is here to be distant at once." An old soldier who had been on the battlefield immediately realized that the giant monster in front of him could not be solved with these few guns, so he immediately shouted that his companions should be evacuated from Baron Nash's attack Range to prevent further casualties.

"Yes, we evacuate first." The commander who came back to God shouted, seeing that the soldiers in the distance could not hear him, so he simply ran to the distance.

Because communications equipment has all failed, communication between the US military basically relies on howling.

The soldiers in the distance did not listen to the veterans and the commander, but they knew what the commander was doing when he turned around and ran away.

Suddenly all soldiers scrambled to follow the commander and began to escape.

Some of the armored vehicles they drove before did not turn off, and they were able to drive away. Some had already turned off. Without a trace of electricity, these vehicles could not be started at all.

American soldiers, who were used to military vehicles for the first time, began to imagine that if there were a bicycle nearby.

Reporters from other television stations saw that the soldiers had begun to evacuate. Some chose to evacuate with the soldiers, while others chose to see what would change at the scene.

However, because all their devices, including mobile phones, were de-energized, they could only take text records.

"That, Nosa." The reporter from cbs TV is also a member here. She looked at Noosa, who had also been scared by sudden changes. "Did you just say that this multi-eyed snake and you are Family? Can your husband and wife now try to persuade this monster and stop the eyes from harming human beings ~ ~ said that such an ugly guy is a family. "Noosa looked at the constant use of acid Baron Nash, who attacked American soldiers, shouted in a collapse, "If we weren't going to use him to show off on social media, he would have killed him long ago!"

Nosa's words in a crash, although not recorded in the video, were recorded by a journalist on cbs television with a pen.

When the reporter hesitated to leave now or stay for a while, the Manfreds and the two behind started to support each other and ran to the distance, never mentioning their pets and family .

Coincidentally, at this time Baron Nash also spit a sip of acid here.

The acid fell right on Manfred's side.

Nosha, who was originally held by Manfreda, suddenly felt light in her hands. She took a closer look and found her husband. Manfred's body had completely turned into a liquid at this time, and the only remaining arm was being taken. She grabbed it.

The frightened Nosa directly lost her husband's arm, and Fei fled to the distance.

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